TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.5.2 • Public • Published


Miscellaneous utilities

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How to use

First add it as a dependency:

npm install @handy-common-utils/misc-utils

Then you can use it in the code:

import { shortBase64UrlFromUInt32 } from '@handy-common-utils/misc-utils';

const urlSafeBase64 = shortBase64UrlFromUInt32(12345);
 // use chalk (chalk is not a dependency of this package, you need to add chalk as a dependency separately)
 import chalk from 'chalk';
 import { LineLogger } from '@handy-common-utils/misc-utils';

 // this.flags is an object with properties "debug" and "quiet"
 this.output = LineLogger.consoleWithColour(this.flags, chalk);
 this.output.warn('Configuration file not found, default configuration would be used.');  // it would be printed out in yellow
import { mask, maskAll, maskEmail, maskFullName, pathBasedReplacer } from '@handy-common-utils/misc-utils';

const masked = JSON.stringify(obj, pathBasedReplacer([
  [/(^|\.)x-api-key$/i, maskAll],
  [/(^|\.)customer\.name$/i, maskFullName],
  [/(^|\.)customer\..*[eE]mail$/i, maskEmail],
  [/(^|\.)zip$/i, (value: string) => value.slice(0, 3) + 'XX'],
  [/(^|\.)cc$/i, () => undefined],
  [/(^|\.)ssn$/i, mask],


In software development, it's often necessary to hide sensitive information to protect user privacy or comply with regulations. Masking is a common technique used to replace part of a sensitive value with a different, non-sensitive value. For example, you might mask credit card numbers, passwords, or email addresses.

The mask(input, keepLeft = 1, keepRight = 0, minLength = 3, maskLengthOrMaskString = null, maskPattern = '*') function can be used to mask the content of a string, replacing a part of the input string with a mask string. It takes several optional parameters, including the number of characters to keep on the left and right sides of the string, a minimum length for the input string to have unmask characters kept, and the mask pattern to use. The maskEmail(input) and maskFullName(input) functions are specific variations of the mask function that target email addresses and full names, respectively. The maskAll(input) function masks all characters.




expect(maskFullName('James Hu')).to.equal('J**** **');
expect(maskFullName('John Smith')).to.equal('J*** S****');
expect(maskFullName('John von Neumann')).to.equal('J*** v** N******');
expect(maskFullName('Two  Spaces')).to.equal('T**  S*****');

Replacers for JSON.stringify(input, replacer, space)

The pathAwareReplacer(replacer, options) function allows you to build a replacer function that can be passed to JSON.stringify(input, replacer, space). Besides the key, value, and owning object, it also exposes more information to your callback function, such like the full property path as both a dot (.) separated string and as an array, and an array of ancestor objects. This can be useful when you need to replace specific values in an object, but you also want to know where those values were located in the object.

pathBasedReplacer is a function that takes an array of path-based masking rules and returns a function that can be used as the second parameter in the JSON.stringify function. This function allows you to mask sensitive information during JSON.stringify in a very flexible way.

Each element in the rules array contains two parts: a regular expression that matches the full paths to the values you want to mask or replace, and a masking or replacing function that takes the original value as input and returns the masked or replaced value.

For example, you could use pathBasedReplacer to replace all credit card numbers in an object with masked versions of the numbers:

const maskCreditCard = (value: any) => "****-****-****-" + value.slice(-4);

const replacer = pathBasedReplacer([
  [/(^|\.)billing\.cc$/i, maskCreditCard]

const json = JSON.stringify({
  to: 'auditor@example.com',
  cc: 'auditing-trail@example.com',
  year: 2023,
  month: 2,
  orders: [
      id: 123,
      billing: {
        address: '19 High Street',
        cc: '1234-5678-2222-3333',
      id: 124,
      billing: {
        address: '88 Main Street',
        cc: '3435-8933-0009-2241',
}, replacer, 2);


The substituteAll(input, searchPattern, substitute) function allows you to perform substitutions on an input string by matching a specified pattern and replacing the matches with substitution strings built by a function. It provides flexibility in handling complex substitution scenarios through the substitute callback function.

Example Usage Scenarios:

  • Templating: Replace placeholder variables in a template string with dynamic values. For example, transforming the template "Hello, {name}! How are you, {name}? I am {me}." into "Hello, John! How are you, John? I am James." by substituting {name} with the value "John" and {me} with value "James".
const input = 'Hello, {name}! How are you, {name}? I am {me}.';
const searchPattern = /{([^{}]+)}/g;
const dict: Record<string, string> = {
  name: 'John',
  me: 'James',
const substitute: Parameters<typeof substituteAll>[2] = (_match, result) => {
  const key = result[1];
  return dict[key] ?? `{NOT FOUND: ${key}}`;
const result = substituteAll(input, searchPattern, substitute);
  • Text Transformation: Modify specific segments of a string based on predefined patterns. For instance, converting dates written in a non-standard format, such as "MM/DD/YY", to a standardized format, like "YYYY-MM-DD", using a suitable regular expression pattern and substitution logic.
const input = 'Event date: 12/31/21';
const searchPattern = / ((\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}))/g;
const substitute = (_: string, result: any) => {
  const [match, date, month, day, year] = result;
  const formattedDate = `20${year}-${month}-${day}`;
  return match.replace(date, formattedDate);

const result = substituteAll(input, searchPattern, substitute);







A LineLogger logs/prints one entire line of text before advancing to another line. This class is useful for encapsulating console.log/info/warn/error functions. By having an abstraction layer, your code can switching to a different output with nearly no change.

Please note that although the name contains "Logger", this class is not intended to be used as a generic logger. It is intended for "logging for humans to read" scenario.

LineLogger.console() and LineLogger.consoleWithColour() are ready to use convenient functions. Or you can use the constructor to build your own wrappers.


// Just a wrapper of console.log/info/warn/error
const consoleLogger = LineLogger.console();

// Wrapper of console.log/info/warn/error but it mutes console.log
const lessVerboseConsoleLogger = LineLogger.console({debug: false});

// Wrapper of console.log/info/warn/error but it mutes console.log and console.info
const lessVerboseConsoleLogger = LineLogger.console({quiet: true});

// use chalk (chalk is not a dependency of this package, you need to add chalk as a dependency separately)
import chalk from 'chalk';
// this.flags is an object with properties "debug" and "quiet"
this.output = LineLogger.consoleWithColour(this.flags, chalk);
this.output.warn('Configuration file not found, default configuration would be used.');  // it would be printed out in yellow

Type parameters

Name Type
DEBUG_FUNC extends Function
INFO_FUNC extends Function
WARN_FUNC extends Function
ERROR_FUNC extends Function



new LineLogger<DEBUG_FUNC, INFO_FUNC, WARN_FUNC, ERROR_FUNC>(debugFunction, infoFunction, warnFunction, errorFunction, isDebug?, isQuiet?)


Type parameters
Name Type
DEBUG_FUNC extends Function
INFO_FUNC extends Function
WARN_FUNC extends Function
ERROR_FUNC extends Function
Name Type Default value Description
debugFunction DEBUG_FUNC undefined function for outputting debug information
infoFunction INFO_FUNC undefined function for outputting info information
warnFunction WARN_FUNC undefined function for outputting warn information
errorFunction ERROR_FUNC undefined function for outputting error information
isDebug boolean false is debug output enabled or not, it could be overriden by isQuiet
isQuiet boolean false is quiet mode enabled or not. When quiet mode is enabled, both debug and info output would be discarded.


Property Description
isDebug: boolean = false is debug output enabled or not, it could be overriden by isQuiet
isQuiet: boolean = false is quiet mode enabled or not. When quiet mode is enabled, both debug and info output would be discarded.
Static Protected NO_OP_FUNC: () => void



Static console<FLAGS>(flags?, debugFlagName?, quietFlagName?): LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

Build an instance with console.log/info/warn/error.

Type parameters
Name Type
FLAGS extends Record<string, any>
Name Type Default value Description
flags FLAGS undefined The flag object that contains fields for knowning whether debug is enabled and whether quiet mode is enabled. Values of those fields are evaluated only once within this function. They are not evaluated when debug/info/warn/error functions are called.
debugFlagName keyof FLAGS 'debug' Name of the debug field in the flags object
quietFlagName keyof FLAGS 'quiet' Name of the quiet field in the flags object

LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

An instance that uses console.log/info/warn/error.


Static consoleLike(log): LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

Build an instance from 'log' (https://github.com/medikoo/log). info of the LineLogger is mapped to notice of the medikoo log.

Name Type Description
log MedikooLogger instance of the logger

LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

instance of LineLogger that is actually ConsoleLineLogger type


Static consoleWithColour<FLAGS, COLOURER>(flags, colourer, debugColourFuncName?, infoColourFuncName?, warnColourFuncName?, errorColourFuncName?, debugFlagName?, quietFlagName?): LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

Build an instance with console.log/info/warn/error and chalk/colors/cli-color. This package does not depend on chalk or colors or cli-color, you need to add them as dependencies separately.

Type parameters
Name Type
FLAGS extends Record<string, any>
COLOURER extends Record<string, any>
Name Type Default value Description
flags FLAGS undefined The flag object that contains fields for knowning whether debug is enabled and whether quiet mode is enabled. Values of those fields are evaluated only once within this function. They are not evaluated when debug/info/warn/error functions are called.
colourer COLOURER undefined Supplier of the colouring function, such as chalk or colors or cli-color
debugColourFuncName keyof COLOURER 'grey' Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to debug messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
infoColourFuncName? keyof COLOURER undefined Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to info messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
warnColourFuncName keyof COLOURER 'yellow' Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to warn messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
errorColourFuncName keyof COLOURER 'red' Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to error messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
debugFlagName keyof FLAGS 'debug' Name of the debug field in the flags object
quietFlagName keyof FLAGS 'quiet' Name of the quiet field in the flags object

LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

An instance that uses console.log/info/warn/error and also adds colour to the messages using chalk/colors/cli-color.


Enumeration: HttpStatusCode


Some (not all) well known HTTP status codes

Enumeration Members


ACCEPTED202 = 202

The request has been received but not yet acted upon. It is non-committal, meaning that there is no way in HTTP to later send an asynchronous response indicating the outcome of processing the request. It is intended for cases where another process or server handles the request, or for batch processing.


BAD_GATEWAY502 = 502

This error response means that the server, while working as a gateway to get a response needed to handle the request, got an invalid response.


BAD_REQUEST400 = 400

This response means that server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.


CONFLICT409 = 409

This response is sent when a request conflicts with the current state of the server.


CREATED201 = 201

The request has succeeded and a new resource has been created as a result of it. This is typically the response sent after a PUT request.


FORBIDDEN403 = 403

The client does not have access rights to the content, i.e. they are unauthorized, so server is rejecting to give proper response. Unlike 401, the client's identity is known to the server.



This error response is given when the server is acting as a gateway and cannot get a response in time.



The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.



The request method is known by the server but has been disabled and cannot be used. For example, an API may forbid DELETE-ing a resource. The two mandatory methods, GET and HEAD, must never be disabled and should not return this error code.



This response code means that URI of requested resource has been changed. Probably, new URI would be given in the response.



This response code means that URI of requested resource has been changed temporarily. New changes in the URI might be made in the future. Therefore, this same URI should be used by the client in future requests.


NOT_FOUND404 = 404

The server can not find requested resource. In the browser, this means the URL is not recognized. In an API, this can also mean that the endpoint is valid but the resource itself does not exist. Servers may also send this response instead of 403 to hide the existence of a resource from an unauthorized client. This response code is probably the most famous one due to its frequent occurence on the web.



The request method is not supported by the server and cannot be handled. The only methods that servers are required to support (and therefore that must not return this code) are GET and HEAD.


NO_CONTENT204 = 204

There is no content to send for this request, but the headers may be useful. The user-agent may update its cached headers for this resource with the new ones.


OK200 = 200

The request has succeeded. The meaning of a success varies depending on the HTTP method: GET: The resource has been fetched and is transmitted in the message body. HEAD: The entity headers are in the message body. POST: The resource describing the result of the action is transmitted in the message body. TRACE: The message body contains the request message as received by the server



This means that the resource is now permanently located at another URI, specified by the Location: HTTP Response header. This has the same semantics as the 301 Moved Permanently HTTP response code, with the exception that the user agent must not change the HTTP method used: if a POST was used in the first request, a POST must be used in the second request.



This response is sent on an idle connection by some servers, even without any previous request by the client. It means that the server would like to shut down this unused connection. This response is used much more since some browsers, like Chrome, Firefox 27+, or IE9, use HTTP pre-connection mechanisms to speed up surfing. Also note that some servers merely shut down the connection without sending this message.


SEE_OTHER303 = 303

Server sent this response to directing client to get requested resource to another URI with an GET request.



The server is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded. Note that together with this response, a user-friendly page explaining the problem should be sent. This responses should be used for temporary conditions and the Retry-After: HTTP header should, if possible, contain the estimated time before the recovery of the service. The webmaster must also take care about the caching-related headers that are sent along with this response, as these temporary condition responses should usually not be cached.



Server sent this response to directing client to get requested resource to another URI with same method that used prior request. This has the same semantic than the 302 Found HTTP response code, with the exception that the user agent must not change the HTTP method used: if a POST was used in the first request, a POST must be used in the second request.



The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").



Although the HTTP standard specifies "unauthorized", semantically this response means "unauthenticated". That is, the client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.


Module: array



distributeRoundRobin<T>(array, groups): T[][]

Distributes an array into a number of groups in a round robin fashion. This function has been tuned for performance.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
array T[] The input array
groups number Number of groups the elements in the input array need to be distributed into.


The result as an array of arrays which each represents a group

Module: codec



base64FromUInt32<T>(ui32): Exclude<T, number> | string

Encode an unsigned 32-bit integer into BASE64 string.

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | number
Name Type Description
ui32 T A 32-bit integer number which could also be null or undefined. It must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when the value is anything other than an unsigned 32-bit integer. If you don't care about loosing precision, you can convert a number by doing n >>> 0 (See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22335853/hack-to-convert-javascript-number-to-uint32)

Exclude<T, number> | string

BASE64 string representing the integer input, or the original input if it is null or undefined.


base64UrlFromUInt32<T>(ui32, replacements?): Exclude<T, number> | string

Encode an unsigned 32-bit integer into URL/path safe BASE64 string.

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | number
Name Type Default value Description
ui32 T undefined A 32-bit integer number which could also be null or undefined. It must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when the value is anything other than an unsigned 32-bit integer. If you don't care about loosing precision, you can convert a number by doing n >>> 0 (See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22335853/hack-to-convert-javascript-number-to-uint32)
replacements string '_-=' A string containing replacement characters for "/", "+", and "=". If omitted, default value of '_-=' would be used.

Exclude<T, number> | string

URL/path safe BASE64 string representing the integer input, or the original input if it is null or undefined.


generateRandomString(len): string

Generate a strong (using crypto.randomFillSync(...)) random string that is URL/path safe. In the generated string, approximately every 6 characters represent randomly generated 32 bits. For example, if you need 128 bits of randomness, you just need to generate a string containing 24 characters.

Name Type Description
len number length of the string to be generated


the random string


generateRandomStringQuickly(len): string

Generate a weak (using Math.random()) random string that is URL/path safe. In the generated string, approximately every 6 characters represent randomly generated 32 bits. For example, if you need 128 bits of randomness, you just need to generate a string containing 24 characters.

Name Type Description
len number length of the string to be generated


the random string


shortBase64FromUInt32<T>(ui32): Exclude<T, number> | string

Encode an unsigned 32-bit integer into BASE64 string without trailing '='.

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | number
Name Type Description
ui32 T A 32-bit integer number which could also be null or undefined. It must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when the value is anything other than an unsigned 32-bit integer. If you don't care about loosing precision, you can convert a number by doing n >>> 0 (See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22335853/hack-to-convert-javascript-number-to-uint32)

Exclude<T, number> | string

BASE64 string without trailing '=' representing the integer input, or the original input if it is null or undefined.


shortBase64UrlFromUInt32<T>(ui32, replacements?): Exclude<T, number> | string

Encode an unsigned 32-bit integer into URL/path safe BASE64 string without trailing '='.

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | number
Name Type Default value Description
ui32 T undefined A 32-bit integer number which could also be null or undefined. It must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when the value is anything other than an unsigned 32-bit integer. If you don't care about loosing precision, you can convert a number by doing n >>> 0 (See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22335853/hack-to-convert-javascript-number-to-uint32)
replacements string '_-' A string containing replacement characters for "/" and "+". If omitted, default value of '_-' would be used.

Exclude<T, number> | string

URL/path safe BASE64 string without trailing '=' representing the integer input, or the original input if it is null or undefined.


urlSafe<T>(base64Input, replacements?): T

Make a "normal" (BASE64) string URL/path safe.

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string
Name Type Default value Description
base64Input T undefined A (BASE64) string which could be null or undefined.
replacements string '_-=' A string containing replacement characters for "/", "+", and "=". If omitted, default value of '_-=' would be used.


URL/path safe version of the (BASE64) input string, or the original input if it is null or undefined.

Module: http-status




Const HttpStatusMessage: Object

Some (not all) HTTP status messages matching their codes

Type declaration
Name Type
200 string
201 string
202 string
204 string
301 string
302 string
303 string
307 string
308 string
400 string
401 string
403 string
404 string
405 string
408 string
409 string
429 string
500 string
501 string
502 string
503 string
504 string

Module: index



Re-exports ConsoleLineLogger


Re-exports HttpStatusCode


Re-exports HttpStatusMessage


Re-exports LineLogger


Re-exports PathAwareReplacer


Re-exports base64FromUInt32


Re-exports base64UrlFromUInt32


Re-exports consoleLike


Re-exports consoleWithColour


Re-exports consoleWithoutColour


Re-exports distributeRoundRobin


Re-exports generateRandomString


Re-exports generateRandomStringQuickly


Re-exports mask


Re-exports maskAll


Re-exports maskCreditCard


Re-exports maskEmail


Re-exports maskFullName


Re-exports masker


Re-exports pathAwareReplacer


Re-exports pathBasedReplacer


Re-exports shortBase64FromUInt32


Re-exports shortBase64UrlFromUInt32


Re-exports substituteAll


Re-exports urlSafe

Module: line-logger


Type Aliases


Ƭ ConsoleLineLogger: ReturnType<typeof console>

Type of the object returned by LineLogger.console() or LineLogger.consoleWithColour(). It has the same function signatures as console.log/info/warn/error.



consoleLike(log): LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

Build an instance from 'log' (https://github.com/medikoo/log). info of the LineLogger is mapped to notice of the medikoo log.

Name Type Description
log MedikooLogger instance of the logger

LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

instance of LineLogger that is actually ConsoleLineLogger type


consoleWithColour<FLAGS, COLOURER>(flags, colourer, debugColourFuncName?, infoColourFuncName?, warnColourFuncName?, errorColourFuncName?, debugFlagName?, quietFlagName?): LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

Build an encapsulation of console output functions with console.log/info/warn/error and chalk/colors/cli-color.

Type parameters
Name Type
FLAGS extends Record<string, any>
COLOURER extends Record<string, any>
Name Type Default value Description
flags FLAGS undefined The flag object that contains fields for knowning whether debug is enabled and whether quiet mode is enabled. Values of those fields are evaluated only once within this function. They are not evaluated when debug/info/warn/error functions are called.
colourer COLOURER undefined Supplier of the colouring function, such as chalk or colors or cli-color
debugColourFuncName keyof COLOURER 'grey' Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to debug messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
infoColourFuncName? keyof COLOURER undefined Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to info messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
warnColourFuncName keyof COLOURER 'yellow' Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to warn messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
errorColourFuncName keyof COLOURER 'red' Name of the function within colourer that will be used to add colour to error messages, or null if colouring is not desired.
debugFlagName keyof FLAGS 'debug' Name of the debug field in the flags object
quietFlagName keyof FLAGS 'quiet' Name of the quiet field in the flags object. Quiet flag can override debug flag.

LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

An LineLogger instance that uses console.log/info/warn/error and also adds colour to the messages using chalk/colors/cli-color.


consoleWithoutColour<FLAGS>(flags?, debugFlagName?, quietFlagName?): LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

Build an encapsulation of console output functions with console.log/info/warn/error.

Type parameters
Name Type
FLAGS extends Record<string, any>
Name Type Default value Description
flags FLAGS undefined The flag object that contains fields for knowning whether debug is enabled and whether quiet mode is enabled. Values of those fields are evaluated only once within this function. They are not evaluated when debug/info/warn/error functions are called.
debugFlagName keyof FLAGS 'debug' Name of the debug field in the flags object
quietFlagName keyof FLAGS 'quiet' Name of the quiet field in the flags object. Quiet flag can override debug flag.

LineLogger<(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void, (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void>

An LineLogger instance that uses console.log/info/warn/error.

Module: mask



mask<T>(input, keepLeft?, keepRight?, minLength?, maskLengthOrMaskString?, maskPattern?): T

Mask the content of a string

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string
Name Type Default value Description
input T undefined The input which could also be null or undefined
keepLeft number 1 Number of characters on the left to be kept in the output without masking. Default value is 1.
keepRight number 0 Number of characters on the right to be kept in the output without masking. Default value is 0.
minLength number 3 Minimal length of the string for keepLeft and keepRight to be effective. If the input string is shorter than this length, the whole string would be masked. Default value is 3.
maskLengthOrMaskString undefined | null | string | number null The string to be used for replacing the part in the input that needs to be masked, or the length of the mask string if a fixed length is desired, or null/undefined if the mask string should have the same length as the part to be masked. Default value is null.
maskPattern string '*' The pattern to be repeated as the mask. Default value is '*'.


String with masked content


maskAll<T>(input): T

Replace each character of the input with '*'

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string
Name Type Description
input T a string or null or undefined


masked string or null or undefined


maskCreditCard<T>(input): T

Mask credit card number string

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string
Name Type Description
input T credit card number string which could also be null or undefined


Something like --****-1234, or null/undefined if the input is null/undefined


maskEmail<T>(email): T

Mask sensitive information in an email address while keeping some information for troubleshooting

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string
Name Type Description
email T the email address which could also be null or undefined


masked email address


maskFullName<T>(name): T

Mask sensitive information in the full name while keeping useful information for troubleshooting

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string
Name Type Description
name T the full name which could also be null or undefined


masked full name


masker<T>(keepLeft?, keepRight?, minLength?, maskLengthOrMaskString?, maskPattern?): (input: T) => T

Create a mask function with pre-set parameters.


const maskApiKey = masker(2, 2, 10);
  const maskedString = maskApiKey(myApiKey);
Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string = string
Name Type Description
keepLeft? number Number of characters on the left to be kept in the output without masking. Default value is 1.
keepRight? number Number of characters on the right to be kept in the output without masking. Default value is 0.
minLength? number Minimal length of the string for keepLeft and keepRight to be effective. If the input string is shorter than this length, the whole string would be masked. Default value is 3.
maskLengthOrMaskString? null | string | number The string to be used for replacing the part in the input that needs to be masked, or the length of the mask string if a fixed length is desired, or null/undefined if the mask string should have the same length as the part to be masked. Default value is null.
maskPattern? string The pattern to be repeated as the mask. Default value is '*'.


A mask function that has specified parameters as pre-set

▸ (input): T

####### Parameters

Name Type
input T

####### Returns


Module: stringify-replacer

Type Aliases


Ƭ PathAwareReplacer: (key: string, value: any, path: string, parent: Parent, pathArray: string[], ancestors: Parent[]) => any

Type declaration

▸ (key, value, path, parent, pathArray, ancestors): any

The replacer that can potentially utilise the full path of the property in the object.

####### Parameters

Name Type Description
key string Name of the property, or the index in the parent array.
value any Value of the property or the object in the parent array.
path string The full path of the property in the object, such like "access.visitor.location" or "request.x-forwarded-for.0". Please note that the special characters (including ".") in property names are not escaped, for example, "order.billing address.first line".
parent Parent The object that the property or the element belongs to. It could be { '': <the original object> } when this replacer function is called the first time.
pathArray string[] The full path as an array. It is more useful than path in case special characters exist in property names. When this replacer function is called the first time, pathArray array would have a zero length.
ancestors Parent[] All the ancestor objects/arrays of the property. When this replacer function is called the first time, ancestors array would have a zero length.

####### Returns




pathAwareReplacer(replacer, options?): JsonStringifyReplacer

Build a replacer function that can be passed to JSON.stringify(...).

Name Type Description
replacer PathAwareReplacer The actual replacer function which could utilise additional information.
options? Object Options to control whether the pathArray and ancestors parameters would have values populated. By default all information available would be populated. There is no need to specify options unless you are extremely concerned about performance, for example if you need to frequently stringify 500MB objects.
options.ancestors? boolean -
options.pathArray? boolean -


The replacer function that can be passed to JSON.stringify(...).


pathBasedReplacer(rules): JsonStringifyReplacer

Create a replacer function for JSON.stringify(...) from an array of path based rules. This function is useful for creating masking replacers which can apply masking based on the path of the property.


import { mask, maskAll, maskEmail, maskFullName, pathBasedReplacer } from '@handy-common-utils/misc-utils';
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, pathBasedReplacer([
 [/.*\.x-api-key$/, maskAll],
 [/.*customer\.name$/, maskFullName],
 [/.*customer\..*[eE]mail$/, maskEmail],
 [/.*\.zip$/, (value: string) => value.slice(0, 3) + 'XX'],
 [/.*\.cc$/, () => undefined],
 [/.*\.ssn$/, mask],
Name Type Description
rules [RegExp, (input: any) => any][] Array of rules: if the regular expression tests true with the property path, the replacer function will be applied on the value


the replacer function built from those path based rules

Module: substitute



substituteAll<T>(input, searchPattern, substitute): T

Substitute all occurrences of a pattern in a string.

Type parameters
Name Type
T extends undefined | null | string
Name Type Description
input T The input string on which the substitutions will be performed.
searchPattern RegExp The regular expression pattern used to search for segments that should be substituted. It must have the g flag set. If the beginning part of the input should be skipped, set the lastIndex of the searchPattern before calling this function. After all the substitution are done, the lastIndex of the searchPattern will be reset to zero. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/lastIndex
substitute (match: string, matchResult: RegExpExecArray) => null | string TThe function that builds the substitution string. It is called with the matched substring and the result of RegExp.exec(). See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/exec#examples. The function can return null to indicate that no further substitution is desired. In such case, the lastIndex of the searchPattern will not be reset to zero.


The resulting string after performing all substitutions.



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  • james-hu