This package has been deprecated

Author message:

This project has been renamed to @fishawack/core


4.9.1 • Public • Published



This repo contains the code that fetches assets, bundles code and deploys it to the server.


As a company we do a lot of smaller short term builds rather than longer term code bases. To keep code bases small we create many smaller repo's rather than branching projects in a larger monorepo. For this reason we ended up with lots of duplicate task runner code in each repo that had to be manually updated if any projects came back from the dead further down the line. Around 2014 all of that code was pulled to a shared npm module which meant a massive reduction in code repetition throughout all of our code bases.


As this code base is shared amongst most of our repos, these dependancies are likely the only ones you'll ever need to install to get project code up and running. They've been split into two groups, build and deploy dependancies.


The following dependancies are needed to pull assets from the server and build the source code.

  • node (10.0.0 recommended)
  • npm (5.7.1 or above)
  • node-gyp
  • grunt-cli
  • git
  • wget
  • imagemagick
  • jq
  • ftp (mac high sierra and above)
  • xCode
  • xCode command line tools


These dependancies are only needed if you're planning to build a pdf locally or manually deploy to the server.

  • ghostscript
  • wine
  • xquartz
  • adoptopenjdk
  • python (windows only)
  • composer

Getting started


brew install git
brew install wget
brew install imagemagick
brew install jq
brew install lftp
brew install tnftp tnftpd telnet telnetd
brew install cask
brew cask install adoptopenjdk
brew cask install xquartz
brew cask install wine-stable

Wine isn't currently supported on macOS Catalina 10.15 so any electron builds will need to be run on the CI/CD runners instead of locally

nvm install 10.0.0

npm install npm@latest -g
npm install grunt-cli -g
npm install node-gyp -g
  • Install xCode via mac app store - then run the following command
xcode-select --install

Some users have issues with the node-gyp dependancy on macOS Catalina 10.15, if this is you the best advice is to check here for solutions


choco install git
choco install wget
choco install imagemagick
choco install ghostscript
choco install wine
choco install jq
choco install lftp
choco install adoptopenjdk
choco install xquartz
nvm install 10.0.0

npm install npm@latest -g
npm install grunt-cli -g


We currently utilize two remotes for our git versioning. The externally facing bitbucket allows freelancers to contribute to our repositories whilst our internally facing gitlab allows our CI/CD to gain a bunch of security advantages just by the fact that it is inherently on the internal network.


Repo's should only ever be cloned from Bitbucket.

Gitlab should be viewed purely a supporting remote used primarily for the CI/CD and should never be used for forking/cloning under any circumstances.

The single source of truth is Bitbucket.

After cloning a repo you have to run the origin command on the terminal which will correctly set the origin to point to both remotes. If you don't currently have the origin command you need to add it.

The reason origin isn't part of the npm run setup command is because this would throw an error on any freelancers machine trying to connect to gitlab

git clone
cd stream
git remote -v
# origin (fetch)
# origin (push)
# origin  git@diggit01.fw.local:stream/stream (push)


This command need's to be added to your .bash_profile so that it's available globally on the command line.

    if [ -f ~/targets/misc.json ]; then
        name=$(basename `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`);
        username=$(jq .bitbucket.username ~/targets/misc.json -r);
        password=$(jq .bitbucket.password ~/targets/misc.json -r);

        if [ $username = "null" ] || [ $password = "null" ] || [ -z $password ] || [ -z $password ] ; then
            echo -e "\033[0;31m>>\033[0m Can't find bitbucket credentials in ~/targets/misc.json";
            repo=$(echo $(curl -s -u $username:$password $url | jq -r)/$name | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]');

  $(echo $repo | cut -d '/' -f2);

            git remote remove origin;
            git remote add origin $bitbucket;
            git remote set-url --add --push origin $bitbucket;
            git remote set-url --add --push origin $gitlab;
            git fetch origin;
            git checkout master && git branch -u origin/master;
            git checkout development && git branch -u origin/development;
            git remote -v;
            echo -e "\033[0;32mSuccess\033[0m"
        echo -e "\033[0;31m>>\033[0m Can't find ~/targets/misc.json";


We need to update the githooks property in our global config to point to the hooks folder found in config-grunt. To do this run the following command.

git config --global core.hooksPath node_modules/@fishawack/config-grunt/.githooks


Regardless of what the repo uses under the hood the following commands should be the only commands needed when interacting with a repo.


Runs all install scripts needed to build the repo and lastly runs npm run content to pull down assets.

npm run setup

Build (watch)

Bundle's the code and begins the watch task ready for development.

npm start


Pulls any assets from the server and any json endpoints that are needed locally.

npm run content


Runs smoke/unit/build tests and linters.

npm test


Bundles the app in production mode.

npm run production


Transfers the build to a server based on which branch you're currently on.

npm run deploy

This command is branch dependant. The following branches correspond to the following deploy targets.

development     >>   staging
qc              >>   qc
master          >>   production

If on any other branch this command won't deploy anywhere but will still prepare the bundle in production mode.


Credentials are needed in the root of each project so that the automated scripts can properly deploy and fetch content from the server. To mitigate the need to manually copy credentials each time we create a folder on the root of each individuals machine that contains their unique creds. The automated script will automatically grab the id_rsa found in the default location in ~/.ssh/. It will then grab any secret.json files it needs for which ever server the current project needs to be deployed onto. If it can't find the correct secret.json for a server it will silently fail.

For the automated scripts to work only 1 id_rsa can exist on a persons machine. If you plan on using multiple then you'll need to manually copy credentials as it won't know which id_rsa to use

Target folder

Create the target folder in the root of the machine by running the following command.

mkdir ~/targets

There are three types of file that can be found here.

Remember to add your own usernames and passwords to these files or grab the global ones from the passwords doc

Make sure to remove the comments from these files


This file is used for ftp/sftp/ftps/lftp details. All details go into this single file in the following format

    // Poundhost box, DEPRECATED
    "": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""
    // eSource box, DEPRECATED
    "": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""
    // Windows QR code box, DEPRECATED
    "": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""
    // Fishawack veeva sandbox
    "": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""
    // Egnyte
    "": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""


This file contains miscellaneous details for various systems across the whole tech stack.

    // Deploy emails
    "nodemailer": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""
    // Push/fetching from phonegap
    "phonegap": {
        "token": ""
    // Various gitlab api reuqests
    "gitlab": {
        "token": ""
    // Various bitbucket api requests
    "bitbucket": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""


These files are used to store ssh credentials for the respective servers the files are named after. If you're not doing manual deploys then you don't need these files as the repo will silently fail if they're missing.

When creating the file the name needs to match the server name, here are some examples of servers and their respective secret file and json content.

  • dumbledore.json
  • vidaHost-fishawack.json
  • vidaHost-meeting.json
    "host" : "",
    "username" : "",
    "password" : "",
    "passphrase": ""

Make sure you've successfully ssh'd into each box before attempting to deploy manually as the machines ip needs adding to the authorized_keys file on the server itself


One of the most important files in any project is the config file. It contains the deploy targets, content locations and sometimes even the textual content for the project itself.

This file can be constructed from multiple config files using a deep merge. This allows for instance specific configs to be merged with shared theme configs and even base configs.

The files are merged in order of the following locations, afterwhich they are merged alphabetically in the location itself.


Any json file found in _Build/config/example/ will be used only if there isn't a file with the same name in _Build/config/.

For backwards compatability _Build/content.json and _Build/example/content.json work the same as they always did but these should be replaced with _Build/instance.json and _Build/config/example/*.json respectively.

// _Build/config/theme.json
    "attributes": {
        "title": "Base",
        "root": "_Output",
        "modernizr": [

// _Build/instance.json
    "attributes": {
        "title": "Instance",
        "googleTrackingID": "test",
        "modernizr": [

// Final merged config
    "attributes": {
        "title": "Instance",
        "root": "_Output",
        "googleTrackingID": "test",
        "modernizr": [


We currently keep our binary assets on our fishawack file sharing platform egnyte. Previously we had an onsite server that was used but that has now been deprecated, this doesn't mean you won't still run across repo's using the previous location so it's worth knowing about.

Current location

  • Name: Egnyte
  • Protocol: [ftps,lftp]
  • Path: Shared/FW/Knutsford/Digital/Auto-Content/
  • IP:

Old location

  • Name: eSource box
  • Protocol: ftp
  • Path: Auto-Content/
  • IP:

The Auto-Content folder contains folders with the same names as the repo names in bitbucket. Some products have a parent folder e.g. Wave that contains all waves as not to clutter up the Auto-Content folder with instances.

The json that dictates which asset folders are pulled can be found in the config files.

    "attributes": {
        "content": [
                "lftp": "",
                "location": "Shared/FW/Knutsford/Digital/Auto-Content/arbor-scroll/"
                "ftp": "",
                "location": "Auto-Content/arbor-scroll/"

Media folder

Inside the repo named folder you will usually find a media folder. Any files inside this media folder will get pulled through and be available to the front end via image tags / sass resolves. Anything outside the media folder will still get pulled into the repo but won't be included in the front end bundled files. The primary use case for this are excel files / pre process files that are used in the build phase but not needed in the final site.

Here is a common structure you're likely to see in the Auto-Content location.


All the above assets will be pulled through to the repo but only the ones found in the media folder will be available to the front end.

When pulled into the build all files are saved to the _Build/content/ folder which is ignored by git.


All binary assets (jpg,png,mp4) should not be kept in version control. Not only was git not really designed for these types of files but they can also greatly inflate the size of a repo. These are the files that should be kept on the file sharing servers and pulled into the repo via file transfers.

Though the media files are placed in the git ignored _Build/content/media when pulled from the server, they are placed in _Output/media/content when copied to the _Output folder. Note the media and content folders are flipped in the final output folder so image tags need to reflect this.

Be sure to use relative paths when referencing assets. If an absolute url is needed it should be done with a <base href="/"/> tag.

<!-- Bad -->
<img src="content/media/images/background.jpg">

<!-- Good -->
<img src="media/content/images/background.jpg">

Non binary

Non binary assets (json,svg,xml) should be kept in version control by being placed into _Build/media/ location in the source code. This folder is tracked by git but will generally be empty as most assets are binary assets that get pulled in from the server.


All js files should be kept in _Build/js/.

The default entry point is script.js which is automatically requested in the body of the default html.

Multiple entry points

To create another entry point simply create a new javascript file and prefix it with a double hyphen --. A file with the same name excluding the hypens will then be generated in the _Output folder.

Remember to include the script tag in the html to import this new file

_Build/js/--newEntry.js   >>   _Output/js/newEntry.js


Both es6 imports and CommonJS imports are supported. When requiring a javascript file that doesn't contain a default es6 export you need to specify the default property on the returned object.

// Bad
var lib = require('es6-file-with-no-default-export.js');

// Good
var lib = require('es6-file-with-no-default-export.js').default;


Not so important anymore (any maybe deprecated soon) but any file that needs to be included in the head of the document and thus before the rest of the document is ready should be defined with a double underscore __. The primary use case for this is modernizr which according to the docs should be imported in the head of the document before the other scripts have run. Modernizr itself has its own workflow outlined elsewhere in this documentation.

_Build/js/__important.js   >>   _Output/js/crucial.js

Enviroment variables

Within the javascript you can use node style enviroment variables which will be proccessed during the bundling and rendered to static strings in the final output.


if(process.env.NODE_ENV === "development")


if("development" === "development")


These variables are predefined and are automatically avaiable to use.

process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" // when running development build
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" // when running distribution build

process.env.NODE_TARGET === "production" // when on master branch
process.env.NODE_TARGET === "qc" // when on qc branch
process.env.NODE_TARGET === "staging" // when on staging branch
process.env.NODE_TARGET === "development" // when on any other branch


Custom enviroment varibles can be defined globally in the config files.

    "attributes": {
        "env": {
            "CONTENT": "./arbor-2018"
process.env.CONTENT === "./arbor-2018"

You can also define custom enviroment variables per target that will override global ones.

    "attributes": {
        "staging": {
            "env": {
                "CONTENT": "./staging-arbor-2018"
        "env": {
            "CONTENT": "./arbor-2018"
process.env.CONTENT === "./staging-arbor-2018"


JSHint is used to lint against all javascript files in the _Build/js/ folder excluding those found in _Build/js/libs/. This purpose of this folder is to drop any scripts that aren't authored by ourselves and therefore don't need to adhere to our linting as they likely used their own. This again isn't so important anymore as most js libraries will be imported from node_modules but if you do have the actual file and need it locally in the repo then this folder is where you'd put it.


All sass files should be kept in _Build/sass/.

The default entry point is general.scss which is automatically requested in the head of the default html.

Multiple entry points

To create another entry point simply create a new sass file and exclude the standard sass underscore _ prefix. A file with the same name will be generated in the _Output folder.

Remember to include the link tag in the html to import this new file

_Build/sass/newEntry.scss   >>   _Output/css/newEntry.css


You don't need to prefix any css properties with browser prefixes as the bundler will automatically apply them based on the latest browser version.


    appearance: none;


    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -moz-appearance: none;
    appearance: none;


Classes that aren't present in any html files before javascript runs are considered redundant and are removed from the final bundled css file.


<div class="class1"></div>


// Will appear in final css file

// Will be removed from final css file


All .vue files found in _Build/vue/ will be converted to html and then ran through the same process as above to check for unused css. This won't execute javascript and will ignore any tags that aren't native html tags so its fairly common to have to use more uncss ignore tags in a vue/SPA project.


There are a few keywords that are globally whitelisted from being stripped from the css.

.active / .deactive

These two classes are the only two classes that should be added/removed via javascript. There aren't many use cases where anything more than a default state, an on state and an explicit off state are needed.

// Bad

// Good


They'll be more on this in the pdf section of this documentation but when the pdf process is happening there is a global .capture class added to the root of the document. This is so things like animations/transitions can be turned off where needed so the pdf can capture correctly.

    color: red;
    transition: color 0.2s;

    .capture &{
        transition: none;


This class is used to prefix all classes added through our dynamic d3 data visualization library. This class in its very nature is all javascript driven and thus the need to create an immune prefix for use throughout.

Resolving assets

When pulling in assets via css the resolve postcss process should be used in place of the standard url. This is due to some products needed to package themselves different for different deliveries, this causes the project structure to change and therefore the asset paths are different. By allowing resolve to calculate the asset path this issue can be mitigated.

// Bad
    background-image: url("./media/images/background.jpg");    

// Good
    background-image: resolve("background.jpg");


The default entry point for html is _Build/index.html.

Any html found in the root of _Build/ or in _Build/html/ will generate a corresponding html file in the root of the _Output folder.





Dynamic pages

<< TODO: section about attributes.template property and dynamic html files >>


The html uses handlebars evaluated at pre-process time as a templating language. This is completely fine to use alongside a runtime templating language like Vue where the handlebars will simply be used for the global boilerplate html.

Handlebar partials and helpers can be found in _Build/handlebars.



Svg files found in the following locations go through the optimization process.


There are different levels of optimization that svg's go through dictated by the prefix found before the filename.

No prefix

Will have all properties and strokes stripped leaving only the shape. Will also combine any paths or shapes that intersect.


Double hyphen

Will have only non vital properties stripped but should retain it's appearance/colors/fills.


Double underscore

Same as the double hyphen but these svg's aren't added to the global sprite sheet


Sprite sheet

The sprite sheet should generally contain simple shapes that are shared across the site generally icons and logos. It is usually imported by handlebars in the body of the page.


<!doctype html>
        {{> svgSprite}}


To include an svg from the sprite sheet do one of the following.


<!-- Full optimization -->
{{> svg name="menu"}}

<!-- Minimal optimization -->
{{> svg name="--logo"}}

<!-- Error - not included in the sprite sheet -->
{{> svg name="__figure"}}


<!-- Full optimization -->
<GSvg name="menu"/>

<!-- Minimal optimization -->
<GSvg name="--logo"/>

<!-- Error - not included in the sprite sheet -->
<GSvg name="__figure"/>


If direct access to the svg inner elements is needed then the svg will need embedding in the page.

If an svg is only ever going to be embedded make sure not to accidentally use the -- double hyphen prefix instead of the __ double underscore. Doing this will unnecessarily inflate the sprite sheet.

To embed a file directly in the html markup do one of the following.


<!-- Full optimization -->
{{> svg name="menu" embed=true}}

<!-- Minimal optimization -->
{{> svg name="--logo" embed=true}}

<!-- Minimal optimization -->
{{> svg name="__figure" embed=true}}

If the optimization is still causing issues and you want the original svg markup embedding you can do the following

{{> svg name="menu" embed=true asis=true}}


<!-- Full optimization -->
<GSvg name="menu" embed/>

<!-- Minimal optimization -->
<GSvg name="--logo" embed/>

<!-- Minimal optimization -->
<GSvg name="__figure" embed/>

If the optimization is still causing issues and you want the original svg markup embedding you can do the following

<GSvg name="menu" embed asis/>


If the svg is a one off figure and/or doesn't need any styling applying or it's markup accessing then referencing an external file is the best way to go. Svg's can be dropped into _Build/media and referenced via image tags or css background images just like any other binary asset.

Svg's can be dropped directly into the media folder as they contain actual code and can therefore be properly versioned by git, see above


<img src="media/figure.svg" alt="figure">


    background-image: resolve("figure.svg");



Icons are automatically pulled from during the build process. The config that controls this can be found in _Build/icons/config.json. To add or remove icons do the following steps:

  • Go to the fontello website
  • Drag and drop the config.json file into the webpage.
  • This will highlight all the currently selected icons and allow you to select/deselect others.
  • Press the small arrow to the right on the "Download webfont" button and click "Get config only"
  • Replace the existing config.json with the downloaded one.

_Build/icons/config.json isn't watched by the bundler so you will need to stop the watch and run npm start for the new files to be pulled down.

The pulled icons are stored in the git ignored _Build/icons/generated and shouldn't be modified.


If a custom icon set has been created it can be used by dropping it into the _Build/svg/' folder. If the icon set already contains it's colors and final appearance then the svg files will need prefixing with a double hyphen --.

If the icon is made up of strokes and isn't* prefixed then those strokes will need converting to paths by a designer


Whether the icons are custom or have come from fontello they should end up in the global spritesheet and can be imported in one of the following ways.

Make sure the Lab Ui "icon.scss" component has been imported


<div class="icon">
        <use xlink:href="#menu"></use>


{{> icon name="menu"}}

// Adding a class
{{> icon name="menu" class="icon--small"}}

// Will embed the svg markup directly in the page
{{> icon name="menu" class="icon--small" embed=true}}

// Will embed the original svg markup directly in the page
{{> icon name="menu" class="icon--small" embed=true asis=true}}


<GIcon name="menu"/>

// Adding a class
<GIcon name="menu" class="icon--small"/>


To add a modernizr check into the build add the relevant property to the json object found in the config files. Modernizr will automatically apply the css rules to the root html element and the javascript Modernizr object will be avaiable globally on the window object.


    "attributes": {
        "modernizr": [


<html class="flexbox / no-flexbox">


    .flexbox &{
        display: flex;

    .no-flexbox &{
        display: inline-block;





Webdriver IO is used for the capture process. To enable the pdf generation you need to add a pdf property to the deploy target you'd like the pdf to be genereated on.


"staging": {
    "pdf": true

This will capture just the index.html in the chrome browser at 1080x608 16:9 aspect ratio.

To fine tune the pdf generation an object can be passed into the pdf property enabling more control over the pdf/pdf's that are generated. Here are the defaults.


    "staging": {
        "pdf": {
            "browsers": [
            "pages": [
            "sizes": [
                [1080, 608]
            "url": "http://localhost:9001",
            "wait": ".loaded"

This will generate 3 sizes for 3 browsers (9 pdfs) capturing all the pages found in the pages array.


If the browsers specified here aren't on your machine and you try to generate a pdf then you'll recieve fatal errors. When pushed to gitlab to generate then gitlab will actually pass the pdf generation to capabile VM's so it's not an issues.


"browsers": [


Specify an array of pages that you wish to capture. Hashbangs without .html in front of them will go to the default index.html#/. You can however pass in different html files if you have multiple vue entry points newPage.html#/about.


"pages": [


Specify an array of sizes width x height.


"sizes": [
    [1080, 608],
    [1366, 1024],
    [768, 1024]


The base url for the pdf'ing process. All pages are appended to this to create the full canonical url.


How long / which selector to wait for before the page is considered loaded. By default the pdf process waits for .loaded class to exist somewhere on the page. You can override this to be a different selector or set it to a millisecond numeral value in which case the pdf process will wait for the specific amount of time.

Client side

The pdf generation loads pages and takes screenshots as soon as the .loaded class appears on the root html element. This class you need to apply yourself when you're happy that the page has loaded what it needs to load to be considered finished and ready for capture.

The .loading class isn't required for the pdf process but it's generally good practice to have it on the root to begin with and swap it out for .loaded when the page is ready. This allows loading indicators to spin on initial load.




The pdf will now capture the index.html or the pages defined in "pages" in you the config files. In general this still isn't enough to correctly capture the page. If you have animations and transitions in your app that happen on page load then these will need deactivating during the pdf process so the pdf doesn't capture the start state of them. This is done automatically by the pdf process by adding a query parameter to the url ?capture=true. Although the query parameter is automatically added you will still need add the javascript to the project to handle it.

The pdf process automatically adds the ?capture=true to the query string but there's nothing stopping you adding it in yourself during dev if you want instant page loads without waiting for the showbiz elements of the site to fire.


import * as Utility from "./libs/utility";

if (Utility.parse_query_string( === 'true') {
    window.capture = true;

This sets a global javascript flag and a class on the root html element. Using these in the javascript/css you can turn off anything you don't want to run during capture process.



setTimeout(() => {
}, (window.capture) ? 0 : 2000);


    animation: 'fade' 0.2s;

    .capture &{
        animation: none;

By adding in the following scss it'll disable most animations/transitions in your app, there may still be a few edge cases though.


.capture {
    *, *:after, *:before {
        transition: none !important;
        animation-duration: 0s !important;
        animation-delay: 0s !important;

Custom capture

You can inject your own custom capture code into the built in capture scripts. First create the file _Node/capture.js which should export one or both of the functions you'd like to inject into. This can be useful in Vue projects for injecting dynamic routes onto the pages array rather than hard coding them in the config files.


module.exports = {
    // This is called right after the viewport has been resized before the pages are iterated over
    size: function(capture){
        var dynamicPages = require(...);
        // Add dynamic demo pages to pages captured array
        dynamicPages.forEach((d) => {
    // This is called after the standard page capture has happened on each page
    page: function(capture){
        // Capture nav on homepage only
        if( === 0){
            it('Nav', function() {

                // Passing true to the screenshot function captures just the visible viewport, ommitting true will cause the page to scroll and capture everything




By adding users in a deploy target inside the config file watertight will automatically be wrapped around the project suppyling a basic php login system.


By default the login is styled with a basic bootstrap styling. If you wish to create a custom login page you need to create a login-form.hbs inside your handlebars snippets. This file should contain the following php by default, you can then add you classes and/or custom elements around these.

Strangely there is a bug where the very first line of the login-form.hbs file needs to be an empty line.


{{{{raw}}}}{{ errors }}{{{{/raw}}}}

<form name="login" method="post" action="<?php echo $formPostUrl;?>">

    <input type="hidden" name="returnUrl">
    <input type="hidden" name="qs">

    <label for="username">Username</label>


    <label for="password">Password</label>


    <button type="submit">Log-in</button>


    window.onload = function() {
        var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1);
        var f = document.forms["login"];
        var returnUrl = f.elements["returnUrl"].value;
        if (hash) f.elements["returnUrl"].value = returnUrl + "#" + hash;

You also need to create a html file that simply imports this, this is primarily for uncss to know what not to strip but without this the form will default to the bootstrap. This is usally placed in _Build/html/login-form.html.


{{> login-form}}

iOS packaging with PhoneGap

You'll need to make sure you have a copy of the latest signed certificate! You'll then need to login to the Apple iOS developers portal to create a provisioning profile:

Apple Developer Portal

Create App ID

  1. Go to Identifiers > App IDs, click "+" to create a new ID
  2. Fill in Name of your app (i.e SantenCubeApp)
  3. Use Explicit App ID, Bundle ID should follow this notation: com.fishawack.(lowercase of name filled above) i.e. com.fishawack.santencubeapp
  4. Check any services you require (normally none of them)
  5. Confirm and regster your app

Create Provision Profile

  1. Go to Provisioning Profiles > All > click the "+" to create a new profile
  2. Select "In House", click "Continue"
  3. App ID select the one you just created in the last section, click "Continue"
  4. Select the Certificate with the longest expiry date and continue
  5. Profile name: use App name from previous section and continue
  6. Download provisioning profile!

Create App in PhoneGap Build

  1. Login via PhoneGap Build
  2. Go to top right corner where the account icon is, in the drop down select "Edit Account"
  3. Under "Signing Keys", Add a key in the iOS section
  4. Use the name you've been using in these sections again and upload the certificate and keys
  5. Go back to the main Dashboard and Create new app by uploading a zip file
  6. In the App. you can now select your Key for iOS and trigger a build, you will need to unlock it first by clicking the pad lock

You're all done, you should be able to populate your repo with the info provided on the page, add this to your config files under the attributes object:

"phonegap": {
    "signingKey": "SigningKeyGoesHere",
        "appID": "AppIDGoesHere",
        "phonegapVersion": "cli-7.1.0",
        "bundle": "com.fishawack.AppNameGoesHere"



  • Moved package before deploy
  • Added catch blocks to pdf process
  • Added timeout to curl


  • Added vablet packaging
  • Added cegedim packaging
  • Added veeva packaging
  • Moved dist/default to stand alone tasks so they can be overridden
  • Added reset task
  • Slug now part of capture image file names
  • Added test suites for new packaging types
  • The cwd will now be checked for _Tasks/
  • The cwd will now be checked for _Tasks/options


  • Change prepublish to preversion
  • Added postversion to automatically publish
  • Added missing test config files


  • Added test suite to config-grunt
  • Added prepublish and files array to package.json


  • uncss bug fixed where it would only run against a single css file
  • Added timeout option to grunt-ftpscript so that the badges command doesn't hang if not connected to vpn
  • Added quotes around curl command so passwords with special characters don't fail
  • Added a try / catch / stdio:pipe to curl command so if it fails it doesn't print the users creds
  • Reordered the initial contentJson initialization so that contentJson can now handle grunt.template.process template strings


  • Fixed postcss only running on master/qc, deployBranch -> deployTarget
  • Repo info command now added to config
  • Commands now use rather than title, solves issues with special charts in titles breaking build processes
  • Some badges now pulled from internal server to solve gitlab pages not having a persist option
  • The repo property in contentJson is now completely unused, left it in the schema for now as to not break existing builds


  • Cachebust fix for new subfolder feature


  • Html folder can now contain subfolders which will pull through to the front end


  • Moved svg tasks to after webpack


  • Added svg loader to webpack


  • Point to svgs for badges


  • Added regression testing


  • Handlebars now has access to env properties
  • Handlebars now has access to pkg properties
  • Updated _Tasks/options/env.js to be the single source of env variables


  • Moved fs-extra remove call so as to not interfere with the mirror command of lftp
  • Changed order of requests so all requests run before rewrites start


  • Removed an rm -rf that was causing issues on windows, replaced for fs-extra remove


  • Content request now pulls videos aswell as images
  • Content request no uses pLimit


  • Bumped watertight to 5.0.7


  • Bumped watertight to 5.0.6


  • process.env.NODE_TARGET now set to development when on any other branch rather than staging
  • Postcss runs on all branches apart from development/feature branches
  • Prerender now fails fatally if the loaded scenario doesn't fire
  • CMS no longer hangs when there's 0 media assets on the cms
  • Prerender can now be set per deploy target as well as globally


  • Reversed 4.4.10 change so that uncss only runs on qc and master so that feature branches also benefit from the speed boost
  • Prerender now available as an option in content.json
  • content-request now also pulls media assets


  • Bumped modernizr as old version now 404's on fresh npm install


  • Fix for 4.5.1 bad publish


  • Fixed bug in schema for toggle


  • Fixed bug in login-form


  • Added docs for login-form implementation.
  • Updated login-form so the file can be pulled from anywhere not just _Build
  • Fixed bug in compile-handlebars where it wouldn't ignore any underscore template files found in the html folder


  • Bumped watertight to v5.0.5


  • Can now specific url and wait propertys on pdf


  • Uncss no longer runs on development branch


  • When deploying the folder is no longer completely wiped, it will only remove files it knows about


  • Added a .githook for edge case with stream folder structure


  • Updated .githook to new level-0 format


  • Bades now generate on npm run validate
  • Can now have query strings in pdf routes


  • Email task now checks for staging along with the other standard branches


  • Fixed bug in gitlog on generated email


  • Fixed bug where error was being thrown if the env object was missing from the root of the instance.json


  • Changed compare task to run synchronously due to memory issues when trying to compare large sets of images


  • .githooks now packaged rather than being duplicated in each repo
  • The config merging has been overhauled


  • npm run setup now uses npm ci instead of npm install --no-save


  • Remove support for node v12 for now, causing knock on issues so rolled back some dependancies


  • Made default email point back to


  • email in content.json can now be applied to deploy target and will be merged with any top level emails


  • Bumped dependancies to support Node v12
  • Added package-lock.json file


  • Added first iteration of visual regression / browser difference testing


  • Fix for strange svg-sprite issue where if there are enough svg's and the #ga id is used the GTM would inconsistenly fail
  • Bumped svg_sprite to point at fork until it's merged into npm package.


  • Use watertight-node-auto v4.0.3


  • Pdf generation overhauled to allow multiple sizes and multiple browsers


  • Bumped grunt-svg-sprite as it suddenly started throwin an error Cannot read property 'distribute' of undefined


  • Fixed lftp bug that occurred when running content pulls on linux machines


  • Added preserveWhitespace: false to vue-loader to remove whitespace in the rendered vue templates


  • Added an "auto confirm" to the lftp command to stop it failing on first use


  • Changed the structure of pulled folders, each folder now goes into it's own directory and merged at build time
  • Grunt tasks start much faster as requires aren't pulled in until needed
  • Bumped node-sass and grunt-sass to latest versions
  • node-sass now saves to .tmp before postcss then processes and saves it to _Output

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