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FFA elimination tournaments

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FFA is a very general tournament building block that you can take in many directions (only a few of which are commonly explored). The result always consists of FFA matches; matches that expect multiple players/teams competing at once in a free for all, and these matches are bracketed like an elimination tournament. Beyond that, however, you have free reigns. Match sizes can vary from round to round, you can define an end round that has multiple matches, and you can have every remaining player in one match for some or all rounds. Endless possibilities.


You must specify precisely the required group size for each round and how many to advance. This is really the hardest part of an FFA elimination. There are essentially endless possibilities, and we will allow very exotic and adventurous ones as long as they are playable, non-trivial, and leave the next round sensible.

// 8 players in 1 match of 8
var ffa = new FFA(8);
[ { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 1 }, p: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] } ]
// 16 players in matches of 4 each round, top 2 advances between each
var ffa = new FFA(16, { sizes: [4, 4, 4], advancers: [2, 2] });
[ { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 1 }, p: [ 1, 5, 12, 16 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 2 }, p: [ 2, 6, 11, 15 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 3 }, p: [ 3, 7, 10, 14 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 4 }, p: [ 4, 8, 9, 13 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 2, m: 1 }, p: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, // semi 1
  { id: { s: 1, r: 2, m: 2 }, p: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, // semi 2
  { id: { s: 1, r: 3, m: 1 }, p: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] } ] // final
// 15 players in groups of 5, limited so that the top 2 from each match can be picked
var ffa = new FFA(15, { sizes: [5], limit: 6 });
[ { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 1 }, p: [ 1, 4, 7, 12, 15 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 2 }, p: [ 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 3 }, p: [ 3, 6, 9, 10, 13 ] } ]
// 32 player groupstage replacement - 4 matches of size 8
var ffa = new FFA(32, { sizes: [8] }); // may have to tiebreak without limits
[ { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 1 }, p: [ 1, 5, 9,  13, 20, 24, 28, 32 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 2 }, p: [ 2, 6, 10, 14, 19, 23, 27, 31 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 3 }, p: [ 3, 7, 11, 15, 18, 22, 26, 30 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 4 }, p: [ 4, 8, 12, 16, 17, 21, 25, 29 ] } ]
// knockout style tournament - one match per round - knock out 2 each round
var ffa = new FFA(8, { sizes: [8, 6, 4], advancers: [6, 4] })
[ { id: { s: 1, r: 1, m: 1 }, p: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 2, m: 1 }, p: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] },
  { id: { s: 1, r: 3, m: 1 }, p: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] } ]

Note that the last example is so common it has been created as a subclass in masters. Subclassing is easy, and if you find yourself reusing certain patters, you should create one after reading the tournament implementors guide.


To pipe the top n players into another tournament set limit to n in the options argument.

This will cause an additional scoring ambiguity limitat on the final round for the scores be disambiguate the top limit players with the top (limit+1)th player. Read about the ambiguity restriction.

The 15 player example above will allow two players at tied 1st, but not allow two players in 2nd or three players in 1st.

Match Ids

Like all tournament types, matches have an id object that contains three values all in {1, 2, ...}:

  s: Number, // the bracket - always 1 at the moment - only winners bracket supported
  r: Number, // the round number in the current bracket
  m: Number  // the match number in the current bracket and round

Finding matches

All the normal base class methods exist on a FFA instance. Some notable examples follow:

var r1 = ffa.findMatches({ r: 1 });
var firstRounds = ffa.findMatchesRanged({}, { r: 2 });
var upcomingForSeed1 = ffa.upcoming(1);
var matchesForSeed1 = ffa.matchesFor(1);

Scoring Matches

Call ffa.score(id, [player0Score, player1Score, ...]) as for every match played. The ffa.unscorable(id, scoreArray) will tell you whether the score is valid. Read the entry in the tournament commonalities doc. In addition to the normal scoring restrictions there is an additional one for FFA:

Ambiguity restriction

Individual ties are only allowed as long as we can discriminate between the last advancer and the first non-advancers. If these two scores are identical, the ambiguity is disallowed and .score() will return false (equivalently unscorable() will tell you this).

Note that this is artificial, and if you have no way of enforcing this, you will have to manually adjust the match score to account for ties. FFA will not allow you to enter ambiguous scores at the limit point.

Note that if you would like automatic tiebreakers created when ties occur, rather than enforcing the limit with code, try the ffa-tb module instead.

Checking results

Results are updated after every match, and player positions are always the worst projection based on how far they have gotten.

var ffa = new FFA(8, { sizes: [4, 4], advancers: [2] });
ffa.matches.forEach(function (m) {
  ffa.score(m.id, [4,3,2,1]); // score in order of seeds
[ { seed: 1, wins: 2, for: 8, against: 0, pos: 1, gpos: 1 },
  { seed: 2, wins: 1, for: 7, against: 1, pos: 2, gpos: 2 },
  { seed: 3, wins: 1, for: 5, against: 3, pos: 3, gpos: 3 },
  { seed: 4, wins: 1, for: 4, against: 4, pos: 4, gpos: 4 },
  { seed: 5, wins: 0, for: 2, against: 2, pos: 5 },
  { seed: 6, wins: 0, for: 2, against: 2, pos: 5 },
  { seed: 7, wins: 0, for: 1, against: 3, pos: 7 },
  { seed: 8, wins: 0, for: 1, against: 3, pos: 7 } ]

A few peculiarities you may want to know about scores:

  • The 3rd placers and 4th placers in the round one matches are tied between matches (would have happened even if they had different for scores)
  • Because we sat no limit on the last rounds match, there was only one winner of the second match (whereas normally winners are said to be the ones advancing)
  • The against is the sum of the (difference of your score the top score) in each match
  • The gpos is the position in the last match (which is necessary for tiebreaking if there is more than one final round match)


Unlike inst.upcoming(seedNumber), FFA may need extra work:

Because each round is generated by reseeding players based on performance, if the current round has not been fully completed yet, then ffa.upcoming(seed) returns an empty array.

It is, however, possible to receive a partial id, like {r: 4} (missing a game number) by calling inst.limbo(seedNumber) to get an indication of whether or not the player has a match in the next round.


For more information, note that FFA is a very standard tournament subclass. Read base class API for usage tips and tricks.


MIT-Licensed. See LICENSE file for details.

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