
1.0.8 • Public • Published


Diff based a mocking server built on express.js. It is designed for use with RESTful json APIs.


Each mocked service has a json template file which defines the structure of the response. Diffs or deltas are then applied to the template to produce the desired response. Both the template and the diffs are pure json.


npm install -g yesman

Create a yesman app

yesman init

Start the yesman server

yesman start <app-path>


yesman help

Services / URLs

All available urls are defined in the services.json file. Each url points to a folder which contains the template, config and diffs for that service:

    "services" : {
          "/customer"             : "<customer-dir>"
        , "/product"              : "<product-dir>"
        , "/currencies"           : "<currencies-dir>"


Services can also be configured to forward to an external url in services.json:

    "forwards" : {
          "/countries" : "<external-url>"

Service Folder

Each service has it's own folder containing templates, config and diffs for that service:



A template is pure json and is named -config.json. A simple service can function with just a template file and no config file or diff files (see the currencies service). In this case, the template itself is returned unmodified.

For more complex services, multiple diffs can be applied to the template to produce the desired output. See json-cascade for more on how templates work.


Services are configured in the <servicedir>/<servicename>-config.json file. The available configuration values are:

  • verbs - a list of HTTP request methods for this service eg ["GET", "POST"]
  • template - path to the template file relative to the templates folder eg /customer.json
  • reqParser - the name of a function in req-parsers.js that will parse the request body and produce a diff to be applied to the template eg the mirror function returns the request body itself.
  • mockGenerator - the name of a function in dummy-data-generator.js that will dynamically generate a diff eg timestamps, random number generators etc
  • diff - path to a custom diff file.
  • states - list of available states. Each state may override the service level config options: template, reqParser, mockGenerator, diff

Any values that are not set explicitly will be defaulted based on the file default-service-config.json.

States / Diffs

Each service can be put into various states to mimic the behaviour of a stateful application (eg a database). State information is stored as a diff in .json file.


A scenario is a list of services and their current states. This allows us to define the behaviour for a particular sequence of service calls. See scenarios.json. The scenario under test is set in config.json. Changing the scenario in config.json does not require a restart.

Use with Grunt

Yesman can be started via Grunt using the grunt-express-server plugin. It can also be restarted automatically as your code changes using the grunt-contrib-watch plugin. For an example, see Gruntfile.js


Yesman combines data from 4 sources to build a mock json response.

  • Template - Defines the structure of the response and some default values.
  • HttpRequest - Values can be picked from the request and echoed back in the response.
  • Generator - Values can be generated dynamically eg timestamps
  • State - Each service can be put into a particular state. For example, for a customer lookup service, the state could be set to: CUSTOMER_FOUND, CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND, UNAUTHORIZED, SERVER_ERROR



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  • kevinsheedy