
0.0.12 • Public • Published

Your/Yo CLI


Use ONE of the following methods:

# install via npm
npm install --global ycli

# install via git
git clone git@github.com:daKmoR/ycli.git && cd ycli && npm install

# if you have problems you can manually call ./install.sh
# if installed via npm it would be cd $(npm root -g)/ycli && ./install.sh

Restart your Terminal/Console!!!


Just open a terminal and type


Should show something like this

Your/Yo CLI

Available Commands:
    ycli bower
    ycli config
    ycli git-lab
    ycli git
    ycli help
    ycli multiple
    ycli release
    ycli self-update
    ycli util
    ycli wct

    ycli self-update

Extending Ycli

Ycli is explicitly designed around the idea of easily adding new commands.

Local Scripts

  • For commands that should only be available within this specific project/folder.

Add a folder ycli-scripts in your current folder and all *.sh *.js files will be visible as commands.


mkdir ycli-scripts # create needed folder
touch ycli-scripts/my-local-script.sh # add new script
Available Commands:
  ycli my-local-script

Global Plugins

  • For commands that should be available within your whole system.

Available Plugins

Search for ycli- on npm/github. Usually you can easily install it either via npm -g install <name> or clone/copy it into your home folder.

Currently known plugins:


A Plugin is automatically identified if it starts with ycli- and resists in on of the following folders.

  • global npm dir (npm root -g)
  • same level as ycli itself (dirname $YCLI_DIR)
  • users home (echo ~)

Simple Global Plugin

If you wish to have something globally just do the following:

mkdir -p ~/ycli-user-plugin/ycli-scripts # create needed plugin
touch ~/ycli-user-plugin/ycli-scripts/my-user-script.sh # add new script
_ycliFindPlugins # or just restart your terminal/console
Available Commands:
  ycli my-user-script

ycli-user-plugin could easily also be a git repository so you can collaborate with your friends/colleagues. Once you are satisfied you could also publish it on npm.

Your own CLI

  • If you wish to brand ycli or split it up into multiple CLIs.

This is a more complex extension and requires you to provide your own autocomplete and install/uninstall methods. But you get a complete separate cli which internally can still use ycli features.

Lucky for you it's just some boilerplate you can copy from Super Cli Example.

What you get is a new command

$ super-cli

The Super CLI Example

Available Commands:
    super-cli bower
    super-cli config
    super-cli git-lab
    super-cli git
    super-cli help
    super-cli multiple
    super-cli release
    super-cli self-update
    super-cli util
    super-cli wct

    super-cli self-update

The available commands and if it will use default ycli plugins or other plugins is complete up to you in this case.


ycli multiple

$ ls
iron-icon  iron-image  paper-button  paper-slider

$ ycli multiple set paper-*
[INFO] The following components will be affected
- /mnt/c/html/paper-button
- /mnt/c/html/paper-slider

$ ycli multiple add iron-icon
[INFO] The following components will be affected
- /mnt/c/html/paper-button
- /mnt/c/html/paper-slider
- /mnt/c/html/iron-icon

$  ycli multiple ycli bower release-check
[START] Do "ycli bower release-check" for the following 3 components
- /mnt/c/html/paper-button
- /mnt/c/html/paper-slider
- /mnt/c/html/iron-icon
[START] (1/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-button
✓ Bower Repository has the same latest version 2.0.0
[DONE] (1/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-button

[START] (2/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-slider
✓ Bower Repository has the same latest version 2.0.2
[DONE] (2/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-slider

[START] (3/3) Component /mnt/c/html/iron-icon
✓ Bower Repository has the same latest version 2.0.1
[DONE] (3/3) Component /mnt/c/html/iron-icon

[DONE] Multiple Actions Duration: 8.89s

$ ycli multiple git pull
[START] Do "git pull" for the following 3 components
- /mnt/c/html/paper-button
- /mnt/c/html/paper-slider
- /mnt/c/html/iron-icon
[START] (1/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-button
Already up-to-date.
[DONE] (1/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-button

[START] (2/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-slider
Already up-to-date.
[DONE] (2/3) Component /mnt/c/html/paper-slider

[START] (3/3) Component /mnt/c/html/iron-icon
Already up-to-date.
[DONE] (3/3) Component /mnt/c/html/iron-icon

[DONE] Multiple Actions Duration: 3.26s

It let's you execute a command for a defined list of directories. For example you can just do a git pull for all your element by typing ycli multiple git pull. It does this sequentially one after each other.

Some commands may be run more efficiently in parallel because they depend on network or other resources. To run a command in parallel just add --jobs x to it. e.g. ycli multiple git pull --jobs 4. This will spawn 4 bash jobs. Keep in mind that for smaller tasks the spawing might take longer then the command itself. So git pull is a good example that can use multiple jobs - rm someTmpFile.txt will be much fast just run in one bash in sequential order.

For more information see ycli multiple --help.

ycli bower dependency-tree

Displays a dependency tree (incl. versions with set option) that can be filtered via a pattern.

$ cd paper-button
$ ycli bower dependency-tree -v --pattern paper-
├─ paper-behaviors#2.0.0 (1 - 2)
│  └─ paper-ripple#2.0.1 (1 - 2)
└─ paper-styles#2.0.0 (1 - 2)

Use autocomplete (tab, tab) to show all Commands or SubCommands.

Package Sidebar


npm i ycli

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  • d4kmor