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XVideos Scraper

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A simple XVideos Scraper that srapes/gets video data and downloadable video source and returns a promise/JSON Object result.


npm i xvideos-scraper

Require to export function

const xv = require('xvideos-scraper');


usage of searchVideo() and getVideoData()

const xv = require('xvideos-scraper');

let res = await xv.searchVideo({
 //proxy: false, //optional default false
 search: "stepsis", 
 sort: "relevance",
 //filterDuration: "20min_more" //optional
 //filterDate: "week", //optional
 //filterQuality: "hd", //optional
 //viewWatched: "h", //optional
 pagination: 1

let res2 = await xv.getVideoData({
 //proxy: false, //optional default false
 videoUrl: res[0].video //takes videolink result of searchVideo() as an input

All Params for searchVideo() and getVideoData()

Params Is Required Type Selectors Description
proxy optional boolean true or false Sends the request to a different server than the request is intended for.
pagination required int/number 1, 2, 3... number of paginations of a webpage that starts from 1 (1st pagination).
viewWatched optional string h Hides already viewed videos.
filterQuality optional string all, hd and 1080p Filter videos by quality.
filterDuration optional string allduration, 1-3min, 3-10min, 10min_more, 10-20min and 20min_more Filter videos by duration.
filterDate optional string all, today, week, month, 3month and 6month Filter videos by date uploaded.
sort required string relevance, uploaddate, rating, length, views and random Sorts the result videos.
videoUrl required string link of a video Link of a video that you can get on searchVideo() results.

Sample Sucess Responses

Success response for searchVideo() with proxy

    video: 'https://zend2.com/index.php?q=zanVo6lxZ2WsrKqPqa_Lm5rU1V6VqNCS282clqdwZ5qYaJlpbWaZmZiel8afrcOjod7Bk6SexNDVzZ2Qq62a0tie1JKtn6GimpSiz5Cvw5qW2cufoA',
    title: 'Accidentally Creampie Stepsis While On Vacation',
    duration: '27 min',
    uploaderName: 'Nestoprod',
    uploaderProfile: 'https://zend2.com/index.php?q=zanVo6lxZ2WsrKqPqa_Lm5rU1V6VqNCS1danl6GlmtWUo8amqqaoqKSZ'

Success response for searchVideo() without proxy

    video: 'https://www.xvideos2.com/video57761037/joi_-_my_stepsis_noticed_my_boner_she_asks_me_to_jerk_off.',
    thumbnail: 'https://img-hw.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/thumbs169ll/e3/25/e6/e325e6605d7ac6a447c131a93eb9f401/e325e6605d7ac6a447c131a93eb9f401.23.jpg',
    title: 'JOI - My stepsis noticed my boner, she asks me to jerk off.',
    duration: '24 min',
    uploaderName: 'Madelaine Rousset',
    uploaderProfile: 'https://www.xvideos2.com/pornstar-channels/madelaine_rousset'

Success response for getVideoData() with proxy

  name: 'Accidentally Creampie Stepsis While On Vacation',
  description: 'Accidentally Creampie Stepsis While On Vacation',
  thumbnailUrl: [
  uploadDate: '2022-10-14T13:57:55+00:00',
  contentUrl: 'https://video-hw.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/mp4/1/e/3/xvideos.com_1e3e4a30c4e3d657ea487f51fc719592.mp4?e=1667462790&ri=1024&rs=85&h=6bc70ef4e1fe7a266d8ae5a7a094a7d4',
  interactionStatistic: {
    type: 'InteractionCounter',
    interactionType: { type: 'WatchAction' },
    userInteractionCount: 145444

Success response for getVideoData() without proxy

  name: 'JOI - My stepsis noticed my boner, she asks me to jerk off.',
  description: 'JOI - My stepsis noticed my boner, she asks me to jerk off.',
  thumbnailUrl: [
  uploadDate: '2020-08-20T20:05:05+00:00',
  contentUrl: {
    Default_Quality: 'https://vid1-l3.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/mp4/e/3/2/xvideos.com_e325e6605d7ac6a447c131a93eb9f401.mp4?e=1667465024&ri=1024&rs=85&h=fa62bd3b86152a2fce61e5eec8d94afa',
    Low_Quality: 'https://vid1-l3.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/3gp/e/3/2/xvideos.com_e325e6605d7ac6a447c131a93eb9f401.mp4?e=1667465024&ri=1024&rs=85&h=9ccff3a13ab83548dadb9f5851d4fc6c',
    HD_Quality: 'https://vid1-l3.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/mp4/e/3/2/xvideos.com_e325e6605d7ac6a447c131a93eb9f401.mp4?e=1667465024&ri=1024&rs=85&h=fa62bd3b86152a2fce61e5eec8d94afa',
    UHD_Quality: 'https://hls1-l3.xvideos-cdn.com/365d05b42ef26dbac751d39a1efea3751aa5fd2e-1667465024/videos/hls/e3/25/e6/e325e6605d7ac6a447c131a93eb9f401/hls.m3u8'
  interactionStatistic: {
    type: 'InteractionCounter',
    interactionType: { type: 'WatchAction' },
    userInteractionCount: '1,838,959 Views'

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11.2 kB

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