
0.14.4 • Public • Published


A voxel mesher for ndarrays that handles ambient occlusion and transparency.

Based on @mikolalysenko's ao-mesher

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Load with voxel-plugins


var mesher = game.plugins.get('voxel-mesher');

var mesh = mesher.createVoxelMesh(voxels, voxelSideTextureIDs, voxelSideTextureSizes, position, pad)

Constructs a mesh for voxels.

  • voxels: 3D ndarray of voxels
  • voxelSideTextureIDs: 2D ndarray (15-bit voxel ID, side 0-6) to 16-bit texture ID, defaults to voxel ID
  • voxelSideTextureSizes: 2D ndarray (15-bit voxel ID, side 0-6) to log2(texture size), defaults to 4 (2^4=16)
  • position: vector [x,y,z] of this chunk's position
  • pad: twice the number of voxels to pad around each edge (4)

Returns a typed array encoding the mesh, or else null if there were no facets. This is in the same format that voxel-shader expects:

    vertexArrayObjects: {surface: ..., porous: ...},
    center: [x, y, z],
    radius: w,
    modelMatrix: mat4

Other plugins can add their own VAOs to vertexArrayObjects, by listening for the meshed event:

mesher.on('meshed', function(result, gl, vert_data, voxels) {
    result.vertexArrayObjects.myVAO = ...

This event is used by voxel-wireframe and voxel-chunkborder.

Voxel types

voxel-registry is used to lookup voxel information for meshing, the following properties are supported:

  • transparent: if true, the voxel textures have transparency, otherwise assumed fully opaque
  • blockModel: if present, passed to block-models for custom non-cube models

These properties determines the voxel type and how they are meshed:

  • Solid: phase 1 rendering pass - included in surface VAO
  • Opaque: default, bit 15 set (example: dirt)
  • Transparent: property transparent true, bit 15 clear (example: glass)
  • Porous: phase 2 rendering pass - included in porous VAO
  • blockModel property present
  • Allows for translucent (example: stained glass) and custom model (example: slabs) blocks


(c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko, (c) 2014-2015 deathcap. MIT License

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  • deathcap