
1.0.13 • Public • Published


A server side library for implementing account/user/role authentication and authorization workflow.


  • authentication
  • authorization (roles)
  • new account verification
  • password reset
  • password expiration
  • password strength policy
  • passwords cannot match any of the last N passwords used
  • account lockout if too many failed login attempts
  • session expiration
  • event logging
  • user-pluggable persistent store
  • user-pluggable transformations
  • email (text or html) for account workflow


This library was written to migrate a single page app away from using Stormpath on the backend, but retaining the ability to use react-stormpath on the frontend. Properly configured, you should be able to use react-stormpath as your SPA views for a backend using this library.


npm install --save userdb

or git-clone this repository into the top level of your backend project, then remove the .git subdirectory and check it into your project.

If you go the git-clone route, then you'll want to add something like the folloing to your package.json file:

"scripts": {
    "postinstall": "(cd ./userdb; npm install)",

If you go the "npm install" route, then add the following into your webpack.config.js file:

  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loaders: ['babel-loader'],
    exclude: /node_modules\/(?!(userdb\/react)\/).*/,
    include: [ path.join(__dirname, 'src'), path.join(__dirname,'node_modules','userdb', 'react') ]

In other words, exclude node_modules except for "userdb/react" and explicity include node_modules/userdb/react.


This library was designed to work with express. In your main application:

  var express = require( 'express' );
  var app = express();
  var userdb = require( 'userdb' );  // or require( './userdb' );
  app.use( userdb.initialize( app, options ) );
  // send all NON-XHR requests to index.html so browserHistory in React Router works
  app.get('*', function (req, res, next) {
    if ( req.xhr ) return next();
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/static/index.html'));
  // Your POST and other XHR endpoints '/protected', userdb.authenticated, userdb.authorized(['admin','doctor']), function( req, res, next ) {
    console.log( "user:", JSON.stringify( req.user, null, 2 ) );
    if ( req.user.has( 'doctor' ) ) {
      // ...
    res.json( req.user );
  app.listen( 3000 );

Userdb and React UI

If you are using the react UI, then you need to include some css. The css file is going to be under node_modules/userdb/react/css/userdb.css. You can include this by either copying it to your own css directory, or by including it directly. To include it directly, you'll probably want something like the following in your server code:

  // static content
  app.use( express.static( path.join( __dirname, 'static' ) ) );
  app.use( express.static( path.join( __dirname, 'node_modules' ) ) );

and then in your static/css/styles.css file:

@import "/userdb/react/css/userdb.css";


The options that you pass into the initialize() function are merged with a set of default options. The default options are:

  "debug": true,
  "debugEndpoints": true,
  "logger": null,
  "endpoints": {
    "login": {
      "enabled": true,
      "uri": "/login"
    "logout": {
      "enabled": true,
      "uri": "/logout"
    "me": {
      "enabled": true,
      "uri": "/me"
    "verify": {
      "enabled": false,
      "uri": "/verify"
    "forgot": {
      "enabled": true,
      "uri": "/forgot"
    "change": {
      "enabled": true,
      "uri": "/change"
    "expired": {
      "enabled": false,
      "uri": "/expired"
  "passwordsExpireInSeconds": 2592000,
  "sessionsExpireInSeconds": 0,
  "passwordPolicy": {
    "enabled": false,
    "length": 5,
    "uppers": 0,
    "lowers": 1,
    "numbers": 1,
    "specials": 0
  "disableAccountAfterFailedLoginAttempts": 0,
  "reenableLockedAccountsAfterSeconds": 900,
  "passwordsCantMatch": 0,
  "accounts_href": "http://localhost/accounts",
  "groups_href": "http://localhost/groups",
  "session": {
    "key": "userdb",
    "secret": "jsjjhdhgdghd",
    "resave": false,
    "saveUninitialized": false
  "database": {
    "driver": "knex",
    "options": null
  "strategies": null,
  "smtp": {
    "from": "FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS",
    "auth": {
      "user": "SMTP_USER",
      "pass": "SMTP_PASS"
    "options": {
      "port": "SMTP_PORT",
      "host": "SMTP_HOST",
      "secure": true,
      "ignoreTLS": false,
      "requireTLS": true,
      "name": "SMTP_SERVER_NAME",
      "localAddress": "",
      "connectionTimeout": 3000,
      "greetingTimeout": 3000,
      "socketTimeout": 5000,
      "debug": false,
      "lmtp": false,
      "authMethod": "PLAIN",
      "tls": {}
  "email": {
    "accountVerification": {
      "enabled": false,
      "subject": "Please verify your account",
      "template": "account-verification.html",
      "format": "text",
      "endpoint": "http://localhost:3000/verify"
    "accountVerificationSuccessful": {
      "enabled": false,
      "subject": "Your account has been confirmed",
      "template": "account-verification-successful.html",
      "format": "text"
    "accountWelcome": {
      "enabled": false,
      "subject": "Your registration was successful",
      "template": "account-welcome.html",
      "format": "text"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "enabled": false,
      "subject": "Reset your password",
      "template": "forgot-password.html",
      "format": "text",
      "endpoint": "http://localhost:3000/change"
    "passwordResetSuccessful": {
      "enabled": false,
      "subject": "Your password has been changed",
      "template": "password-reset-successful.html",
      "format": "text"
  "transformer": "stormpath",
  "tokenSigningKey": "674a3323-9a91-4bc4-b8a5-0c13d6a08a00",
  "accountVerificationTokenExpire": 86400,
  "passwordResetTokenExpire": 3600

The defaults are read from defaults.yml which is documented, so you can refer to that file for documentation as well.

The configuration will be explained below in sections; passport, database, transformers, endpoints, password policy, smtp, email, and misc.


The userdb library uses passport internally for authentication management. Passport itself relies on a persistent session to store a user record associated with a client-side cookie. The default session is an in-memory store, which won't work too well in production. In a production environment, you need to supply something a little more robust. You do this with the session configuration section, which is passed directly to express-session. Here is an example using a redis store:

  var session = require('express-session');
  var RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
  userdbOptions = {
    session: {
      store: new RedisStore({
        "host": "redis",
        "port": 6379,
        "options": {} })
  app.use( userdb.initialize( app, userdbOptions ) );

By default a "local" strategy is installed for passport. This is a username/password strategy that searches the backing store (see Database) for users during authentication. This may be enough for most applications. However, you have the ooportunity to install additional strategies and make use if the userdb api to implement them. You can do this by supplying a function to the strategies option. If a function is supplied, it will be called with two parameters; app and verifyPassword:

function( app, verifyPassword )

The app parameter is not the express app. It contains app.log, which is the logger and app.config which is the configuration passed to userdb. The verifyPassword function takes ( user, password ) and will check that user.password hash is equal to the clear text password. verifyPassword is an async function, which returns either an error, or null if the passwords match. Here is an (untested!) example of a function you could write and pass to userdb via the strategies configuration parameter:

var myStrategies = function( app, verifyPassword ) {
  var FacebookStrategy = require( 'passport-facebook' );
  passport.use("facebook", new FacebookStrategy({
    clientID: FACEBOOK_APP_ID,  // app.config.facebook.appId
    clientSecret: FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,  // app.config.facebook.appSecret
    callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback"  // app.config.facebook.callbackUrl
  function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {
    userdb.searchForUsers({ facebookId: }, function (err, users) {
      return cb(err, (users.length==1 ? users[0] : null));

On the client side, if the user wants to authenticate using facebook, then send a header called "realm" with the value set to "facebook" (or whatever you called the strategy).

NOTE in this example, you'll need to update the user database schema to add a "facebookId" column.


The default persistent store used by this library is Knex, which is a nice NodeJS library to interface with MySQL. This database driver is called "knex". To use this built in driver, you need to specify the connection properties. This will depend on your environment, but here is a simple example:

"database": {
  "driver": "knex",
  "options": {
    "client": "mysql",
    "connection": {
      "host": "",
      "user": "admin",
      "password": "secret",
      "database": "mydb"

This driver is located here: ./database-drivers/knex.js. There is a knex.sql located there that you may use to initialize the database schema required by this driver.

It is possible to develop other drivers for this library. To create a new driver called "mongo", create a new file under ./database-drivers called "mongo" and set the database parameters to use this driver and pass the options it needs to connect to your persistent store. Look at knex.js and implement the same routines you see in there: findUserById(), findUserByName(), saveUser(), searchForUsers(), searchForUsersQ(), verifyPasswordToken(), findOrCreateUser(), findOrCreateRole(), addRoleToUser(), getOldPasswords(), rememberPassword().


It is possible to supply a function called a "transformer" which will take a user strucutre from the database and return a user strucutre suitable for sending to the client. By default no transformation is done on the user structure. There is (currently) one built in transformer called "stormpath". If you set the transformer parameter to "stormpath" the user structure will be transformed into something that the Stormpath React client-side view library expects. Or, you may set it to a function that takes a user structure as input and should return the user structure that will be sent to the client. Use this to migrate from an older user management library (like Stormpath) to this library.


Password Policy

By default, passwords do not expire. If you want to support expiring passwords, you must first set config.endpoints.expired.enabled to true. If this is set to true, then passwordsExpireInSeconds is checked against the user database column called password_updated_on, which is always set whenever a user changes their password. If now() - user.password_updated_on > passwordsExpireInSeconds, then a property called password_expired is set to true on the user structure being returned from /login and /me. This can be used by the UX to redirect the user to a password change form after successfully logging in with their old password. No other enforcement is performed. Even through the password is known to have expired, it will not be changed until the user changes it. And to change it, the user must be able to log in. The UX should not let the user go anywhere in the app until they change their password. When the /expired endpoint is called, the password will be changed and the user logged out, so that on the UX side, the user must re-login with their new password.

When a password is being changed using the /expired endpoint, the new password can be checked for uniquesness over the last (configurable) number of passwords employed by the user. This is controlled with the config parameter passwordsCantMatch. If that parameter is set to zero, then the user can repeat any past password. If it is set to a number like 3, then the new password must not match any of the last three passwords used by that user.

If config.passwordPolicy.enabled is set to true, then new passwords will be checked against the policy and an error thrown if the password does not meet the policy requirements. You can specify rules for the length of the password and the number of uppercase, lowercase and special characters required. It should be noted however that in most cases, the UX will want to implement the policy so it can be shown to the user before they make an attempt. In this case, you might not want to enable policy checking in this library. If your policy code is located in the UX, you might want to update it it in only one place.

When a user is logging in, if the canfing parameter disableAccountAfterFailedLoginAttempts is set to a non zero value, than that many failed login attempts in a row will cause the account to be "locked" and the user will not be able to log in with any password until the account is unlocked. The parameter reenableLockedAccountsAfterSeconds can be set to a number of seconds an account should remain locked after being locked. Some script or process (like manage-user.js) can use this parameter to unlock locked accounts.

By default sessions to not expire. By setting the parameter sessionsExpireInSeconds to a number of seconds, that number will be used to program maxAge of the session cookie used for session management. Sessions will then expire after than number of seconds of inactivity.


This library can send emails to people when various events occur (see below). To use this facility you need to have an account with an SMTP provider and set the SMTP parameters in your userdb config. See defaults.yml under smtp.


There are a number of points in the user "workflow" where emails could be sent to a user. To use this feature, you must specify an SMTP server and its connection parameters (see above). Then you can enable and configure the emails you would like sent to your users. There are five possible emails, which you can see in defaults.yml, under the email parameter:


If enabled (and if you call userdb.newUserWorkflow() when creating a new user account), this email would be sent to the new user asking them to verify their email address. See New User Workflow for details. This email requires the endpoint that will be used to construct the link in the email that the user clicks on to verify their account.


If enabled, a user will get this email once they've successfully verified their email address.


If enabled, a user will receive this email after they've successfully verified their email address.


If enabled, when a user asks to reset their password, or a system admin resets a user's password, this email will be sent to the user with a link to an endpoint to specify a new password. See Password Reset Workflow for details. This email requires the endpoint that will be used to construct the link in the email that the user clicks on to specify their new password.


If enabled, this email is sent to the user after that have successfully specified a new password after a password reset sequence.

In all cases, you can specify a subject, a format and a template for these various emails. If you want to use your own templates, place place them under ./email-templates. If you want to send HTML emails, change the format to "html" and create appropriate templates. The templates are processed wi the EJS templating engine. See the existing text templates for the variables you can use in your own templates.


Setting debugEndpoints to true will install a middleware function that will print information about incoming HTTP requests before they hit the userdb endpoints. You may find this to be useful for debugging your client-side UX code.

You can set logger to your application's central logger if you employ one. If this is not set, then userdb will use winston internally, with its default console transport. If you do supply a logger, it must comply with a winston-like api. That is, it should have .info(), .debug(), .error() methods which can take a variable number of arguments, including objects.

New User Workflow

Password Reset Workflow


userdb.initialize( app, options )

This should be called once to initialize the library. The app parameter may be {}, in which case none of the passport stuff or the endpoints are installed. This is a useful way to use this library in stand alone scripts to adding users, etc. The options parameter has been described above. This function retuns a middleware function (which presently does nothing), so in a node express application you should:

app.use( userdb.initialize( app, options ) );

userdb.authenticated( req, res, next )

Middleware function to be used on routes that are protected and require an authenticated user to access. The incoming req.headers.realm is used to pick a passport strategy to use. If this header does not exist, then "local" is used as the strategy.

userdb.authorized( roles, all )

Middleware function to be used on routes that should be restricted to users with particular roles. The roles parameter is an array of role names. By default the user must have one of the roles specified, but if all is true, then the user must have all the roles specified. If the user does not meet the criterion, then a 403 is sent back to the client. This middleware function should follw the authenticated() function in a route.

userdb.findUserById( id, cb )

userdb.findUserByName( usernameOrEmail, cb )

userdb.saveUser( params, cb )

userdb.searchForUsers( query, cb )

userdb.searchForUsersQ( q, cb )

userdb.createPasswordHash( cleartextPassword, cb )

userdb.verifyPassword( user, clearTextPassword, cb )

userdb.findOrCreateUser( user, password, cb )

userdb.findOrCreateRole( role, cb )

userdb.addRoleToUser( role, user, cb )

userdb.newUserWorkflow( user, cb )

userdb.verifyAccount( sptoken, cb )

userdb.resetPassword( user, cb )

userdb.unlockUser( user, cb )

userdb.unlockUsers( cb )

Account Verification Flow in a SPA Using react-stormpath

In an application where users cannot self register, what I want to see happen is:

  1. An admin adds a new user. Email is sent to the user asking them to verify their email address by clicking on a link in the email.
  2. The user clicks on this link. The act of clicking on it verifies the account, and takes the user to a welcome screen, where:
  3. The user sees their profile information and can change it, and must enter a password and "submit".
  4. The user is then directed into the app without having to log in through the login screen.

To get this behavior in a SPA, you must play a couple of tricks in the main application. By default the /verify endpoint is not enabled in userdb, and you should leave it that way because we will implement our own. Then you should configure the email endpoint for the verification email:

"email": {
  "accountVerification": {
    "enabled": true,
    "endpoint": ""

When the user clicks on this link in the email, a GET will go to /welcome. But we won't have a GET handler for /welcome! We will have a client-side route for /welcome however. All GETs (that are not consumed by userdb) will simply cause index.html to be delivered to the browser to bootstrsp the SPA. The client-side route for /welcome will display a welcome form. This form will immediately perform a POST to a /welcome endpoint we will implement, which will use userdb to validate the account. If there is an error, the user will be notified and the welcome form disabled. If the verification goes through, the user can now fill in the welcome form and POST it to another endpoint we will implement called /welcomed, which will save their profile and log them in, and direct them to the apps initial screen.

Here's how the backend server code would look like to implement this senerio.

  // install the userdb endpoints
  app.use( app.lib.userdb.initialize( app, udbOptions ) );
  // send all GETs that are not ajax calls index.html, no matter what.  This
  // is how a SPA normally deals with browser history (react-router is a good example)
  app.get('*', function (req, res, next) {
    if ( req.xhr ) return next();
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/static/index.html'));
  // All POSTs come here, and Ajax initiated GETs too.
  // This is called when the /welcome link is clicked on in an email.  The UI posts to
  // this endpoint which verifies the token and returns the user account info for this
  // token.  The user info is used to pre-populate the welcome form, to allow the user
  // to change their profile, and to enter a new password.  This POST must include the
  // sptoken that came with the GET to /welcome (the SPA will see this). '/welcome', function( req, res, cb ) {
    var sptoken = req.body.sptoken;
    userdb.verifyAccount( sptoken, function( err, user ) {
      if ( err ) return cb( err );
      res.jsonp( user );
  // The submit button on the welcome form does this POST.  
  // When this POST returns back to the client, the client will
  // POST to /login with the user's email and password and then
  // redirect to the apps home page. '/welcomed', function( req, res, cb ) {
    var givenName = req.body.givenName;
    var surname = req.body.surname;
    var email =;
    var password = req.body.password;
    app.lib.userdb.searchForUsers({ email: email }, function( err, accounts ) {
      if ( err ) return cb( err );
      if ( ! accounts.length ) return cb( new Error( 'Cannot find user' ) );
      var user = { id: accounts[0].id || require( 'path' ).basename( user.href ) };
      user.givenName = givenName;
      user.surname = surname;
      app.lib.userdb.createPasswordHash( password, function( err, hash ) {
        if ( err ) return cb( err );
        user.password = hash;
        app.lib.userdb.saveUser( user, function( err ) {
          if ( err ) return cb( err );
          res.jsonp( accounts[0] );

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