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uPort Identity Contracts

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Please read our Whitepaper for information on what uPort is, and what is currently possible as far as integration.

Contract Deployments

Mainnet (id: 1)

Contract Address
IdentityManager 0x22a4d688748845e9d5d7394a0f05bc583adf4656
TxRelay 0xec2642cd5a47fd5cca2a8a280c3b5f88828aa578
MetaIdentityManager 0xc67c19b13bb42d23704a7b253aadf3230a78e6d3

Rinkeby testnet (id: 4)

Contract Address
IdentityManager 0x19aece3ae41ee33c30f331906b7e4bb578946a55
TxRelay 0xda8c6dce9e9a85e6f9df7b09b2354da44cb48331
MetaIdentityManager 0xcc3d1f03381c66a3e641084cc8e367332922b23f

Kovan testnet (id: 42)

Contract Address
IdentityManager 0xdb55d40684e7dc04655a9789937214b493a2c2c6
TxRelay 0xa9235151d3afa7912e9091ab76a36cbabe219a0c
MetaIdentityManager 0x932a60fedf58a898780737e3b1c920cf1e825d2b

Ropsten testnet (id: 3)

Contract Address
IdentityManager 0x27500ae27b6b6ad7de7d64b1def90f3e6e7ced47
TxRelay 0xa5e04cf2942868f5a66b9f7db790b8ab662039d5
MetaIdentityManager 0xd430425d7e62ec813611ada95de588d4f79cff8f

Using the contracts

To use the contract we provide truffle artifacts. Once you require the uport-identity module you will get an object containing a versioned index of the uport contracts. You can specify which version you want to user, or just use the latest one. Keep in mind that different versions will be deployed to different addresses.

const uportIdentity = require('uport-identity')
const Contract = require('truffle-contract')
// use specific version
const IdentityManagerArtifact = uportIdentity.IdentityManager.v1
// or use latest version
const version = uportIdentity.IdentityManager.latestVersion
const IdentityManagerArtifact = uportIdentity.IdentityManager[version]

You can use truffle-contract to utilize these artifacts.

let IdentityManager = Contract(IdentityManagerArtifact)
let identityManager = IdentityManager.deployed()

You can also use web3.

let networkId = 1 // Mainnet
let IdentityManager = web3.eth.contract(IdentityManagerArtifact)
let identityManager = IdentityManager.at(IdentityManagerArtifact.networks[networkId].address)

If you want to learn more about this structure, checkout the document about the artifact index.

Testing the contracts

All aspects of the contracts need to be tested. To do this we use truffle and testrpc behind the scenes. Right now we only have tests written in javascript, but in the future we plan on adding tests written in solidity as well.

To execute the tests you simply run:

$ yarn test

If you want to run run a specific test you can just add the filename:

$ yarn test test/testName.js

You can also run the tests on a geth node.

Contract documentation

This repository contains the contracts currently in use by uPort. This is also where you find the addresses of these contracts currently deployed on Mainnet and relevant test networks. Below you can find descriptions of each of the contracts and the rationale behind the design decisions.





Main contract interactions

The most important interactions with the contracts are creation of identities and sending transactions. Here are visual representations of this being executed.

Creating an identity with the IdentityManager

identity creation

Transfer an identity to IdentityManager

register identity

Send a meta-tx


Deploying contracts to a private network

Add a new entry in ./truffle.js like so:

yourNetwork: {
  get provider() {
    return getProvider("http://my-private.network/")
  network_id: "*"

If the gas price on the network is very high you might need to add the gasPrice parameter.

Create a file called ./seed. This file should contain a mnemonic seed phrase. Make sure that the first address (m/44'/60'/0'/0) of this seed has ether on your private network. Then run:

$ yarn _deploy yourNetwork

The addresses of the deployed contracts should then be located in ./build/contracts/{ContractName}.json.


Want to contribute to uport-contracts? Cool, please read our contribution guidelines to get an understanding of the process we use for making changes to this repo.




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