
2.0.0 • Public • Published


Middleware stack runner for typed HTTP requests


var stack = require("typed-request-stack");
var middleware = require('./my-service-middleware');
var requestValidation = require('./request-validation');
var responseValidtion = require('./response-validation');
// -> Exports function (typedRequest, opts, handle)
module.exports = stack([
    // User-implemented role-based security middleware,
    // Validation for this endpoint
    middleware.validate(requestValidation, responseValidation)
], dummyEndpoint)
// The main body of the endpoint implemetation
function dummyEndpoint(typedRequest, opts, callback) {
    callback(null, {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: "Hello world"


var endpoint = stack([/*middleware*/], endpointHandler)

typed-request-stack := (
  stack: Array<TypedHandler>,
  endpoint?: TypedRequestHandler
) => (
  typedRequest: TypedRequest,
  opts: Object,
  callback?: (err?: error, value: Any) => void 
) => void

TypedRequestStack allows you to to compose a collection of "middleware" functions and apply them in order. The stack is descended from the first handler for the request, and then in reverse order for the response.

                 Start                               End
                   |                                  ^
                   V                                  |
        +----------------------+            +----------------------+
    A - |    Handle request    |     +--->  |    Handle response   |
        +----------------------+     |      +----------------------+
                   |                 |                 ^
                   V                 |                 |
  middleware A calls handle.request  |  middleware B calls handle.reponse
                   |                 |                 |
                   v                 |                 |
        +----------------------+     |      +----------------------+
    B - |    Handle request    |  ?--+      |    Handle response   |
        +----------------------+            +----------------------+
                   | middleware B could abort         ^
                   | early (if there was an           |
                   | error for example) by            |   
                   | calling handle.response          |
                   | inside handle request            |
                   |                                  |
                   +------+                    +------+ Endpoint calls
                          |                    |        callback
                          V                    | 
                         |       Endpoint       |

The callback passed into the function returned by typed-request-stack will receive the last result (err, value) in the response phase.

When a handleResponse function aborts the request by calling handle.response, the parent response handler is first to receive the value. This behaves as if the parent response function is a callback passed into the request handler.

Defining middleware TypedHandler

type TypedHandler : {
    handleRequest: TypedRequestHandler,
    handleResponse: TypedResponseHandler

Middleware in the stack should implement handleRequest or handleResponse. There is no obligation to implement both, but one of these functions must be implemented. If the next middleware does not implement a handler for the request or response phase, it will simply be skipped, and the next handler used.

Example: Implementing middleware

'use strict';
module.exports = Logger;
function Logger(logger) {
    if (!(this instanceof Logger)) {
        return new Logger(logger);
    // We can configure our middleware in the constructor
    this.logger = logger || console.log.bind(console);
Logger.prototype.handleRequest = handleRequest;
Logger.prototpye.handleResponse = handleResponse;
function handleRequest(typedRequest, opts, handle) {
    // Handle the next request in the middleware stack
function handleResponse(err, value, handle) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
    // Continue back up the response chain
    handle.response(err, value);

function typedRequestHandler(typedRequest, opts, handle)

type TypedRequestHandler : (
  typedRequest: TypedRequest,
  opts: Object,
  handle: Handle
) => void
type Handle : {
  request: (opts: Object) => void,
  response: (err?: Error, value: Any) => void,
  sharedState?: Any

When calling handle.request(opts) - the opts passed in here is passed on to the next request handler (below the current) in the stack.

If a typed request handler wishes to abort and start returning a value through the response phase, it can do so by calling handle.reponse(opts)

A typed request handler must call either handle.request or handle.reponse at some point. Precisely one of these functions must be called exactly one time.

function typedResponseHandler(err, value, handle)

type TypedResponseHandler : (
  err?: Error,
  value: Any,
  handle: Handle

When calling handle.reponse(err) or handle.response(null, value), the next response handler (above the current) in the stack will receive these values.

Eventually, after fully ascending the stack, the final error or value will be passed into a callback function supplied by the stack caller.

A TypedResponseHandler must call handle.response exactly once, and must never call handle.request.


When request and response handlers are paired together for a single unit of middleware, they often wish to share some state per request. It's important to stress that the properties on the middleware instance itself are global to all requests, and so you must not use this to store per-request state.

handle.sharedState provides a mechanism for sharing state for this middleware between the request and response handler. handle.sharedState may be set to anything inside handleRequest, and it will be available on the handle instance inside handleResponse.

Example: computing and sharing state for each request

function RequestTimer(logger) {
    this.logger = logger || console.log.bind(console);  
RequestTimer.prototype.handleRequest = handleTimedRequest;
RequestTimer.prototype.handleResponse = handleTimedResponse;
function handleTimedRequest(typedRequest, opts, handle) {
    // Write the shared state by setting handle.sharedState
    handle.sharedState = {
        startTime: Date.now()
function handleTimedResponse(err, value, handle) {
    // Read the shared state from `handle`, set in handleTimedRequest
    var sharedState = handle.sharedState;
    var requestTime = Date.now() - sharedState.startTime;
    this.logger.log('Request took ' + requestTime + 'ms');
    handle.response(err, value);


The implementation of an HTTP endpoint should be

  • Debuggable
  • Efficient
  • Modular
  • Safe


typed-request-stack aids with debugging by unwraping the closures that would otherwise be relied on to implement middleware stacks. This allows us to inspect, or even modify the stack of handlers that will run for a given endpoint.

Inspecting handle._stack will allow you to see which middleware has been applied to the stack, and this can be inspected at any stage.

Furthermore, in the case of a core/heap dump, the configuration of your server's endpoints becomes easier to debug. You can look for the instances of your endpoints on the heap and inspect them. You can look for instances of TypedRequestHandle to see all of the in-flight requests at the time of a crash, and know exactly which endpoint stack the request was executing through.

You can also rely on the handle._handlerIndex to derive which specific handler was executing at that point in time, and handle._typedRequest to inspect the incoming request.


When relying on closure based stacks, you will often be creating closures at runtime for each request you serve.

This middleware stack approach completely removes the need to rely on closures, which means no more on-the-fly function generation. Using constructors also provides minor V8 efficiencies through the use of hidden classes.


The middleware pattern allows us to create shared units of funtionality and apply them easily. By implementing these shared units with the same consistent interface, we can easily combine them together in a stack.

This further promotes indepedent testing of these units with full coverage, reducing likely copy/paste errors and errors caused by not understanding a new interface.


One of the biggest problems with chaining modules together is understanding when a module will call the callback. There is always the question of whether the module calls the callback more than once, what the impact would be and how we would debug it if it did happen.

typed-request-stack ensures that the callback is called only once and that middleware act in-order. Out-of-order middleware could easily corrupt state or behave in ways that are hard to reason about. The handle passed into each function is wrapped with a SafeHandle type to ensure the correct calling conventions are met.


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  • Matt Esch

MIT Licensed




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