
4.0.0 • Public • Published


Range Based Single File MBTiles-like Tile Store


TileBase can be accessed in several ways through the following client libraries

Language Link

Command Line Library

The default command line requires that node be installed. The easiest way to do this is usually via NVM

Once node is installed, from the git repository, run the following to install dependencies.

npm install
npm link

The TileBase cli should now be able to be used from your command line via

tilebase --help

Format Spec (v1)

A TileBase file is designed as a single file tile store. It is functionally similiar to a MBTiles file, except it is optimized for Cloud Storage based serving and does not allow dynamic updates.

TileBase files allow Ranged requests from Cloud Storage providers, avoiding the generally expensive operation of pushing individual tiles to the store.

TileBase File

<Magic Bytes><Version><File Config Length>
<Variable Length File Config>
<Variable Length Tile Addresses>
<Variable Length Tile Data>

File Header

Every TileBase file will begin with 74 62 (tb in ASCII) followed by an 8-bit unsigned integer representing the TileBase spec version number.

Since there is currently only one version of the spec, all TileBase files will start with the following:

74 62 01

Following the Magic Bytes is a single 32 bit unsigned Little Endian Integer containing the number of following bytes that make up the JSON file config.

62      tb Magic Bytes
01      1
00      1234 bytes

This means that the max number of bytes in the JSON config is 4294967295 bytes (~4gb)

File Config

After the header, a stringified JSON object contains the config necessary to read the TileBase file. The length of the binary JSON config MUST be equal to the length specifier preceding the config.

    "min": <min zoom>,
    "max": <max zoom>,
    "ranges": {
        "<zoom>": [<min x>, <min y>, <max x>, <max y>]

Tile Addresses

After the JSON config is a block of Tile Addresses. There will be one tile address for every tile that would fall within the rectangular ranges array. Should a vector tile be empty, it will have a Byte Address to where the tile would have been in the file, however with a Vector Tile Size of 0.

Byte addresses reference the number of bytes to the initial byte from the end of the TileAddresses Block.

IE: the first byte address of any TileBase file will be 0, as it will be the first byte after the Tile Addresses block.

Example: Single Tile Address

<LE-UInt64 Address><LE-UInt64 Vector Tile Size>

Tile Data

Tile Data is simply a blob of continuous gzipped Mapbox Vector Tiles. Their order is determined simply by the order in which they are reference by the Tile Address blob.

Error Handling

Errors returned via the TileBase library will return a TBError, an extension to the default JS Error class with the addition of a status field. The status field will contain a suggested HTTP Status code to return to a user in a server setting.

Package Sidebar


npm i tilebase

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