
1.0.5 • Public • Published


A standalone library to get intersections between two SVG paths. ~ 10KB minified/ 5KB gzipped.

It includes a path data parser compliant with the W3C SVGPathData interface draft and can handle all minified stringified path data inputs (especially A commands with concatenated largeArc, sweep and final on-path parameters "bomb" quite a few other libraries).


You can either pass

  • stringified path data
  • a path data array
  • a custom shape object using the svgEl() helper
let intersections = findPathIntersections(d1, d2)

or use it alongside with other path data parsers like Jarek Foksa's pathdata-polyfill and pass already parsed path data arrays to the findPathDataIntersections() method.

let checkCollision = checkCollision(pathData1, pathData2) // returns true or false


<script src=""></script>


<script src=""></script>
let d1 = 'M 75 0 a 1 1 45 010 100 1 1 45 010 -100'
let d2 = 'M 50 0 a 1 1 45 010 100 1 1 45 010 -100'

let intersections= findPathIntersections(d1, d2);
console.log(JSON.stringify(intersections, null, ' '));


const pathIntersections = require('svg-path-intersections');
const {findPathIntersections, checkPathIntersection, findPathDataIntersections, pointAtT, parsePathDataNormalized} = pathIntersections;

let d1 = 'M 75 0 a 1 1 45 010 100 1 1 45 010 -100'
let d2 = 'M 50 0 a 1 1 45 010 100 1 1 45 010 -100'

let intersections= findPathIntersections(d1, d2);
console.log(JSON.stringify(intersections, null, ' '));


Option values/default Effect
pathData1, pathData2 path data input accepts stringified pathdata or parsed arrays
stopAtFirst false stop search after first occurrence: helps to speed up processing e.g. for collision checks
quality low, medium, high default: "medium"; higher quality results in more accurate coordinates and t values at the cost of longer processing times


  • findPathIntersections(pathData1, pathData2, stopAtFirst, quality) : finds all intersections
  • checkCollision(d1, d2): stops at first intersection – faster than finding all occurences
  • pointAtT(points, t): calculates point at t value for lines, quadratic or cubic béziers:
    • cubic bézier: pointAtT([{x:0, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}, {x:0, y:0} ], 0.5)
      (1. previous end point, 2. first control point, 3. second control point, 4. final on-path point)
    • quadratic bézier: pointAtT([{x:0, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}, {x:0, y:0} ], 0.5)
      (1. previous end point, 2. first control point, 3. final on-path point)
    • lineto pointAtT([{x:0, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}], 0.5)
      (1. previous end point, 2. final on-path point)
  • parsePathDataNormalized(d, options)
    Parse stringified pathdata to array with normalization options. See complete version with all options
    Default options: toAbsolute, toLonghands, arcToCubics

Intersections between shapes via svgEl() helper method

You can use this helper to add all svg geometry elements like so

let circle = svgEl(cx:10, cy:10, r: 10);  

let ellipse = svgEl(cx:10, cy:10, rx: 10, ry:20 );

let path = svgEl(d: 'M 75 0 a 1 1 45 010 100 1 1 45 010 -100' );

// accepts an array of numbers or a string
let polygon = svgEl(points: '70 50 70 50 67.7 61.5 61.2 71.2 51.5 77.7 40 80 28.5 77.7 18.8 71.2 12.3 61.5 10 50 12.3 38.5 18.8 28.8 28.5 22.3 40 20 51.5 22.3 61.2 28.8 67.7 38.5' );

let polyline = svgEl(points: '70 50 70 50 67.7 61.5 61.2 71.2 51.5 77.7 40 80 28.5 77.7 18.8 71.2 12.3 61.5 10 50 12.3 38.5 18.8 28.8 28.5 22.3 40 20 51.5 22.3 61.2 28.8 67.7 38.5', type:'polyline' );

let rect = svgEl(x:10, y:10, width:50, height:50, rx:5, ry:3)

let line = svgEl(x1:10, y1:10, x2:50, y2:50)

// get intersections between shapes

let intersections = findPathIntersections(circle, path)

Intersections between DOM elements

let circle = document.querySelector('circle')
let path = document.querySelector('path')
let intersectionsDOM = getElementIntersections(circle, path)   



The returned intersection array contains:

  • x/y coordinates for each intersection
  • t1 and t2 values for 1. and 2. path segments
  • segment indices (at which intersection occurred)
  • segment command points (cpts1 and cpts2)

This way, you can calculate coordinates for both paths or split each path at t values.

  "x": 62.50000000097887,
  "y": 98.40012176975786,
  "t1": 0.15651097923256496,
  "t2": 0.8434890204109524,
  "segment1": 3,
  "segment2": 2,
  "cpts1": [
    "x": 74.99999998680912,
    "y": 100
    "x": 47.410749986809115,
    "y": 99.99999999272146
    "x": 24.999999992721463,
    "y": 77.5892499868091
    "x": 25.000000000000014,
    "y": 49.9999999868091
  "cpts2": [
    "x": 100,
    "y": 50.000000013190885
    "x": 99.99999999272146,
    "y": 77.58925001319088
    "x": 77.58924998680911,
    "y": 100.00000000727853
    "x": 49.999999986809115,
    "y": 100
  "x": 62.49999999505845,
  "y": 1.5998782311929203,
  "t1": 0.8434890203595754,
  "t2": 0.15651097928396177,
  "segment1": 4,
  "segment2": 1,
  "cpts1": [
    "x": 25.000000000000014,
    "y": 49.9999999868091
    "x": 25.000000007278558,
    "y": 22.41074998680911
    "x": 47.410750013190906,
    "y": -7.278536884314235e-9
    "x": 75.0000000131909,
    "y": 1.4210854715202004e-14
  "cpts2": [
    "x": 50,
    "y": 0
    "x": 77.58925001319088,
    "y": 7.278543989741593e-9
    "x": 100.00000000727853,
    "y": 22.4107500131909
    "x": 100,
    "y": 50.000000013190885

Adjacent "touching" paths

Unlike other libraries path-intersections will also detect touching paths.

touching points

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  • herrstrietzel