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0.2.21 • Public • Published

Spring Data Rest JavaScript Library

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Spring Data Rest is makes it easy to build hypermedia-driven REST web services. This lib provider useful util to play with the service in js. It's a easy to use and lightweight (2kb after min and gzip) javascript lib can run in both node.js and browser,can be work with lib like AngularJS React Vue. support Typescript.


# for npm 
npm install spring-data-rest-js --save
# for bower 
bower install spring-data-rest-js

then use it in commonjs env

let spring = require('spring-data-rest-js');

for browser,you can use tools like Webpack or Browserify to bundle up your module for browser. you also can include lib file in html file and then use it:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="./dist/spring.js"></script>


Build SpringRequest

add query param in url
let param1 = {name: ''};
let param2 = {age: 23, academy: 'physics'};
let request = spring.get(spring.requestConfig.baseURL).queryParam(param1);
assert.equal(request.options.url, spring.requestConfig.baseURL + '?name=中');
assert.equal(request.options.url, spring.requestConfig.baseURL + '?age=23&academy=physics');
send request body as json
let param = {name: '吴浩麟', age: 23};
let request = spring.post('/').jsonBody(param);
assert.equal(request.options.body, JSON.stringify(param));
assert.equal(request.options.headers['Content-Type'], 'application/json');
send request body as form
let param = {name: '中国', age: 123};
let request = spring.post('/postForm').formBody(param);
assert.equal(request.options.headers['Content-Type'], 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
request.send().then(json=> {
    assert.equal(json.name, '中国');
    assert.equal(json.age, 123);
}).catch(err=> {
auto revise url

if path param is a complete url then fetch ues path as url, else path is not a complete url string but just a path then fetch url=config.baseURL+path url string will been auto revised, etc: http://localhost/api//user///id/ will convert to http://localhost/api/user/id

spring.requestConfig.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/';
let req = spring.get('//hello/name//');
assert.equal(req.options.url, `http://localhost:8080/hello/name/`);
let req2 = spring.get('https://google.com//hello/name');
assert.equal(req2.options.url, `https://google.com/hello/name`);

Config SpringRequest

spring.request.config = {
     * options used to every fetch request
    globalFetchOptions: {
         headers: {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json'
         credentials: 'same-origin'
     * fetch request base url
     * notice: must end with /
     * @type {string} 
    baseURL: '/',
     * call before send fetch request
     * default do nothing
     * @param {SpringRequest} request SpringRequest ref
    fetchStartHook: null,
     * call after fetch request end
     * default do nothing
     * @param {SpringRequest} request SpringRequest ref
    fetchEndHook: null

Fetch API Global Option

fetch API request options see detail

spring.requestConfig.globalFetchOptions = {
   method: 'POST',
   headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
   body: JSON.stringify({
        name: 'Hubot',
        login: 'hubot',
   credentials: 'same-origin'

Get Response

request return response in Promise,if request success Promise will resolve json data,if will reject a SpringRequest object will SpringRequest.error store error reason

send request and get response data
let classroom = new Classroom({name: 'D1143'});
let request;
classroom.save().then(function () {
    request = spring.get(`${Classroom.entityBaseURL()}/${classroom.id}`);
    return request.send();
}).then(json=> {
    assert.equal(json.constructor, Object);
    assert.equal(json.name, 'D1143');
    assert.deepEqual(json, request.responseData);
}).catch(err=> {
follow links
let student = new Student({name: '吴浩麟', age: 23});
let academy = new Academy({name: '计算机学院'});
student.set('academy', academy);
student.save().then(()=> {
    return spring.get(`${Student.entityBaseURL()}/${student.id}`).follow(['self', 'academy', 'self', 'self']);
}).then((json)=> {
    assert.equal(json.name, '计算机学院');
}).catch(err=> {
fetch global hook

before send fetch request

let flag = 'old';
let request = spring.get(spring.requestConfig.baseURL);
spring.requestConfig.fetchStartHook = function (req) {
    assert.equal(req, request);
    flag = 'new';
request.send().then(()=> {
    assert.equal(flag, 'new');
}).catch(err=> {

fetch request is finished

let flag = 'old';
let request = spring.get(spring.requestConfig.baseURL);
spring.requestConfig.fetchEndHook = function (req) {
    assert.equal(req, request);
    flag = 'new';
request.send().then(()=> {
    assert.equal(flag, 'new');
}).catch(err=> {



get a class by entity path name.

//by extend function
let Student = spring.extend('students');
let Academy = spring.extend('academies');
let Classroom = spring.extend('classrooms');
//by typescript extend
import * as spring from './index'
import * as assert from 'assert';
class Student extends spring.Entity {
    get name():string {
        return this.get('name');
    set name(name:string) {
        this.set('name', name);
    hi():string {
        return `${this.name}:${this.get('age')}`;
Student.entityName = 'students';
//use it
let student = new Student({
    name: 'Hal',
    age: 23
assert.equal(student.name, 'Hal');
assert.equal(student.hi(), 'Hal:23');
config entity
config = {
     * spring-data-rest-base-path config
     * @type {string} 
    restBaseURL: ''
create entity

class ref to spring data entity,use entity class to make a new entity instance and then create it on service.

let student = new Student();
student.set('name', 'Tom');
student.save().then(()=> {
    assert(student.id != null);
    return spring.get(`${Student.entityBaseURL()}/${student.id}`).send();
}).then((json)=> {
    assert.equal(json.name, 'Tom');
}).catch(err=> {

the entity instance's id. for a existed entity set instance's id then you can use instance

  • fetch method to fetch entity's data
  • save method to update entity's updated properties
  • remove method to delete this entity
let student = new Student();
student.id = 26;
update entity

if a entity instance has id attr,and use entity's set(key,value) method update attr,then can call entity's save() method to patch update change to service.

let academy = new Academy({name: 'Math'});
academy.save().then(()=> {
    academy.set('name', 'Physics');
    return academy.save();
}).then(()=> {
    assert.deepEqual(academy.get('name'), 'Physics');
}).catch(err=> {
save or update

create or update entity if id properties is set,then will send HTTP PATCH request to update an entity(will watch change in data properties to track change fields) if id is null,then will send HTTP POST request to create an entity. if entity.properties is an instance of Entity or Entity[],then entity.properties.save() will also call,which mean entity's all Entity attr will auto save()

track modify fields

every Entity instance has attr modifyFields fields name array,which store field has been changed. when update modify to service, modifyFields is used to optimize a mini PATCH request but send whole attr. when call Entity's set method,will compare olaValue and newValue,if value is equal then not append filed name to modifyFields.

remove entity

use entity's remove() method to remove this entity in service.

let student = new Student();
student.save().then(()=> {
    return student.remove();
}).then(()=> {
    return Student.findOne(student.id);
}).catch(err=> {
    assert.equal(err.response.status, 404);

Entity Entity also has a static method to remove an entity by id

fetch data

entity's data properties store in data

let name = 'Ace';
let age = 20;
let ace = new Student({name: name, age: age});
let student = new Student();
ace.save().then(()=> {
    student.id = ace.id;
    return student.fetch();
}).then(json=> {
    assert.equal(json.name, name);
    assert.equal(json.age, age);
    assert.equal(student.get('name'), name);
    assert.equal(student.get('age'), age);
}).catch(err=> {

send request follow this entity's _links's href

let student = new Student({name: '吴浩麟', age: 23});
let academy = new Academy({name: '计算机学院'});
student.set('academy', academy);
student.save().then(()=> {
    return student.follow(['academy']);
}).then((json)=> {
    assert.equal(json.name, '计算机学院');
}).catch(err=> {
fetch relation property

fetch relation property and store response value in entity's data attr,relation property is an instance of Entity. after fetch you can get relation property by entity.get(propertyName)

let academy = new Academy({name: 'CS'});
let student = new Student({name: 'a', academy: academy});
student.save().then(()=> {
    return Student.findOne(student.id);
}).then(stu=> {
    student = stu as Student;
    return stu.fetchProperty('academy', Academy);
}).then((academy)=> {
    assert.equal(student.get('academy'), academy);
    assert(academy instanceof Academy);
    assert.equal(academy.get('name'), 'CS');
fetch array type relation property

fetch relation property and store response value in entity's data attr,relation property is an Entity array after fetch you can get relation property by entity.get(propertyName)

let classroom = new Classroom({name: 'java'});
let student = new Student({name: 'a', classrooms: [classroom]});
student.save().then(()=> {
    return Student.findOne(student.id);
}).then(stu=> {
    student = stu as Student;
    return stu.fetchArrayProperty('classrooms', Classroom);
}).then(classrooms=> {
    assert.deepEqual(student.get('classrooms'), classrooms);
    assert.equal(classrooms.length, 1);
    assert.equal(classrooms[0].get('name'), 'java');

Entity static methods


get an entity instance by id

let classRoom = new Classroom({name: '东16412'});
classRoom.save().then(()=> {
    return Classroom.findOne(classRoom.id);
}).then(entity=> {
    assert.equal(entity.get('name'), '东16412');
}).catch(err=> {

get an not exist instance will reject 404 err

Student.findOne('404404').then(()=> {
    done('should be 404 error');
}).catch(req=> {
    assert.equal(req.response.status, 404);

support projection

let student = new Student({name: 'HalWu', age: 23});
student.save().then(()=> {
    return Student.findOne(student.id, {projection: 'NoAge'});
}).then(entity=> {
    assert.equal(entity.get('name'), 'HalWu');
    assert.equal(entity.get('age'), null);
}).catch(err=> {

collection resource with page and sort. Returns all entities the repository servers through its findAll(…) method. If the repository is a paging repository we include the pagination links if necessary and additional page metadata.* return entity array has page attr patch form response json data's page info

  • @param {number} opts.page the page number to access (0 indexed, defaults to 0).
  • @param {number} opts.size the page size requested (defaults to 20).
  • @param {string} opts.sort a collection of sort directives in the format ($propertyName,)+[asc|desc]?
let size = 13;
let pageIndex = 1;
Student.findAll({page: pageIndex, size: size, sort: 'age,desc'}).then(function (jsonArr) {
    assert.equal(jsonArr.length, size);
    assert.equal(spring.extend.isEntity(jsonArr[0]), true);
    assert.equal(jsonArr[0].constructor, Student);
    assert.equal(arr['page'], {size: size, totalElements: 1, totalPages: 1, number: 0});
    for (let i = 1; i < size - 2; i++) {
        assert.equal(jsonArr[i].get('age') > jsonArr[+ 1].get('age'), true);
        assert.equal(jsonArr[- 1].get('age') > jsonArr[i].get('age'), true);
}).catch(req=> {

search resource if the backing repository exposes query methods. call query methods exposed by a repository. The path and name of the query method resources can be modified using @RestResource on the method declaration. return entity array has page attr patch form response json data's page info

  • @param {string} searchPath spring data rest searchMethod path string
  • @param {Object} opts search params, If the query method has pagination capabilities (indicated in the URI template pointing to the resource) the resource takes the following parameters:
  • @param {number} opts.page the page number to access (0 indexed, defaults to 0).
  • @param {number} opts.size the page size requested (defaults to 20).
  • @param {string} opts.sort a collection of sort directives in the format ($propertyName,)+[asc|desc]?
Student.search('ageGreaterThan', {age: 1013, page: 1, size: 5, sort: 'age,desc'}).then(entityList=> {
    assert.equal(entityList.length, 5);
    for (var i = 0; i < entityList.length - 2; i++) {
        assert(entityList[i].get('age') > entityList[+ 1].get('age'));
}).catch(err=> {

expose entity instance properties in _data to entity itself use Object.defineProperty getter and setter after expose,you can access property in entity by entity.property rather than access by entity.data().property. example:

let StudentX = spring.extend('students');
let student = new StudentX({
    name: 'hal'
assert.equal(student['name'], 'hal');
student['age'] = 23;
assert.equal(student.get('age'), 23);

implements source code:

Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, propertyName, {
    get: function () {
        return this.get(propertyName);
    set: function (value) {
        this.set(propertyName, value);
    enumerable: true

Error Handle

all error will be reject by return promise,and the error object is instance of SpringRequest will SpringRequest.error properties store error reason


Example Code


Browser Support

this lib use es6 some feature:

for browser use, be sure browser must support this,in old browser you should include polyfill. require es6 Object.assign and Promise,this lib build on the top of es6 fetch API. In Node.js env,will use node-fetch as fetch polyfill.



this lib write with typescript, run typings install to install require typescript d.ts file, edit *.ts file then test it,


test with mocha,run npm run test to test it

commit and release

after test success,run sh ./release.sh to commit it to github and npm.

  • spring java backend service java code for test use
  • tsc to compile typescript file
  • webpack for pack commonjs to browser
  • mocha for test
  • typings for install require typescript d.ts file
  • typedoc for build API doc



Copyright (c) 2016 HalWu

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