
15.3.0 • Public • Published

🧶 Scoobie

GitHub Release GitHub Validate npm package

Component library for SEEK documentation sites.

  • Author content in Markdown files
  • Diagram with mermaid code blocks
  • Render content with Braid styling
  • Integrate with sku

We use this to build, among other things.

yarn add --exact scoobie

Table of contents



Compile Scoobie and bundle your Markdown content with its Webpack plugin:

const { dangerouslySetWebpackConfig } = require('scoobie/webpack');

module.exports = {
  // ...

  compilePackages: ['scoobie'],

For detailed usage, see the Webpack reference.


Fetch our favourite fonts from our Google overlords, Roboto and Roboto Mono:

import { robotoHtml, robotoMonoHtml } from 'scoobie/typography';

const skuRender: Render<RenderContext> = {
  renderDocument: ({ app, bodyTags, headTags }) => `
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->

If you manually manage the Content Security Policy of your site, you can specify the following sources along with the script hashes from typography.ts:

Content-Security-Policy: font-src; script-src 'sha256-...' 'sha256-...'; style-src


Import TypeScript definitions for MDX, *.md and *.mdx:

import 'scoobie/types';

Markdown reference

Getting started

Scoobie’s Markdown support is powered by MDX and custom Remark plugins.

Create your content in .md or .mdx files:

# A normal Markdown heading

Some text...

import { Alert, Text } from 'braid-design-system';

<Alert tone="critical"><Text>And a React component!</Text></Alert>

Import your content into a typical .tsx file:

import React from 'react';

import Content from './Content.mdx';

export const ContentWithPointlessDiv = () => (
    <Content />

Nest your Markdown components within an MdxProvider:

import 'braid-design-system/reset';

import { BraidProvider } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { MdxProvider, ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

import { ContentWithPointlessDiv } from './SomeFile.tsx';

export const App = () => (
  <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
      <ContentWithPointlessDiv />

(See React context to learn more about this pattern.)


Scoobie optionally supports simple, source-controlled diagrams via mermaid.

This requires the mermaid configuration option to be set on ScoobieWebpackPlugin, and @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli to be installed as a peer dependency. From there, the easiest way to get started is to check out the mermaid live editor.

You can use a named code block in Markdown files:

```mermaid Optional title
  participant P as Partner
  participant S as SEEK

  P->>S: Make request

Or import an .mmd file like so:

![Diagram](./diagram.mmd 'Optional title')

If you use a separate diagram.mmd file, you can provide additional mermaid configuration with a diagram.mmd.json file in the same directory.


Anchor slugs are automatically generated for h1–h6:

# My Little Heading1

<!-- #my-little-heading1 -->


Vanilla Markdown image syntax is supported:

![Boo raster](./image.png)

![Woo vector](./image.svg)

Define width and height px constraints by overloading the title:

![Alt text](./image.png '=100x20 Rest of title')


Use a root-relative path to navigate to a route managed by your React app. This will be rendered as a React Router link and won't require a full page refresh.

Make sure to point to the route rather than the source file location:

[👍 like this](/root/relative)

[👎 not this](/src/root/Relative.mdx)

Use a full URL to denote an external link. This will open in a new tab.

[Schema reference](


Standard Markdown table syntax is supported:

| Default | Left | Centre | Right |
| ------- | :--- | :----: | ----: |
| x       | x    |   x    |     x |

Use raw HTML to render multiple lines and lists in table cells.

Care must be taken with <p>s; they are mapped to Braid Texts, which have strict semantics. Paragraph tags must be placed around text content and cannot be nested within each other.

| Description             | Example                                                            |
| :---------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Single-line             | Line                                                               |
| Multi-line              | <p>Line 1</p><p>Line 2</p>                                         |
| Bullets                 | <ul><li><p>Bullet 1</p></li></ul>                                  |
| Multi-line with bullets | <p>Line before</p><ul><li><p>Bullet</p></li></ul><p>Line after</p> |

React API reference


Renders rich quoted content.

import { List, Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { Blockquote } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstBlockquote = () => (
    <Text>This is a paragraph.</Text>

      <Text>This is a bullet point.</Text>


Render lines of code with Prism syntax highlighting.

import React from 'react';
import { CodeBlock } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstCodeBlock = () => (
  <CodeBlock language="javascript">console.log('hello, world');</CodeBlock>


Render a Text component that copies the children string to clipboard on click.

import React from 'react';
import { CodeBlock } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstCopyableText = () => (
  <CopyableText>This gets copied to clipboard.</CopyableText>


Render code inline with text.

import { Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { InlineCode } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstInlineCode = () => (
    Some text with <InlineCode>InlineCode</InlineCode>!


Render an internal link with the same opinions as our MdxProvider:

  • Internal links pass through the v or ScoobieLinkProvider URL parameters for UI version switching

Unlike SmartTextLink, this is not bound to a parent Text as it has no underlying TextLink. It can be used to make complex components navigable rather than just sections of text.

import { Stack, Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { InternalLink } from 'scoobie';

export const SomeComplexLinkElement = () => (
  <InternalLink href="/page#id" reset>
    <Stack space="medium">
      <Text>InternalLink supports complex children.</Text>

      <Text size="small">It is not bound to a parent Text component.</Text>


Provide a base collection of Braid-styled renderers for child MDX documents.

This should be paired with ScoobieLink for proper internal link rendering.

import { BraidProvider, Card } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { MdxProvider, ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

import Content from './Content.mdx';

export const Component = () => (
  <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
        <Content />


Render all underlying links as follows:

  • Internal links pass through the v or ScoobieLinkProvider URL parameters for UI version switching
  • External links open in a new tab
  • Links with a download attribute prompt the user with a file download

This should be supplied to BraidProvider as the custom linkComponent:

import { BraidProvider, TextLink } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

export const Component = () => (
  <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
    <TextLink href="/root-relative">Internal link</TextLink>


Propagate a custom set of URL parameters on internal links.

import { BraidProvider, TextLink } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

export const Component = () => (
  <ScoobieLinkProvider propagateSearchParams={['debug', 'v']}>
    <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
      <TextLink href="/root-relative">Internal link</TextLink>


Render a text link with the same opinions as our MdxProvider:

  • External links open in a new tab and have an IconNewWindow suffix
import { Stack, Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { SmartTextLink } from 'scoobie';

export const SomeLinks = () => (
    <Stack space="medium">
      <SmartTextLink href="/page#id">Scrolls smoothly</SmartTextLink>

      <SmartTextLink href="">
        Opens in new tab


Render an HTML table with the same styling as our MdxProvider:

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import { Table, TableRow } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstTable = () => (
  <Table header={['Column A', 'Column B']}>
      <Fragment>This is body cell A1.</Fragment>

      <Fragment>This is body cell B2.</Fragment>


<tr> component for use with Table.

Row children are flattened then wrapped with <td>s.


Render headings from an MDX document with a custom function.

import { Stack, TextLink } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { TocRenderer } from 'scoobie';

import Content from './Content.mdx';

export const PageWithToc = () => (
  <Stack space="medium">
    <TocRenderer document={Content}>
      {(toc) => (
          <Stack space="small">
            { => (
              <TextLink href={`#${}`} key={}>
                {'|'.repeat(item.level)} {item.children}

    <Content />

A heading must start at the beginning of its line to be parsed:

# Good

- ## Bad

  - ### Super bad

## Good again

(This can be enforced with markdownlint’s MD023 rule.)


Render an MDX document with a customised wrapper.

This allows you to derive arbitrary components from select parts of the document.

import { Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React, { Children } from 'react';
import { WrapperRenderer } from 'scoobie';

export const NodeCount = (Document: MDX.Document) => (
  <WrapperRenderer document={Document}>
    {({ children }) => (
      <Text>{Children.toArray(children).length} top-level node(s)</Text>

Styling reference

Scoobie distributes some vanilla-extract styles via scoobie/styles submodules.


Render text with the same monospace styling as our CodeBlock:

import { Box } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { code } from 'scoobie/styles/code.css';

export const MyBox = () => (
  <Box className={code.standard}>
    <Box component="pre">Hello</Box>


Render an image with the same styling as our MdxProvider:

import React from 'react';
import { img } from 'scoobie/styles/img.css';

export const MySvg = () => (
  <svg className={img}>
    <path />

Webpack reference

Scoobie distributes its Webpack config via a scoobie/webpack submodule:

const { ScoobieWebpackPlugin } = require('scoobie/webpack');

Compatibility notes:

  • SVGs cannot be directly imported into JSX as components.

    Consider inlining the SVGs in your JSX instead.


A bundle of MDX and image loaders that complement sku's Webpack config.

This needs to be ordered to run after SkuWebpackPlugin:

const { ScoobieWebpackPlugin, merge } = require('scoobie/webpack');

module.exports = {
  // ...

  compilePackages: ['scoobie'],
  dangerouslySetWebpackConfig: (config) =>
    merge(config, {
      plugins: [
        new ScoobieWebpackPlugin({
          // Optional configuration option to enable mermaid support.
          // `@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli` must be installed as a peer dependency.
          // Temporary files are written to `${rootDir}/mermaid`.
          mermaid: {
            rootDir: __dirname,


Zero-config option referenced in sku.config.js above.

This slots in on top of sku without much fuss. If you're wrangling other Webpack config and need something more composable, see ScoobieWebpackPlugin.


Re-export of webpack-merge for convenience.




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  • seek-oss-ci