
1.1.1 • Public • Published

SBGN Renderer

A JavaSript library that renders biological networks using cytoscape.js and the System Biology Graphical Notation language


To render SBGN(Systems Biology Graphical Notation) graphs -- a visual language for representing biological processes.


Input needs to be formatted Cytoscape.js graph JSON.

The following graph JSON structure is required:

  nodes: [],  // array of nodes
  edges: []   // array of edges

The following node JSON structure is required:

      "data": {
        "id": "glyph23",                   // id of the node
        "class": "simple chemical",        // class of the node (see classes section for a list of supported sbgn glyphs
        "label": "Ca2+",                   // label to be displayed on the node
        "parent": "glyph2",                // parent node id if any
        "clonemarker": false,              // whether the node has a clonemarker or not
        "stateVariables": [],              // an array of state variables
        "unitsOfInformation": [],          // an array of units of information

The following edge JSON structure is required:

      "data": {
        "id": "glyph19-glyph5",            // id
        "class": "production",             // sbgn class
        "cardinality": 0,                  // cardinality
        "source": "glyph19",               // source node id
        "target": "glyph5",                // target node id
        "portSource": "glyph19",           // port of the source
        "portTarget": "glyph5"             // port of the target

To get Cytoscape.js graph JSON, you need the following:


SBGN Renderer can be installed via npm

npm install sbgn-renderer


SBGNRenderer provides Cytoscape.js's API, as well as SBGN specific functions for SBGN graph analysis. Learn how to use SBGNRenderer by learning how to use Cytoscape.js Learn how to use the SBGN API

CommonJS Usage

var SBGNRenderer = require('sbgn-renderer');
var renderer = new SBGNRenderer(/* opts */);
renderer.nodes();    // get cytoscape graph nodes
renderer.edges();    // get cytoscape graph edges
// renderer.<cytoscape-api-method-here>

For a detailed example, refer to the code in the demo:

Running the Demo

Clone this repository

git clone

Change directory to the newly cloned folder

cd sbgn-renderer

Run a local server

node http-server -p <PORT>

Open your browser and type the following address:


Building the Library

The following npm scripts are available. To run a script, type:

npm run <command>
  • build: Builds the sbgn-renderer library; Places it in the dist folder
  • build-demo: Builds the browserify version of the demo app in the demo folder
  • clean: Removes the browserify demo bundle and the contents of the dist folder
  • watch: Watches for changes in the src directory and builds the library in response
  • watch-demo: Watches for changes in demo/browserify-entry.js and builds the demo in response

Package Sidebar


npm i sbgn-renderer

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  • dylanfong