
0.1.0 • Public • Published

request-redis-cache Build status

Fault tolerant pass-through cache for generic requests backed by Redis

We attempt to serve data cached by Redis. If that data is not found, we fetch it from the server via an externally provided function and cache its response.

If Redis is down or misbehaving, errors are emitted but we continue to interact with the uncached function as if we were talking to the service directly.

This was built along side backbone-api-client to make transparently caching responses from API clients easier.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install request-redis-cache

// Generate a new cache
var redis = require('redis');
var RequestRedisCache = require('request-redis-cache');
var redisClient = redis.createClient();
var cache = new RequestRedisCache({
  redis: redisClient
// Fetch some data from a fake client
  cacheKey: 'hello-world',
  cacheTtl: 100, // seconds
  // Dynamic `options` to pass to our `uncachedGet` call
  requestOptions: {},
  // Action to use when we cannot retrieve data from cache
  uncachedGet: function (options, cb) {
    // Simulate data coming back from an API client (should be already parsed)
    cb(null, {hello: 'world'});
}, function handleData (err, data) {
  // Look at the data in our cache, '{"hello":"world"}'
  redisClient.get('hello-world', console.log);
  // Re-retrieve the data
    cacheKey: 'hello-world',
    cacheTtl: 100,
    requestOptions: {},
    uncachedGet: function (options, cb) {
      cb(new Error('This will not be reached since the data is cached'));
  }, console.log); // {hello: 'world'}


request-redis-cache exports the constructor RequestRedisCache as its module.exports.


Constructor for a new cache. RequestRedisCache extends from an EventEmitter and invokes its constructor during the instantiation process.

  • params Object, container for parameters
    • redis Redis, instance of redis to cache via
    • stringify Function, optional serializer for when saving data to Redis
      • By default, this is JSON.stringify
      • stringify will receive data from uncachedGet and is expected to return a String
    • parse Function, optional deserializer for restoring data from Redis
      • By default, this is JSON.parse
      • parse will receive a String and is expected to restore via same format that uncachedGet would callback with

cache#get(params, cb)

Method to retrieve data from Redis or a server depending of it has been cached/not.

If there are any errors while interacting with Redis, then they will be emitted via error channel. If these are handled (via .on/.once), then get will still function by talking to the server.

  • params Object, container for parameters
    • cacheKey String, key to retrieve/save data under
    • cacheTtl Number, seconds to cache information for
    • requestOptions Mixed, parameters to be used in uncachedGet
    • uncachedGet Function, (options, cb) function to resolve external data
      • options Mixed, data passed in via requestOptions
      • cb Function, error-first function, (err, data), to callback with data
        • err Error|null, error if any occurred during retrieval
        • data Mixed, data retrieved from external call
      • We choose this split structure of requestOptions/uncachedGet because it is expected that uncachedGet remains generic while requestOptions can shift from case to case
  • cb Function, error-first callback, (err, data), to receive fetched data
    • err Error|null, error if any occurred during retrieval
    • data Mixed, data retrieved from cache/external call
Emitted errors

Errors that are emitted will originally come from redis or params.parse. To be nice, we add on a few extra data points

  • action String, human explanation of what went wrong
  • cacheKey String, key we were using with Redis
  • cacheTtl Number, TTL we were using with Redis
  • info Mixed, value we retrieved fia uncachedGet
    • This can only be found when params.stringify cannot stringify the data
  • infoStr String, stringified form of data from uncachedGet/Redis
    • This can only be found when we are interacting with to be cached or already cached data


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via grunt and test via npm test.


Copyright (c) 2014 Uber Technologies, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • twolfson