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2.3.1 • Public • Published

Phaser NavMesh

A Phaser 3 plugin for fast pathfinding using navigation meshes.

For usage information, see: mikewesthad/navmesh.


Version 2.3.0

  • Fix: webpack misconfiguration that caused issue 37. The build was only picking up the "default" export, but now it properly picks up all library exports. Thanks to@Wenish.

Version 2.2.2

  • Update all dependencies to the latest versions.
  • Fixed TS bug where constructor was missing pluginKey which is required in latest version of Phaser.

Version 2.2.1

  • Fix: PhaserNavMeshPlugin#buildMeshFromTilemap mesh output is no longer incorrectly rotated (rows & cols were flipped).

Version 2.2.0

  • Feature: PhaserNavMeshPlugin#buildMeshFromTilemap allows you to automatically generate a navmesh from a Tilemap.
  • Feature: PhaserNavMesh#isPointInMesh allows you to check if a point is inside of the navmesh.

Version 2.1.0

  • Added public removeAllMeshes() to PhaserNavMeshPlugin.
  • Bug: fixed double subscription to boot, thanks @malahaas!
  • Converted library to TypeScript.

Version 2.0.5

  • Bug: fixed webpack config so that it applied babel transform and so that it worked under node environments, thanks to @will-hart

Version 2.0.4

  • Bug: fixed a bug when destroying navmeshes, thanks to @GGAlanSmithee for pointing it out

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npm i phaser-navmesh

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  • mikewesthad