
0.6.1 • Public • Published


Simple and sane WAX ExpressTrade offer management

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Rule 1: Respect the ESLint config.


Basic Use

const TradeManager = require('opskins-tradeoffer-manager')
const manager = new TradeManager({
  apiKey: "", // opskins apiKey
  twoFactorSecret: "", // opskins 2fa secret
  pollInterval: "", // default is 5000
// listen for new offers.
manager.on("newOffer", offer => {
  manager.acceptOffer(offer.id).then(result => {
    // do somthing else...


Initialize your class and start the recursive polling loop.

  • apiKey - Your opskins api key.
  • twoFactorSecret - Your opskins twofactor secret.
  • pollInterval - (optional) The rate you would like to check for new offers in ms.
  • pollData - (optional) Provide polling data to resume a previous state.
  • cancelTime - The amount of time to wait before a offer is automatically canceled.
const TradeManager = require('opskins-tradeoffer-manager')
const manager = new TradeManager(options)



Force polling check of the express trade api.

Returns null


Reset the wait timer for the recursive polling loop. Returns null

  • time - Set the time to wait between loops.


Request withdraw of the items from your express trade inventory to opskins.

Returns the express trade api result.

  • itemids - Array of express trade item ids.


Send an express trade offer.

Returns the created express trade offer.

  • offer - A object containing the express trade offer options.


Accept an express trade offer.

Returns the express trade api result.

  • offerid - The id of the offer you would like to accept.


Cancel an express trade offer.

Returns the canceled express trade offer.

  • offerid - The id of the offer you would like to accept.


Get the state of an express trade offer.

Returns the canceled express trade offer.

  • offerid - The id of the offer you would like to accept.

manager.getOffers(state, historicalCutoff, options)

Get a list of express trade offers.

Returns a list the existing express trade offers.

  • state - The state you would like to filter the results by.
  • historicalCutoff - (optional) Filter and do not return offers past this time.
  • options - (optional) Express trade options such as page.

manager.getInventory(appid, options)

Get your express trade inventory.

Returns the express trade api result.

  • appid - The express trade appid you would like to get items for.
  • options - (optional) Express trade options such as page.

manager.getUserInventory(userid, appid, options)

Get another user's express trade inventory.

Returns the express trade api result.

  • userid - The express trade user's steamid or userid.
  • appid - The express trade appid you would like to get items for.
  • options - (optional) Express trade options such as page.


Various events will be emitted after a poll has taken place.

manager.on("newOffer", offer => {
  // do somthing with the event...

manager.on("pollFailure", error)

Emitted when a polling attempt fails.

Emits the created error.


Emitted when a polling attempt succeeds.

Emits null

manager.on("pollData", state)

Emitted when the raw polling state changes.

Emits the current state.

manager.on("unknownOfferSent", offer)

Emitted when a sent offer is found that does not exist in our polling history.

Emits the offer state.

manager.on("sentOfferChanged", (newState, oldState))

Emitted when a existing sent offer changes state.

Emits the updated and old offer state.

manager.on("sentOfferCanceled", offer)

Emitted when a existing sent offer is canceled.

Emits the offer state.

manager.on("newOffer", offer)

Emitted when a new offer is recieved.

Emits the offer state.

manager.on("receivedOfferChanged", (newState, oldState))

Emitted when a existing recieved offer changes state.

Emits the updated and old offer state.

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  • waylaidwanderer