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A simplified global or private notification channel for values that happened in the past, and those that will happen in the future. Related blog entry.


There are 2 main methods such .that(type[, any1[, any2[, ...]]]) and .when(type[, callback]), plus 3 extra helpers such .drop(type, callback), .all(type, callback), and .new().

notify.that(type[, ...])

This method is useful to notify about a generic channel.

// whenever it happens ...
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(info => {
  // ... notify anyone asking for 'geo:position'
  notify.that('geo:position', info);
// equivalent shortcut, will resolve
// with the first argument
// NodeJS API compatible

notify.that(type) and Promises

This method can also be used as middleware, passing along whatever first argument it receives.

// middleware
  // resolves and returns the value

notify.when(type[, callback])

Usable both through callbacks or as Promise, the .when method asks for a channel and resolves it once available.

// using a callback
notify.when('geo:position', info => {
// Promise based
notify.when('geo:position').then(info => {

It doesn't matter if .when is used before or after a channel has been resolved, it will always pass along the last known resolved value.

// log on 'timer' channel (will log 123)
notify.when('timer', console.log);
// resolves the channel with value 1
notify.that('timer', 123);
setTimeout(() => {
  // log resolved 'timer' channel value
  // (will log 123)
  notify.when('timer', console.log);
}, 200);

Callback or Promise ?

If you are resolving older APIs like NodeJS require('fs').readFileSync, you probably want to use a callback because the resolution will pass along two arguments instead of one.

  (err, blob) => {
    notify.that('fs:package.json', err, blob);
notify.when('fs:package.json', (err, blob) => {
  if (err) return console.error(err);

As previously mentioned, you can still use the shortcut to resolve with all arguments once that happens.


notify.drop(type, callback)

Usable only for callbacks registered via notify.when(type, callback), the .drop method avoid triggering the channel in the immediate present or future.

function log(value) {
// wait for it to happen
notify.when('happened', log);
// change your mind
notify.drop('happened', log);
// whenever it happens
// nothing will be logged
notify.that('happened', 'nope');

This method is particularly handy in conjunction of the notify.all(type, callback) method.

notify.all(type, callback)

In case you'd like to react every time a channel is updated, this method will register the callback and invoke it with the latest resolution each time.

// each position change
  // update with latest info
// react to all position changes
  // tracker
  info => {

Registered callbacks can be dropped through the notify.drop(type, callback) method.

There are basically two ways to have a private notification channel:

  • using a private Symbol as channel, like in notify.when(privateSymbol).then(log)
  • create a local version of the notifier that will share nothing with the main one, like in const notifyPVT =;

Which file ?

Browsers could use the minified version, otherwise there is a node module which is also available via npm as npm install notify-js.


This library is compatible with every JS engine since ES3, both browser and server, but a Promise polyfill might be needed to use Promise based patterns.

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