
0.5.12 • Public • Published


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Node for Node-Red to control Mi Devices locally via node-mihome (Humidifiers, Purifiers, Heaters, Fans, Vacuums, Lights - list of devices to be enlarged).


Based on node-mihome library:

List of supported devices

See for full list of supported devices and commands available for them.

Please make sure whether your device is supported by default, or you need to import additional definition file (please inspect carefully column "Import File" in DEVICES table). In case you need to import the file follow the instuctions below (section "SEND-node" in README).

It is theoretically possible to add support for any wifi-device which is operated via MIIO and MIOT protocols. Thus feel free to request support of new devices.

Successfully Tested Devices

  • [x] deerma.humidifier.mjjsq
  • [x] zhimi.humidifier.cb1
  • [x] zhimi.heater.za1
  • [x] zhimi.airpurifier.mb4
  • [x] philips.light.downlight
  • [x] yeelink.light.strip1
  • [x] yeelink.light.color3
  • [x] viomi.vacuum.v7
  • [x] deerma.humidifier.jsq5
  • [x] leshow.humidifier.jsq1
  • [x] dmaker.airfresh.a1
  • [x]
  • [x] zhimi.airpurifier.mb3
  • [x]
  • [x]
  • [x] zhimi.airp.vb4
  • [x] zhimi.humidifier.ca4


npm install node-red-contrib-miio-localdevices

Latest Updates

version 0.5.12

  • added support for 9 devices:,,,,,,, zhimi.airp.vb4, mmgg.pet_waterer.wi11
  • 7 more devices were tested: (issue #2), zhimi.airpurifier.mb3 (issue #3), (issue #4), (issue #5), zhimi.airpurifier.mb3 (issue #7), zhimi.airp.vb4 (PR #1), zhimi.humidifier.ca4 (issue #1)
  • updated deerma.humidifier.jsq4 and deerma.humidifier.jsq5 - devices are now splited and defFiles are updated (these are now first fully local MIOT-devices(!!!) - no internet connection needed anymore)
  • updated zhimi.airp.vb4 - limited number of properties to monitor (issue #13)
  • zhimi.toilet.sa1 is in testing: 5 of 12 properties and 3 of 11 commands are tested, defFile is updated as of current results - to be enlarge in future versions
  • added a description of the custom JSON command for each device in
  • slight code optimizations
  • minor visual updates
  • fixed power-off command for dmaker.airfresh.a1
  • updated selectors for commands in SEND-node, for properties in GET-node,or device types and for list of devices of each type in CONFIG-node + fixed saving initial choise

version 0.5.0

  • was splitted by device type
  • devices in CONFIG-node are now splitted by device type
  • added support for 30 devices (Philips Lights, Yeelights, viomi.vacuum.v7, vzhimi.toilet.sa1, deerma.humidifier.jsq5, leshow.humidifier.jsq1, dmaker.airfresh.a1)
  • 8 more devices were tested
  • internal structure optimization: now all communication with the device goes through CONFIG-node
  • additionaly to single commands it is available to send custom JSON command to devices
  • quick respond from GET-node with updated set of properties after sending command to the device

version 0.4.0

  • "frendly names" option for JSON with device properties was added in GET-node
  • filter for list of commands apllicable for the chosen device was added in SEND-node
  • "Node Help" section was added in GET-node and SEND-node
  • 2 more devices were tested (za1, mb4)

version 0.3.0

  • algorithm for sending commands to MIOT devices was updated
  • logic behind GET-node was revised: no need to trigger GET-node with input message anymore, in case of auto-polling GET-node sends actual JSON each time properties were changed
  • 1 more device was tested (cb1)

Description and Setup

Available nodes:

  • MIIOgetdata
  • MIIOsencommand
  • devices (CONFIG-node)

You can find nodes in mihome section.


Setting Up:

  1. Configure your device with CONFIG-node

NR-Miio_pic1.png NR-Miio_pic2_1.png NR-Miio_pic2_2.png

  1. For obtaining MiHome tokens please check out this guide:

  1. Starting from 0.4.0 you can choose whether GET-node returns JSON with original Mi-protocol properties' names or "friendly" names


  1. Set up SEND-nodes in line with pictures and example:

NR-Miio_pic3.png NR-Miio_pic3_2.png NR-Miio_pic3_3.png

  1. Overall flow could look like that (instead of or together with dashboard nodes you can use Alice-nodes, HomeKit-nodes etc.):


Ta make sure that your flow works properly I would recommend using certain hints (like in example.json attached):

  • save data to context and use filter-nodes to prevent looping in your flow
  • send input message (timestamp) to GET-nodes only after making changes to configuration of your device ... don't overpush GET-node (depreciated)
  • try not to trigger several SEND-nodes related to the same device at the same time - this can lead to "call to device timed out" error and as a result you will need to reboot Node Red to restore connection with the device (depreciated: starting from 0.5.0 all commands go through CONFIG-node and are executed asynchronously)

Device Status Updates and Errors


  1. sending JSON with actual device characteristics is trigered by input message (depreciated: starting from 0.3.0 there is no input in GET-node, JSON with current device properties is sent automatically after saving device configuration and deploying)
  2. you can poll your device once or continuously with some interval, for that please check the box and choose polling interval in CONFIG-node (starting from 0.3.0 if auto-polling is turned on, GET-node sends JSON with actual characteristics only if these sharacteristics have changed)
  3. if polling was successful you will see "Connection: OK" or "State: changed" green status under the node and after that get message with actual device characteristics (starting from 0.4.0 the vocabulary was added and you are free to choose whether GET-node returns JSON with original Mi-protocol properties' names or "friendly" names)
  4. starting from 0.5.0 GET-node quickly returns a message with updated device characteristics after every command sent to device through SEND-node



  1. some MIOT devices could require authorization in your MiHome account (please see collumn "Cloud Auth" in If you failed to get JSON with device charecteristics without MiHome auth, fill in your MiHome credentials in CONFIG-node and try to poll the device once again (I hope you will not need it).


  1. If sending command was successful and device supports your command (please see you will see ok-status under the node.


  1. Starting from 0.5.0 it is possible to send complex command through SEND-node. To do that you need to choose {} Custom JSON command from the pick list. Message to push into the SEND-node must be in a following form:
command_1: value_1,
command_2: value_2,
command_X: value_X

, where Command_1 ... _X and Value_1 ... _X are those supported by your device (please see

  1. Some devices are not basically included into Node-mihome library but supported through node-red-contrib-miio-localdevices (please see collumn "Import File" in If you have such a device you need to copy-paste additionally the definition-file for your device. Do it this way:
  • find file you need in "defFiles" folder here: ~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-miio-localdevices/defFiles
  • copy definition-file you need and paste it to your node-mihome folder: ~/.node-red/node_modules/node-mihome/lib/devices or ~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-miio-localdevices/node_modules/node-mihome/lib/devices (choose the one that exists)
  • reboot Nodered.

Errors and Exceptions:

  1. in case of errors you will see red status under the node and get message with the nature of error accured.



Flow Example

You can import attached example.json from Node-Red Import menu.

Future Updates and Improvement

  • [x] add auto-polling option with configurable interval
  • [x] implement MIOT protocol + add MIOT-humidifiers and purifiers
  • [x] make vocabulary with universal frendly names of properties
  • [x] filter the list of commands in SEND-node to those applicable only to the device chosen
  • [x] added support for Xiaomi Philips Lights (5 devices as of now) + Yeelight Lights, Strips and Bulbs (22 devices)
  • [x] added support for viomi.vacuum.v7, deerma.humidifier.jsq5, leshow.humidifier.jsq1, dmaker.airfresh.a1
  • [x] sending complex JSON commands
  • [x] quick respond of GET-node after every command sent to device
  • [ ] enlarge the list of devices with those operated via MIIO and MIOT protocols
  • [ ] add aqara-protocol devices
  • [ ] add bridge devices

Reporting an issue and new devices support requests

Please feel free to report all issues and to request support of new devices.

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  • stason325