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3.1.0 • Public • Published

Angular TimePast Pipe NgTimePastPipe

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An easy-to-use and lightweight Angular Pipe, that transform any DateLike Input to a human-readable string that represents the time between now, and the given date!


  • [x] Display both, past and future events well readable
  • [x] Support for all common type of input values that represent some sort of DateTime including:
    • Basically everything that can be parsed by JavaScripts Date Constructor
    • Numeric Epoch time values like (Unix Timestamp or JavaScripts
    • ISO (8601) Strings (Example 2021-01-31T03:58:23.658Z)
  • [x] Light-weight, performance optimized and easy to use
  • [x] Customizable and Translatable
  • [x] No stale timestamp...


See it in Action and try it by yourself on the Demo Playground


From top to bottom (First Fit)

Times in the past

Time Input Output Extra
Below 5 seconds a few seconds ago Updates every second
Below 59 seconds X seconds ago -
Below 90 seconds about a minute ago -
Below 45 Minutes X minutes ago Updates every minute
Below 90 Minutes one hour ago -
Below 22 Hours X hours ago Updates every hour
Below 36 Hours a day ago -
Below 25 Days X days ago -
Below 45 Days a month ago -
Below 356 Days X months ago -
Below 545 Days a year ago -
More than 546 Days X years ago -

Times in the future

Time Input Output Extra
Below 59 Seconds in X seconds Updates every second
Below 90 Seconds in one minute -
Below 59 Minutes in X minutes Updates every minute
Below 90 Minutes in one hour -
Below 22 Hours in X hours Updates every hour
Below 36 Hours in one day -
Below 25 Days in X days -
Below 45 Days in one month -
Below 356 Days in X months -
Below 545 Days in one year -
More than 546 Days in X years -


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import { TimePastPipe } from 'ng-time-past-pipe';

  imports: [TimePastPipe]
export class FeatureModule {}
Angular 13 and below

import { NgTimePastPipeModule } from 'ng-time-past-pipe';

imports: [NgTimePastPipeModule]
export class FeatureModule {}

Using the Pipe

<h2>This Page was rendered: {{ date1 | timePast }}</h2>

Prevent overflow from countdown to a time in the past

<h2>This Page was rendered: {{ date1 | timePast: false }}</h2>

Using the Service

import { TimePastService } from 'ng-time-past-pipe';

  selector: 'app-test'
export class TestComponent {
  someTimePast: string;

  constructor(private timePastService: TimePastService) {
    this.someTimePast = this.timePastService.timePast('2021-01-31T16:12:00.000Z');


Overwrite the Result Output

Sometimes it is inevitable to adjust the output. Common use cases are, for example:

  • Language Localization (l10n) / Internationalization (i18n),
  • Adjusting the time intervals (output conditions) to your own needs. Check the default time intervals
  • Or even more specific customizations

Responsible in the last instance is the TimeDiffGenerator. You can override the default one by providing your own custom generator using the CUSTOM_TIME_DIFF_GENERATOR InjectionToken:

import {
} from 'ng-time-past-pipe';

export const timeDiffGenerator: TimeDiffGenerator = (diff): string => {
  if (diff.seconds <= 5) {
    return diff.isFuture ? 'In a few moments' : 'A few moments ago';
  } else {
    return defaultTimeDiffGenerator(diff);

  declarations: [TestComponent],
  providers: [
    { provide: CUSTOM_TIME_DIFF_GENERATOR, useValue: timeDiffGenerator },
  imports: [CommonModule, TimePastPipe],
  exports: [TestComponent]
export class TestModule {}

Distinguish between future and past events by diff.isFuture. You can always fall back to the defaultTimeDiffGenerator your custom one, as shown in the example above.

Adjust the Update Interval

When you make changes to the "Result Output", you should keep in mind that the default update cycle, while being kept quite general, it's also somewhat adjusted with the default generator.

Default Update Interval:

Time Difference Update Interval
less than 1 min every second
less than an hour every 30 seconds
less then a day every 5 minutes
greater than a day every hour

If the Change-Detector cycles are no longer sufficient, then you should adapt the UpdateIntervallGenerator to the new circumstances. Just as with TimeDiffGenerator, you can provide the CUSTOM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_GENERATOR injection token with an alternative Generator to accomplish this:

import { CUSTOM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_GENERATOR, TimePastPipe } from 'ng-time-past-pipe';

  providers: [{ provide: CUSTOM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_GENERATOR, useValue: updateIntervalGenerator }],
  imports: [TimePastPipe],
export class TestModule {}
import { UpdateIntervalGenerator } from 'ng-time-past-pipe';

const updateIntervalGenerator: UpdateIntervalGenerator = (diff): number => {
  if (diff.seconds < 60) {
    return 5;
  return 20;

Keep in mind that the return value should be the interval in seconds.


This is a rewrite of the orphaned project AndrewPoyntz Time-ago-pipe. It's a hard fork and should provide a better performance and compatibility as well as additional features.

Feel free to open an issue when you are missing any feature or experience any problems. Any contributions are welcome :)

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