
1.0.5 • Public • Published


Mongoat connector is the same as MongoDB connector, it only adds new features:

  • Hooks
  • Enabling datetime (createdAt & updatedAt)
  • Transparent usage (raw access to native MongoDB driver)
  • Versioning of documents
  • Oplogs events (not yet)

See Mongoat for more details.

Please see the full documentation at docs.strongloop.com.

Customizing MongoDB configuration for tests/examples

By default, examples and tests from this module assume there is a MongoDB server instance running on localhost at port 27017.

To customize the settings, you can drop in a .loopbackrc file to the root directory of the project or the home folder.

Note: Tests and examples in this project configure the data source using the deprecated '.loopbackrc' file method, which is not suppored in general. For information on configuring the connector in a LoopBack application, please refer to LoopBack documentation.

The .loopbackrc file is in JSON format, for example:

    "dev": {
        "mongodb": {
            "host": "",
            "database": "test",
            "username": "youruser",
            "password": "yourpass",
            "port": 27017
    "test": {
        "mongodb": {
            "host": "",
            "database": "test",
            "username": "youruser",
            "password": "yourpass",
            "port": 27017

Note: username/password is only required if the MongoDB server has authentication enabled.

Additional Settings

allowExtendedOperators - false by default, true allows to use mongo operators like

$pop, $pullAll, $pull, $pushAll, $push,  $bit ```.
## Running tests
The tests in this repository are mainly integration tests, meaning you will need
to run them using our preconfigured test server.
1. Ask a core developer for instructions on how to set up test server
   credentials on your machine
2. `npm test`
## Running benchmarks
**Benchmarks must be run on a Unix-like operating system.**

make benchmarks

The results will be output in `./benchmarks/results.md`.

## Leak detection

Tests run for 100 iterations by default, but can be increased by setting the
env var `ITERATIONS`.

make leak-detection # run 100 iterations (default)


ITERATIONS=1000 make leak-detection # run 1000 iterations

## Release notes

  * 1.1.7 - Do not return MongoDB-specific _id to client API, except if specifically specified in the model definition

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