
0.2.0 • Public • Published


Micro template compiler for locator.

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This component can be integrated with Locator component from Yahoo! to compile Micro' templates. The compiled templates could be used on the server thru express-view and on the client thru a module loader depending on the format you decide to compile to, by default it supports YUI format to be able to use the templates with YAF.

The beauty of this is that you will NOT need to download the full micro parser component or the template itself, instead you use a loader to load modules that will provision the micro templates in a form of javascript functions ready to be execute to produce a html fragment.


Install using npm:

$ npm install locator-micro

By installing the module in your express application folder, you should be able to use it thru Locator.


Integration with locator

You can create an instance of the plugin and plug it into the locator instance, and locator will be able to analyze every file in your express app, and it will compile any *.micro into memory, making them available thru express-view.

Optionally, it will be able to compile it into the locator build folder using one of the supported output format (for now it supports yui, but in the future will support amd and es6 as well).

The example below describes how to use the plugin with locator:

var Locator = require('locator'),
    LocatorMicro = require('locator-micro'),
    loc = new Locator();

// using locator-micro plugin
loc.plug(new LocatorMicro({ format: '<optional-output-format>' }));

// walking the filesystem for an express app
loc.parseBundle(__dirname, {});

Integration with express, express-view and yui

You can try a working example here:


This example explores how to use locator-micro on the server side with express and express-view, while using yui on the client side as a medium to load the compiled templates on demand to refresh parts of the page without hitting the server to render the templates.


A configuration object can be passed into the constructure to tweak the way the plugin works.

Properties that may be used include:

  • format - the output format in case you plan to use the templates from the client side. For now, it only support yui format.
  • micro - instance of micro to use server-side. Default is require('yui/template-micro').Template.Micro.

Here is an example:

// using locator-micro plugin
loc.plug(new LocatorMicro({
    format: 'yui',
    micro: CustomMicroEngine

Compiling to YUI modules for client side

Optionally, if you plan to use the templates on the client side, you can specify format: "yui", and any Micro template will be accessible thru YUI as a regular yui module. Here is an example of how to use them from the client side:

<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.12.0/build/yui/yui-debug.js"></script>
<script src="/static/path/to/build/<package-name>-<version>/<package-name>-template-bar.js"></script>
YUI().use('<package-name>-template-bar', function (Y) {

    var html = Y.Template.get('<package-name>/bar')({
        tagline: 'testing with some data for template bar'


In the example above, the <package-name> is the package name specified in the package.json for the npm package that contains the template, which is usually the express application, the same for <version>. Then, bar comes from bar.micro where the filename is used as the name to register the template under Y.Template. By using the yui module name, you will be able to invoke the render action to produce a html fragment.


This software is free to use under the Yahoo! Inc. BSD license. See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.


See the CONTRIBUTE file for info.




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  • isao
  • drewfolta
  • lzhan
  • imalberto
  • caridy
  • ekashida