
0.3.0 • Public • Published


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A simple addon for to test a WebSocket application easily!


  • Install the latest version: npm run install --save-dev jasmine-ws.
  • Add the main (i.e dist/jasmine-ws.js) file to your test suite.


Suppose this (very) simple WebSocket chat application:

let ws;
let messages = [];
function onNewMessage(e) {
function connect() {
  if (ws) {
  ws = new WebSocket(wssUrl);
  ws.addEventListener('message', displayMessage);
function sendMessage(message) {
  if (ws) {
function disconnect() {
  if (ws) {
    ws.removeEventListener('message', displayMessage);
    ws = null;

Testing this application can be easy with jasmine-ws:

describe('app', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
  afterEach(() => {
  it('should connect ws', () => {
    const connections = jasmine.ws().connections();
    const conn = connections.mostRecent();
    // Trigger the open handshake response and emit message from server.
    conn.emitMessage('Hello World');
    expect(messages).toEqual(['Hello World']);
    // Send message
    sendMessage('Hi dude');
    expect(ws.sentMessages()).toEqual(['Hi dude']);
    // Trigger close event and trigger close handshake response.



jasmine.ws().install() (@since 0.1.0)

Install the fake WebSocket implementation, typically called in a beforeEach method. Note that:

  • The fake implementation if, and only if, a native WebSocket implementaton is available (i.e if browser supports WebSocket), otherwise this method do nothing (and do not fail).
  • This method will fail if jasmine-ws has already been installed.

jasmine.ws().uninstall() (@since 0.1.0)

Install the fake WebSocket implementation, typically called in a beforeEach method. Note that:

  • Like the jasmine.ws().install() method, if browser does not support native WebSocket this method do nothing (and do not fail).
  • This method will fail if jasmine-ws has not been previously installed.

jasmine.ws().connections() (@since 0.1.0)

Returns an object containing method to get tracked connection:

  • count(): number Get the number of tracked connections.
  • all(): Array<FakeWebSocket> Get an array of all tracked connections.
  • first(): FakeWebSocket Get the first tracked connections or undefined.
  • last(): FakeWebSoFakeWebSocketcketProxy Get the last tracked connections or undefined.
  • at(idx: number): FakeWebSocket Get the tracked connection at given index or undefined.

jasmine.ws().withMock(testFn) (@since 0.2.0)

Install the fake WebSocket implementation, execute the test function testFn, then reset the fake implementation. This method can be used to install/uninstall fake WebSocket API in a single test, for example:

it('should run test with fake WebSocket', () => {
  jasmine.ws().withMock(() => {


A tracked connection is kke a WebSocket (so contains all methods of WebSocket object as documented here) with additional methods:

  • openHandshake(): FakeOpenHandshake Get the "open" handshake request, that can be used to trigger handshake response.
  • closeHandshake(): FakeCloseHandshake Get the "close" handshake request, that can be used to trigger handshake response.
  • emitMessage(message: string): void Emit a message from the server.
  • emitClose(): void Emit a close event triggered from server.
  • sentMessages(): Array<string> Get all sent messages (i.e parameters passed to the WebSocket#send method).
  • getEventListeners(eventType?: string): Array<function> Get registered listeners (passing string parameter will return registered event listeners for given event type).


A fake handshake request that can simulate the open handshake with given properties and methods:

  • url: string The request URL.
  • headers: object The request headers, can be used to check for requested WebSocket subprotocols.
  • getRequest(): object Get the original sent request.
  • respond(): void Trigger the handshake response with a success status code (i.e 101) (will trigger the listeners for the WebSocket open event).
  • fail(status = 500): void Trigger handshake with a non-success status code (will trigger the listeners for the WebSocket error event).
  • respondWith(response: object): void Trigger custom handshake response (will trigger appropriate listeners).


A fake handshake request that can simulate the close handshake with given properties and methods:

  • code: number The close code identifier.
  • reason: string The close reason.
  • wasClean: boolean Indicates whether or not the connection was cleanly closed.
  • respond(): void Trigger the handshake response (will trigger the listeners for the WebSocket close event).


MIT License (MIT)


If you find a bug or you think something is missing, feel free to contribute and submit an issue or a pull request.



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  • mickael.jeanroy