
1.0.0 • Public • Published

IntN.js - Arbitrary byte size integers in JavaScript

IntN.js is a library for representing and working with arbitrary byte size two's complement integers in JavaScript, both signed and unsigned. Its purpose is to provide a robust and convenient way to work with data types that are not available in JavaScript natively, like 64 bit longs.


The module exports a function that creates singleton classes representing integers of the specified size in bits (positive multiple of 8). It is compatible with CommonJS and AMD loaders and is exposed globally as dcodeIO.IntN if neither is available.

var IntN  = require("intn");
var Int8  = IntN(8),
    Int16 = IntN(16),
    Int24 = IntN(24),
    Int32 = IntN(32),
    Int64 = IntN(64),

Important: The following API documentation references the usage of the classes created by the exported function.


Instances are immutable and all methods that return another instance are chainable. Instance values are easily interchangeable using their bytes property or the fromInts and toInts methods.

new IntN(bytes, unsigned=)

Constructs a new IntN, where N is the number of bits represented by this class.

Parameter Type Description
bytes !Array.<number> | number Byte values, least significant first
unsigned boolean Whether unsigned or signed, defaults to false for signed


Number of bits represented by this IntN class.

@type number
@access public const


Number of bytes represented by this IntN class.

@type number
@access public const


Maximum unsigned value.

@type !IntN
@access public const


Maximum signed value.

@type !IntN
@access public const


Minimum signed value.

@type !IntN
@access public const


Negative signed one.

@type !IntN
@access public const


Signed one.

@type !IntN
@access public const


Unsigned one.

@type !IntN
@access public const


Unsigned zero.

@type !IntN
@access public const


Signed zero.

@type !IntN
@access public const

IntN.add(augend, addend)

Adds the specified IntNs. Does not type check arguments.

Parameter Type Description
augend !IntN Augend
addend !IntN Addend
@returns !IntN Sum

IntN.divide(dividend, divisor)

Divides the specified dividend by the specified divisor and returns both the quotient and the remainder. Does not type check arguments.

Parameter Type Description
dividend !IntN Dividend
divisor !IntN Divisor
@returns !{quotient: !IntN, remainder: !IntN} Quotient and remainder

IntN.fromInt(value, unsigned=)

Constructs an IntN from a 32 bit integer value.

Parameter Type Description
value number Integer value
unsigned boolean Whether unsigned or not, defaults to false for signed
@returns !IntN

IntN.fromInts(ints, unsigned=)

Reassembles an IntN from an array of 32 bit integers, least significant first.

Parameter Type Description
ints !Array.<number> Array of 32 bit integers
unsigned boolean Whether unsigned or not, defaults to false for signed
@returns !IntN

IntN.fromNumber(value, unsigned=)

Constructs an IntN from a number (double, 52 bit mantissa) value. This differs from IntN.fromInt in using arithmetic operations on numbers instead of logical operations on 32 bit integers, which works reliably up to a maximum positive or negative value of 2^53-1.

Parameter Type Description
value number Number value
unsigned boolean Whether unsigned or not, defaults to false for signed
@returns !IntN

IntN.fromString(value, unsigned=, radix=)

Converts a string using the specified radix to an IntN.

Parameter Type Description
value string String
unsigned boolean | number Whether unsigned or not, defaults to false for signed (omittable)
radix number Radix (2-36), defaults to 10
@returns !IntN
@throws RangeError If radix is out of range
@throws Error If value contains illegal characters


Tests if an object is an N bit integer, where N is this class's number of bits.

Parameter Type Description
obj *** Object to test
@returns boolean true if it is an N bit integer, otherwise false

IntN.multiply(multiplicand, multiplier)

Multiplies the specified IntNs and returns the product. Does not type check arguments.

Parameter Type Description
multiplicand !IntN Multiplicand
multiplier !IntN Multiplier
@returns !IntN Product

IntN.subtract(minuend, subtrahend)

Subtracts the second from the first specified IntN. Does not type check arguments.

Parameter Type Description
minuend !IntN Minuend
subtrahend !IntN Subtrahend
@returns !IntN Difference


Converts the specified value to an IntN.

Parameter Type Description
val !IntN | number | string | !{bytes: !Array.<number>, unsigned: boolean} | {low: number, high: number, unsigned: boolean} Value
@returns !IntN


Represented byte values, least significant first.

@type !Array.<number>


Whether unsigned or otherwise signed.

@type boolean


Returns this IntN's absolute value as an unsigned IntN.

Parameter Type Description
@returns !IntN Absolute


Adds the specified to this IntN.

Parameter Type Description
addend !IntN | number | string Addend
@returns !IntN Sum


Performs a bitwise and (&) operation and returns the resulting Int.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other number
@returns !IntN

IntN#cast(TargetIntN, unsigned=)

Casts this IntN of size N to the specified target IntN of size M.

Parameter Type Description
TargetIntN !Function Target IntN class
unsigned boolean Whether unsigned or not, defaults to this' IntN#unsigned
@returns !IntN


Compares this IntN with the specified.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other value
@returns number 0 if both are the same, 1 if this is greater and -1 if the specified is greater


Divides this IntN by the specified and returns the quotient.

Parameter Type Description
divisor !IntN | number | string Divisor
@returns !IntN Quotient


Tests if this IntN equals the specified.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other value
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is greater than (>) the specified.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other value
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is greater than or equal (>=) the specified.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other value
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is even.

Parameter Type Description
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is (signed and) negative.

Parameter Type Description
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is odd.

Parameter Type Description
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is (unsigned or) positive.

Parameter Type Description
@returns boolean


Evaluates the bit at the specified position. Using this method is usually much faster than alternative ways.

Parameter Type Description
i number Position (0 to (N-1))
@returns boolean true if the bit is 1, false if it is 0


Tests if this IntN is signed.

Parameter Type Description
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is unsigned.

Parameter Type Description
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is zero.

Parameter Type Description
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is less than (<) the specified.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other value
@returns boolean


Tests if this IntN is less than or equal (<=) the specified.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other value
@returns boolean


Divides this IntN by the specified and returns the remainder.

Parameter Type Description
divisor !IntN | number | string Divisor
@returns !IntN Remainder


Multiplies this IntN with the specified and returns the product.

Parameter Type Description
multiplier !IntN | number | string Multiplier
@returns !IntN Product


Negates this IntN (*-1).

Parameter Type Description
@returns !IntN Negation


Performs a bitwise not (~) operation and returns the result.

Parameter Type Description
@returns !IntN


Tests if this IntN does not equal the specified.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other value
@returns boolean


Performs a bitwise or (|) operation and returns the resulting Int.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other number
@returns !IntN

IntN#set(i, isSet)

Sets the bit at the specified position and returns the result. Using this method is usually much faster than alternative ways.

Parameter Type Description
i number Position (0 to (N-1))
isSet boolean true to set the bit to 1, false to set it to 0
@returns !IntN


Performs a shift left (<<) operation and returns the result.

Parameter Type Description
numBits !IntN | number Number of bits
@returns !IntN

IntN#shiftRight(numBits, logical=)

Performs a shift right (>>, >>>) operation and returns the result.

Parameter Type Description
numBits !IntN | number Number of bits
logical boolean Whether to perform a logical (>>>) shift right, defaults to false for an arithmetic shift right (>>)
@returns !IntN


Performs an unsigned shift right (>>>) operation and returns the result.

Parameter Type Description
numBits !IntN | number Number of bits
@returns !IntN Shifted


Returns the number of bits required to fully represent this IntN's value.

Parameter Type Description
@returns number Shift of the most significant bit (0 to N)


Subtracts the specified from this IntN and returns the difference.

Parameter Type Description
subtrahend !IntN | number | string Subtrahend
@returns !IntN Difference


Converts this IntN to its full binary representation. This returns N (number of bits) binary digits for testing and debugging, followed by the character U if unsigned.

Parameter Type Description
addSpaces boolean Whether to insert spaces between bytes, defaults to false
@returns string


Converts this IntN to a 32 bit integer.

Parameter Type Description
unsigned boolean Whether unsigned or not, defaults to this' IntN#unsigned
@returns number


Disassembles this IntN into an array of 32 bit integers, least significant first.

Parameter Type Description
@returns !Array.<number>


Converts this IntN to a number (double, 52 bit mantissa) value. This differs from IntN#toInt in using arithmetic operations on numbers instead of logical operations on 32 bit integers, which works reliably up to a maximum positive or negative value of 2^53-1. A maximum of 56 bits is evaluated.

Parameter Type Description
@returns number


Converts this IntN to signed and returns the result.

Parameter Type Description
@returns !IntN


Converts this IntN to a string of the specified radix.

Parameter Type Description
radix !IntN | number | string Radix (2-36), defaults to 10
@returns string
@throws RangeError If radix is out of range


Converts this IntN to unsigned and returns the result.

Parameter Type Description
@returns !IntN


Performs a bitwise xor (^) operation and returns the result.

Parameter Type Description
other !IntN | number | string Other number
@returns !IntN


Most of the methods have a couple of aliases to maintain compatibility with other libraries, to make it more convenient to use or simply to keep your code small:

General utility:
  • isIntN: isInt[NBITS] with [NBITS] being the number of bits provided to IntN (e.g. 32)
Arithmetic evaluation:
  • compare: comp
  • equals: eq, equal, ==
  • notEquals: ne, notEqual, !=
  • lessThan: lt, less, <
  • lessThanEqual: lte, lessThanOrEqual, <=
  • greaterThan: gt, greater, >
  • greaterThanEqual: gte, greaterThanOrEqual, >=
Bitwise operations:
  • not: ~
  • and: &
  • or: |
  • xor: ^
  • shiftLeft: lsh, leftShift, <<
  • shiftRight: rsh, rightShift, >>
  • shiftRightUnsigned: rshu, rightShiftUnsigned, >>>
Arithmetic operations:
  • add: plus, +
  • negate: neg, !
  • subtract: sub, minus, -
  • absolute: abs, ||
  • multiply: mult, *
  • divide: div, /
  • modulo: mod, %

If you like it rather formal:

var a = Int32.fromNumber(1),
    b = Int32.fromNumber(2);
var c = a['+'](b)['/'](3);


License: Apache License, Version 2.0

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