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This is a grunt plugin to render nunjucks templates and strings. It takes data in JSON or YAML format and allows to configure nunjucks in Grunt tasks.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1 and Node ~0.10.0. Please first have a look at the Getting Started guide of Grunt.

You may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-nunjucks-render --save-dev

Once the plugin is installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile.js with this line of JavaScript:


The "nunjucks_render" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named nunjucks_render to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig():

  nunjucks_render: {
    options: {
                        // task global options go here
    your_target: {
      options: {
                        // target specific options go here
      files: [
          data:         // path to JSON or YAML file(s)
          src:          // path to template file(s)
          dest:         // path to output destination file(s)
          str:          // direct string(s) to parse (before templates by default)
          str_prepend:  // direct string(s) to parse and concat before templates
          str_append:   // direct string(s) to parse and concat after templates

See the dedicated page to learn how to build your files objects. Note that some properties are added here:

  • data to define a list of files to get the parsing data,
  • str, str_prepend and str_append to define some raw strings to parse and concatenate to the final rendering.


A special nunjucks environment loader is designed by the plugin to use a full set of options when searching templates (original and included ones). The loader is defined in lib/loader.js.

The template_path environment variable will always contain the path of the current parsed template (the current file), even for inclusions. The template_date environment variable will always contain the date of the current parsing, even for inclusions.

The plugin embeds the date-filter natively to let you write formated dates:

{{ my_date | date() }}          // with default format
{{ my_date | date('YYY') }}     // with custom format


Options can be defined globally for the nunjucks_render task or for each target. The target options will always overload global settings.

A "template" here is a raw template, defined as the src item of a target files, or a nunjucks included template.

  • searchPaths

    • Type: String, Array
    • Default value: "." (i.e. relative to your Gruntfile.js)
    • One or more paths to be scanned by the template loader while searching nunjucks templates. By default, the loader will search in all directories of the root directory. If baseDir is defined and the template is found in it, this file will be used.
  • baseDir

    • Type: String
    • Default value: "." (i.e. relative to your Gruntfile.js)
    • Path to the directory in which nunjucks will first search templates. This directory name is striped from templates files name entry.
  • extensions

    • Type: String, Array
    • Default value: ".j2" (for jinja2)
    • One or more file extensions to use by the template loader while searching nunjucks templates. This allows you to write {% include my-partial %} instead of {% include my-partial.j2 %}.
  • autoescape

  • watch

  • data

    • Type: Object, String (filename), Array (array of filenames)
    • Default value: null
    • Can be used to fill in a default data value for a whole task or a target. This will be merged with "per-file" data (which have precedence).
  • processData

    • Type: Function
    • Default: null
    • Define a function to transform data as a pre-compilation process (before to send them to nunjucks).
  • name

    • Type: RegExp, Function
    • Default value: /.*/
    • A regular expression or function to build final template name. Default is the filename.
  • asFunction

    • Type: Boolean
    • Default value: false
    • Use this to return the raw precompiled version of the nunjucks content instead of its final rendering.
  • env

  • strAdd

    • Type: String in "prepend" or "append"
    • Default value: "prepend"
    • The default process to execute on the str files entry. By default, strings will be parsed and prepended to final rendering (i.e. displayed before templates contents). Note that when this argument is prepend, the str items will be added AFTER any str_prepend other items while if it is append, the str items will be added BEFORE any other str_append items.
  • strSeparator

    • Type: String
    • Default value: "\n"
    • A string used to separate parsed strings between them and from templates contents.


You can have a look at the Gruntfile.js of the plugin for various usage examples.

Define a base path for all parsed files:

options: {
    baseDir: 'templates/to/read/'
files: {
    'file/to/output-1.html': 'file-1.j2',
    'file/to/output-2.html': 'file-2.j2',
    'file/to/output-3.html': 'file-3.j2'

Define a global data table for all parsed files:

options: {
    data: {
        name: "my name",
        desc: "my description"
files: {
    'file/to/output.html': 'template/to/read.j2'

Define a global JSON data file for all parsed files:

options: {
    data: 'commons.json'
files: {
    'file/to/output-1.html': 'template/to/read-1.j2',
    'file/to/output-2.html': 'template/to/read-2.j2',
    'file/to/output-3.html': 'template/to/read-3.j2'

Define a global data table for all targets, over-written by a "per-target" data:

options: {
    data: {
        name: "my name",
        desc: "my description"
my_target: {
    files: {
        data:   { desc: "my desc which will over-write global one" },
        src:    'template/to/read.j2',
        dest:   'file/to/output.html'

Define a full set of grunt files:

files: [
    expand: true,
    src: 'template/to/read-*.j2',
    data: 'common-data.json',
    dest: 'dest/directory/'

Usage of the str argument:

files: {
    data:   { desc: "my desc which will over-write global one" },
    src:    'template/to/read.j2',
    dest:   'file/to/output.html',
    str:    "My nunjucks string with var: {{ username }}"
files: {
    data:   { desc: "my desc which will over-write global one" },
    src:    'template/to/read.j2',
    dest:   'file/to/output.html',
    str:    [ "My first nunjucks string with var: {{ username }}", "My second nunjucks string with var: {{ username }}" ]

Use the module in your tasks

As this module defines "non-tasked" functions, you can use the followings in your own tasks or modules.


var NunjucksRenderFile = require('grunt-nunjucks-render/lib/render-file');
var content = NunjucksRenderFile( filepath , data[ , options ][ , nunjucks.Environment ]);


var NunjucksRenderString = require('grunt-nunjucks-render/lib/render-string');
var content = NunjucksRenderString( str , data[ , options ][ , nunjucks.Environment ]);

Related third-parties links


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.



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