
1.2.3 • Public • Published

TMJ Mean Stack Module Generator

npm version

Mean Stack Module Generator using Yeoman

Table of Contents

Getting Started

You will need to install yeoman using npm. Be sure to have NodeJS installed before doing it so.

npm install yo -g


You need to download or clone this to a new project locally name it generator-tmj-module. Then run it in git shell.

git clone > generator-tmj-module

Go to the root directory of this project, then type:

npm link

That will install this generator dependencies and symlink a global module to your local file. After npm is done your good to go to your project.


Or if you don't want to download or clone this, you can install it using npm:

npm install -g generator-tmj-module

List of Commands



  • [name] - Required
  • [module] - Required
  • [--option] - Optional
  • [--kind] - Optional
  • [--module] - Required

Creating a Module

To create a new module, you can simply run:

yo tmj-module:make [name] [--kind=value]

To create multiples modules, you can simply run by example:

yo tmj-module:make Blog Chat Post


  • server
  • client

Creating an Angular Sub Module

To create a new sub module, you can simply run:

yo tmj-module:make-angular-submodule [name] [--module=value]

To create multiples modules, you can simply run by example:

yo tmj-module:make-angular-submodule Blog Chat Post --module=App

Creating an Angular Config

Create new angular config for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-angular-config [name] [module]

Creating an Angular Controller

Create new angular controller for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-angular-controller [name] [module]

Creating an Angular Directive

Create new angular directive for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-angular-directive [name] [module]

Creating an Angular Factory

Create new angular factory for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-angular-factory [name] [module] [--option=value]


  • plain

Creating an Angular Module

Create new angular module for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-angular-module [name] [module]

Creating an Angular Provider

Create new angular provider for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-angular-provider [name] [module]

Creating an Angular Service

Create new angular service for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-angular-service [name] [module]

Creating an Auth Module

Scaffold basic login and registration views.

yo tmj-module:make-auth --force

Creating a Controller

Create new controller for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-controller [name] [module] [--option=value]


  • rest
  • plain

Creating a Entity

Create new entity for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-entity [name] [module]

Creating a Job

Create new job for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-job [name] [module]

To dispatch a job, you need to require dispatch in a controller. For example in a controller:

var path = require('path'),
    root = path.dirname(require.main.filename),
    dispatch = require(root + '/vendor/dispatch');
module.exports = function (method) {
    var methods = { ... };
    return methods[method]();
    function name() {
        return function (req, res, next) {
            dispatch('Module::method', [req, res]);

Creating a Middleware

Create new middleware for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-middleware [name] [module]

Creating a Routes

Create new routes for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-routes [name] [module] [--option=value]


  • plain

Creating a Schema

Create new schema for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-schema [name] [module]

Creating a Test

Create new test for the specified module.

yo tmj-module:make-test [name] [module] [--kind=value]


  • server
  • client

Creating a View

Create new html file for the specified module in views folder

yo tmj-module:make-view [name] [module]

To use view, you need to require view in a controller. For example in controller:

var path = require('path'),
    root = path.dirname(require.main.filename),
    view = require(root + '/vendor/view');
module.exports = function (method) {
    var methods = { ... };
    return methods[method]();
    function name() {
        return function (req, res, next) {
            view('', res);

Folder Structure


Chat Module

yo tmj-module:make MyChat


yo tmj-module:make My-Chat
├── modules/
│   └── MyChat/
│       ├── Client/
│       │   ├── Config
|       │   │   └── mychat.config.js
│       │   ├── Controllers
|       │   │   └── mychat.controller.js
│       │   ├── Factories
|       │   │   ├── chat-manager.factory.js
|       │   │   └── chat-resource.factory.js
│       │   ├── Jobs
|       │   │   └── mychat.job.js
│       │   ├── Providers
|       │   │   └── mychat.provider.js
│       │   ├── Services
|       │   │   └── mychat.service.js
│       │   ├── Tests
|       │   │   └── mychat.test.js
│       │   └── user.module.js
│       └── Server/
│           ├── Controllers
|           │   └── mychat.controller.js
│           ├── Entities
|           │   └── mychat.entity.js
│           ├── Middlewares
|           │   └── mychat.middleware.js
│           ├── Routes
|           │   └── mychat.routes.js
│           ├── Schemas
|           │   └── mychat.schema.js
│           └── Tests
|               └── mychat.test.js
└── resources/
    └── views/
        └── mychat/
            └── index.html



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE for details

Copyright (c) 2017 TMJ Philippines

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  • conds18