
2.1.0 • Public • Published

Fleek Router

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Middleware for routing to controllers using swagger schema's.



This package is to be used as middleware for Koa2 to route paths defined in swagger documentation using ctx.fleek.context defined by fleek-context or an equivalent custom middleware.

npm install --save fleek-router


For a swagger example, refer to the test swagger json

const Koa = require('koa');
const fleekCtx = require('fleek-context');
const fleekRouter = require('fleek-router');
const SWAGGER = require('./swagger.json');
let app = new Koa();
let router = fleekRouter({ controllers: `${__dirname}/controllers` });
ctx.use(router.tag('authenticated', (ctx, next) => {
  if (someAuthFunction(ctx)) {
    ctx.body = 'Not authorized';
    ctx.status = 401;
    return Promise.resolve();
  } else return next();
  controller: {
    bar: {
      get: (ctx, next) => { /* routes for tags ['bar', ...] and method GET */ },
    foo: {
      biz: {
        post: (ctx, next) => { /* routes for tags ['foo', 'biz' ...] and method POST */ }
  operation: {
    createBar: (ctx, next) => { /* routes for operationId 'createBar' */ }
// OR
// controllers/
//  ├── bar.js [exports: get(ctx, next)]
//  ├── foo
//  |    └── biz.js [exports: post(ctx, next)]
//  └── */** [exports: createBar(ctx, next)]


new Router()

  • Accepts
    • Object - options
  • Returns
    • Router - returns a promise when called


let myRouter = new fleekRouter.Router();

Router.tag(name, operation)

  • Accepts
    • String - name of the tag to operate against. if the tag name is present in the request ctx.fleek.context.tags[], the operation will be executed
  • Returns
    • Function - returns a promise when called
      • Accepts
        • Object - ctx(context) of the request
        • Function - next returns promise when called


app.use(router.tag('authenticated', (ctx, next) => {
  console.log(ctx.fleek.context.tags) // => [ ..., 'authenticated', ... ]
  let isAuthenticated = someAuthFunction(ctx);
  if (isAuthenticated) return next();
  else return Promise.reject(Error('401: not authorized'));
app.use((ctx, next) => {
  ctx.body = 'passed authentication';
  return Promise.resolve();

Router.operation(operationId, operation)

  • Accepts
    • String - name of the tag to route to. if the tag name is present in the request ctx.fleek.context.operationId, the operation will be executed
  • Returns
    • Function - returns a promise when called
      • Accepts
        • Object - ctx(context) of the request
        • Function - next returns promise when called


app.use(router.tag('getUser', (ctx, next) => {
  console.log(ctx.fleek.context.operationId) // => 'getUser'
  ctx.body = DB.get('user', ctx.params.user_id);
  return Promise.resolve();

Router.controllers(options) - Controller Directory

  • Accepts
    • One of
      • String - path to controllers directory. Directory will be recursively read to create an object of controllers and operations
      • Object - options or list object of controllers and operations
        • Contains One of
  • Returns
    • Function - returns a promise when called
      • Accepts
        • Object - context of the request. must have ctx.fleek.context to perform validation
        • Function - returns promise when called
  • Functionality
    • The directory tree being parsed must contain flat or sud-directy .js files exporting operation functions
    • To execute a operation, the request ctx.fleek.context must contain data mapping it to the controller/operation
    • Routing:
      • Controllers:
        • To execute a method(POST, GET, PUT, DELETE), the swagger documentation must specify the controller as the first tag(tags: []) for the path+method
        • Every sub-directory or file name adds an expected tag to the required ctx.fleek.context.tags[] to route to the given operation
          • EG: controllers/foo/bar.js[get(ctx, next) => { ... }] will execute for ctx.fleek.context = { method: 'get', tags: ['foo', 'bar'] }
      • Operations:
        • Operations are identified by the name of the exported function(module.exports[operationId]), if it does not match a method type (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE)
        • To execute an operation, the swagger document must specify the operationId in the path+method configuration to match the exported function name
        • Operations are prioritized over controllers when routing
        • Operation ID's are unique accross all controllers and operations, as speficied in the swagger 2.0 standard


// Assuming directory structure:
// controllers/
//  ├── bar.js [exports: get(ctx, next) => { ... }]
//  ├── foo
//  |    └── biz.js [exports: post(ctx, next) => { ... }]
//  └── */** [exports: createBar(ctx, next) => { ... }]
// OR
app.use(router.controllers({ path: `${__dirname}/controllers` }));

Router.controllers(controllers) - Controller Object

  • Accepts
    • Object - object of controllers and operations
      • At least one of
        • controller: Object - shallow or nested controllers, containg method operations (post|create, get|read, put|update, delete|destroy)`
        • operation: Object - shallow operations. propery keys expected to map to operationId
  • Returns
    • Function - returns a promise when called
      • Accepts
        • Object - context of the request. must have ctx.fleek.context to perform validation
        • Function - returns promise when called
  • Functionality
    • NOTE: the expected parameter object is also the compiled format of the directory system listed above
    • To execute a operation, the request ctx.fleek.context must contain data mapping it to the controller/operation
    • Routing:
      • Controllers:
        • To execute a method(POST, GET, PUT, DELETE), the swagger documentation must specify the controller as the first tag(tags: []) for the path+method
        • Every nested property adds an expected tag to the required ctx.fleek.context.tags[] to route to the given operation
          • EG: controller.foo.bar.get: (ctx, next) => { ... } will execute for ctx.fleek.context = { method: 'get', tags: ['foo', 'bar'] }
      • Operations:
        • Operations are identified by the name of the exported function(module.exports[operationId]), if it does not match a method type (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE)
        • To execute an operation, the swagger document must specify the operationId in the path+method configuration to match the exported function name
        • Operations are prioritized over controllers when routing
        • Operation ID's are unique accross all controllers and operations, as speficied in the swagger 2.0 standard


  controller: {
    bar: get(ctx, next) => { /* ... */ },
    foo: {
      biz: {
        post: (ctx, next) => { /* ... */ }
  operation: {
    createBar: (ctx, next) => { /* ... */ }


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