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fibers with resume/wait to achieve non-async async

a.js file

var fs = require('fs');
  var data;
    data = fs.readFile('upload-file.txt', 'utf8');
    throw new Error('read error: '+ e.message);

Without any callbacks! Code above does not block the nodejs main thread when call fs.exists and fs.readFile. All you need to do extra is to read below:)

I do not like Promise, yes I promise. This package is extended from fibers, with extra methods like wait/resume/wrap/sleep, much more stronger params passing and error handling, much more tolerable for nested run, automatically hung fiber stack and memory leak check, and expressjs support


  • use fibext/wait/resume to archive fiber functionality, avoid callback hell
  • supply express middleware to wrap every request, or you can use tier to achieve synchronouse stack filter for http request/response
  • use fibext.wrap to wrap the node core module's async function and make it run as 'sync' style, like var data = fs.readFile(xxx).
  • fibext.wrap also support sync function whose last parameter is callback. so you will never worry about whether the target function is async or not, as long as it returns everything from the callback
  • use fibext.async to run a function in another fiber stack concurrently.
  • fibext is an application-level singleton, which should be installed in the root of application. So any package required fibext should not put it in the dependencies part of package.json file, and mostly should check the version of fibext on loading(warn peferred if not satisfied).


npm install --save fibext

Simple usage

var fibext = require('fibext');
var fs = require('fs');
  fibext.sleep(1000);//sleep 1s
  var fiber = fibext();
  fiber.sleep(1000);//sleep 1s, same as fibext.sleep()
  //return value from the callback 
    fiber.resume(null, 'wake up');
  }, 1000);
  var ret = fiber.wait();
  console.log(ret);//wake up 
  //throw the error from the callback
    fiber.resume(new Error('xxx'));
  }, 1000);
    fiber.wait();//here will throw the error 'xxx'
  //wrap the node module
  var ffs = fibext.wrap(fs); 
  var fileContent = ffs.readFile(__filename);//it will return the file data directly 
  //wrap function and call it
  return 'function return';
}, function(err, res){
  console.log(err, res); //null function return 

Used with express

Or you can try tier, a sync-run midlldeware imitating express

app.use(;//error will be redirected to error middleware
app.get('/sleep', function(req, resp){
  resp.send('wake up').end();

Parallel the async

function get(url, cb){//get the response data from url
  cb(err, data);
  var fiber = fibext();
  get('url1', fiber.resume.bind(fiber));
  get('url2', fiber.resume.bind(fiber));
  get('url3', fiber.resume.bind(fiber));
  //data1 may not be the url1's result! it can be url2/url3's result too. 
  //you should not rely on that. same to data2/data3
  var data1 = fiber.wait();
  var data2 = fiber.wait();
  var data3 = fiber.wait();
  console.log(data1, data2, data3);

More usages!

Please refer to the test cases to get more usage examples, like configuration, nested run, resume before wait, etc.


fibext([func], [done])

Create a fiber stack, make the func to run in this stack. without any arguments, it will return the current instance in the fiber stack.

  • func: the target function that its subsequent call chain need to be run as-like 'sync'
  • done: the callback after the func returned or thrown

fibext.set(name, value) get(name) config(name, [value]) reset() resetConfig

Get/set/reset the configuration. config keys has:

  • checkInterval: int. the interval(ms) of the hung fiber stacks checking. default is 16000
  • hungAfter: int. consider a fiber stack being hung and might causing memory leak after the time(ms). default is 30000.

fibext.on('hung', listener)

Bind a listener for hung fiber stack warning.


Sleep the current fiber stack with the specified miliseconds.

Express middleware.

fibext.wrap(functionOrObject, [deepTheFunction])

Wrap node-style async functions to instead run in 'sync' style and return the value directly. this assumes that the last parameter of the function is the callback. and it even support sync-callback function, so most time you don't need to care about whether the func is run in sync or async, just a function with last callback parameter is ok.

If a single function is passed then a wrapped function is created. if an object is passed then a new object is returned with all functions wrapped.

There is no way to get the underlying function's return. if you need, please use the unwrapped ones, such as child_process.execFile's return child.

And you should not call the sync-style function from the wrap, like readFileSync, they will block the fiber stack. use underscore.pick or _.omit to omit the sync-style functions.

var readFile = fibext.wrap(require('fs').readFile);
var ffs = fibext.wrap(_.pick(require('fs'), 'readFile', 'writeFile'));
var request = fibext.wrap(require('request'), true);//wrap request and request.get ...
var fileContent = readFile('example.txt');
var fileContent = ffs.readFile('example.txt');

fibext.async(func, done)

Run the function in another fiber stack meanwhile. if done not supplied, then error will be console.error


Pause the fiber stack. wait should be used with resume and they must be in pairs. wait will return the pair resume's params, and assume that the first param is error or null. if it's error, then throw it. if not, then return the remain parts of the resume params. if the resume params's length = 2, then return the second param to adapt node-style callback. see:

  fiber.resume(null, 'a');
fiber.wait();//return 'a'
  fiber.resume(null, 'a', 'b');
fiber.wait();//return ['a', 'b']
  fiber.resume(new Error('xxx'));
fiber.wait();//throw the error
//adapt to node-style callback
var fileContent = fiber.wait(fs.readFile('xxx', fiber.resume.bind(fiber)));

fiber.resume([err, param1, param2, ...])

Resume the paused fiber stack. the params will be used as the return of this-pair's wait method; if the first param is an Error, then the pair wait method will throw the error.


Same as fibext.sleep(ms)


run command npm run test-cov .

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 98.52% ( 200/203 )
Branches     : 87.67% ( 64/73 )
Functions    : 100% ( 29/29 )
Lines        : 98.38% ( 182/185 )

Benchmark with cps

Run command npm run bench to compare with the setTimeout(fn, 0) operation

cps:    64.72491909385114 op/s 15.45 ms/op
fibext: 64.80881399870383 op/s 15.43 ms/op

License :

Licensed under MIT

Copyright (c) 2015 kiliwalk

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  • kiliwalk