
0.0.1 • Public • Published


express-rate is a express.js route specific middleware that monitors the rate at which specific routes get requested and allows you to limit a specific requester. This can be a basic prevention of DOS attacks, or simply used as a Twitter-like rate-limiter on your API. Comes with support for an in memory store, and a Redis store backed by node_redis.

This is an alpha release.


  $ npm install express-rate

Note: this module requires redis > 2.1.3 because of changes in the behavior of the expire action.

  • handler
new rate.Redis.RedisRateHandler({client: redis.createClient()})

The rate handler that stores the routes for the rate. The built in handlers are for Redis (recommended) and Memory (for testing or single webserver clusters - use new rate.Memory.MemoryRateHandler() ).

  • interval

The interval of time in seconds that the middleware tracks your route. For interval=1, it will track the amount of requests hitting your route per 1 second. For value=10, it will track requests per 10 seconds.

  • limit

For any non-zero values of limit, rate-limiting will be turned on. For limit=10 and interval=1, the system will only allow 10 requests per second for a specific requester on this specific route. For limit=100 and interval=10, the system will allow 100 requests per 10 seconds for this specific requester on this specific route.

  • getRemoteKey
function (req) {
  return req.connection.remoteAddress;

A function that allows you to switch how rate identifies a specific requester. By default, it is their IP. You can override it with a function that sets it based on the authenticated user, or on a API key that the user is posting. See below in usage for an example.

  • getRouteKey
function (req) {
  return req.route.method + ':' + req.route.regexp;

A function that allows you to switch how rate identifies a route. By fefault, its the method:route_regex

  • setHeaders

Whether you want to set rate limiting headers or not.

  • setHeadersHandler
function (req, res, rate, limit, resetTime) {
    var remaining = limit - rate;
    if (remaining < 0) {
        remaining = 0;
    // follows Twitter's rate limiting scheme and header notation
    res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit', limit);
    res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining', remaining);
    res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Reset', resetTime);

A function that is called to cutomize the request and its headers to give the requester an idea of how rate-limited it is.

  • onLimitReached
function (req, res, rate, limit, resetTime, next) {
    // HTTP code 420 from
    res.json({error: 'Rate limit exceeded. Check headers for limit information.'}, {status: 420});

A function that is called when a route's rate limit is reached. This will allow you to customize what you return back to the requester when they can no longer have access to this route.


Below is code demonstrating use and customization of most of the use cases of rate:

var rate            = require('../lib/rate'),
  redis     = require('redis'),
  client      = redis.createClient();
var app = require('express').createServer();
// create the rate redis handler
var redisHandler = new rate.Redis.RedisRateHandler({client: client});
// Monitor rate of a route
// options: handler is the mechanism where rate information is kept
// interval is the interval on which we are listening for the rate. Here we're counting requests per 1 second.
// If we switch interval to 10, then we are counting how many requests this route is handling per 10 seconds.
var simpleMiddleware = rate.middleware({handler: redisHandler, interval: 1});
// apply the rate middleware to the / route
app.get('/', simpleMiddleware, function(req, res, next){
  res.send('I am being rate monitored at requests per 1 second.')
// Monitor the rate of this route, and report the RPS of **everyone** hitting this route
var monitorMiddleware1 = rate.middleware({handler: redisHandler, interval: 1});
// apply the rate middleware to the / route
app.get('/route-rate', monitorMiddleware1, function(req, res, next){
  var rateKey = req.route.method + ':' + req.route.regexp;
  redisHandler.getRate(rateKey, null, next, function (rate) {
    res.send('This route is being requested at ' + rate + ' requests per 1 second.');
// Monitor the rate of this route, and report the RPS of **only you** hitting this route
var monitorMiddleware2 = rate.middleware({handler: redisHandler, interval: 1});
// apply the rate middleware to the / route
app.get('/me-rate', monitorMiddleware2, function(req, res, next){
  var rateKey = req.route.method + ':' + req.route.regexp;
  var remoteKey = req.connection.remoteAddress;
  redisHandler.getRate(rateKey, remoteKey, next, function (rate) {
    res.send(remoteKey + ' is requesting this route at ' + rate + ' requests per 1 second.');
// Monitor and rate-limit this route
// this middleware will only allow 2 requests for every 4 seconds from a specific user
var limiterMiddleware = rate.middleware({handler: redisHandler, interval: 4, limit: 2});
app.get('/limited', limiterMiddleware, function(req, res){
  res.send('You can only request me twice every 4 seconds!');
// Key requesters by their API key instead of IP
var apiKeyMiddleware = rate.middleware(
  {handler: redisHandler, 
   limit: 10,
   interval: 2, 
   getRemoteKey: function (req) {
    return req.params.api_key;
app.get('/api/:api_key/operation', apiKeyMiddleware, function(req, res){
  res.send('API key ' + req.params.api_key + ' only has ' + res.getHeader('x-ratelimit-remaining') + ' remaining requests.');
// Customize the headers sent back during rate limiting and the message returned
var headersMiddleware = rate.middleware(
  {handler: redisHandler, 
   limit: 5,
   interval: 5, 
   setHeadersHandler: function (req, res, rate, limit, resetTime) {
            var remaining = limit - rate;
            if (remaining < 0) {
                remaining = 0;
            // follows Twitter's rate limiting scheme and header notation
            res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit', limit);
            res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining', remaining);
            res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Reset', resetTime);
        onLimitReached: function (req, res, rate, limit, resetTime, next) {
            // HTTP code 420 from
            res.json({error: 'Rate limit exceeded. Check headers for limit information.'}, {status: 420});
app.get('/headers', headersMiddleware, function(req, res){
  var text = 'X-RateLimit-Limit :' + res.getHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit') + '              ' + 
    'X-RateLimit-Remaining :' + res.getHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining') + '              ' + 
    'X-RateLimit-Reset :' + res.getHeader('X-RateLimit-Reset');


  • Support multiple intervals
  • Fix redis tests to work all together


Get the testing requirements:

$ npm install expresso -g
$ npm install should

Go to the root project directory and run:

$ make test

Note: redis tests (/test/redis.tests.js) work seperately but not together.

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  • ivolo