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1.0.6 • Public • Published


A plugin that implement all jira commits messages style rules and validate commit messages. Part of commitlint-plugin monorepo.

For Tips and Advanced Usage you can read this Blog Post

Getting started.

Install dependencies
npm install --save-dev @commitlint/cli commitlint-config-jira-jquery commitlint-plugin-shr-jira
  • commitlint-config-jira-jquery - is a recomended config who contain preconfigured rules for jira commits messages style. See all rules in description below
  • commitlint-plugin-shr-jira - is a plugin that implement all jira commits messages style rules and validate commit messages
Configure commitlint to use jira commits messages style config
// commitlint.config.js || commitlintrc.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: ['commitlint-plugin-shr-jira'],
  extends: ['jira-jquery'],
To lint commits before they are created you can use Husky's 'commit-msg' hook
// package.json
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"


// You must follow this rule
<type>[<scope>(optional)]: [<ticket-id>(uppercase-number)] <title>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]

Notes: The attributes must be based on this below:

  • type: build, ci, docs, fix, feat, perf, refactor, style, test, chore
  • scope: fatal, major, minor, ui, http, compiler, etc.
  • ticket_id: Jira’s ticket ID
  • title: meaningful, imperative mood, 60-character long, no capitalization, no ending dot (.)


// ❌ Bad commit messages
git commit -m"My commit message body"
git commit -m":My commit message body"
git commit -m"feat: My commit message body"
git commit -m"feat: [Va-123] my commit message body"
git commit -m"feat: [VA-123h] my commit message body"
git commit -m"feat: [VA-123] my commit message body."
// ✅ Good commit messages
git commit -m"feat[major]: [SHRA-3331] add the commitlint plugin"
git commit -m"feat: [SHRA-3331] add the commitlint plugin"

Package Sidebar


npm i commitlint-plugin-shr-jira

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Last publish


  • daekysan