TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.2-4.1 • Public • Published

Easy Invoice logo

Build for Web and Backend 💪

Version Build Status Coverage Status
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If this package helped you out please star us on Github!
Much appreciated!

Pull Request's Welcome


Please upgrade from v2.x to v3.x for important security updates. The update should be relatively effortless for most users. Note that support for Internet Explorer has been dropped from v3.x.

Platform support

Platform Repository Supported Link
PHP Composer Yes! Available on Composer
Javascript NPM Yes! Available on NPM
Python PIP Yes! Available on PIP


Easy Invoice Sample Logo Only Easy Invoice Sample With Background

JSON Configs used for above samples:


JS Fiddle: Plain Javascript
JS Fiddle: Vue
JS Fiddle: React
JS Fiddle: Angular

Step-by-step guide

Read our step-by-step guide on Medium. Click here!


Using npm:

$ npm install easyinvoice --save

Using yarn:

$ yarn add easyinvoice


Using unkpg CDN:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/easyinvoice/dist/easyinvoice.min.js"></script>

Using jsDelivr CDN:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/easyinvoice/dist/easyinvoice.min.js"></script>



var easyinvoice = require('easyinvoice');

ES6 =<

import easyinvoice from 'easyinvoice';

Direct REST API access


# POST Data
Format: JSON
Structure: {"data":{"products":[]}} # Parent object must be 'data'

Getting Started - Basic Example


// Import the library into your project
var easyinvoice = require('easyinvoice');

// Create your invoice! Easy!
var data = {};
easyinvoice.createInvoice(data, function (result) {
    // The response will contain a base64 encoded PDF file
    console.log('PDF base64 string: ', result.pdf);

    // Now this result can be used to save, download or render your invoice
    // Please review the documentation below on how to do this


    // Import the library into your project
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/easyinvoice/dist/easyinvoice.min.js"></script>
    // Create your invoice! Easy!
    var data = {};
    easyinvoice.createInvoice(data, function (result) {
        // The response will contain a base64 encoded PDF file
        console.log('PDF base64 string: ', result.pdf);

        // Now this result can be used to save, download or render your invoice
        // Please review the documentation below on how to do this

Complete Example (NodeJS)

//Import the library into your project
var easyinvoice = require('easyinvoice');

var data = {
    // Customize enables you to provide your own templates
    // Please review the documentation for instructions and examples
    "customize": {
        //  "template": fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'base64') // Must be base64 encoded html 
    "images": {
        // The logo on top of your invoice
        "logo": "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/logo_en_original.png",
        // The invoice background
        "background": "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/watermark-draft.jpg"
    // Your own data
    "sender": {
        "company": "Sample Corp",
        "address": "Sample Street 123",
        "zip": "1234 AB",
        "city": "Sampletown",
        "country": "Samplecountry"
        //"custom1": "custom value 1",
        //"custom2": "custom value 2",
        //"custom3": "custom value 3"
    // Your recipient
    "client": {
        "company": "Client Corp",
        "address": "Clientstreet 456",
        "zip": "4567 CD",
        "city": "Clientcity",
        "country": "Clientcountry"
        // "custom1": "custom value 1",
        // "custom2": "custom value 2",
        // "custom3": "custom value 3"
    "information": {
        // Invoice number
        "number": "2021.0001",
        // Invoice data
        "date": "12-12-2021",
        // Invoice due date
        "due-date": "31-12-2021"
    // The products you would like to see on your invoice
    // Total values are being calculated automatically
    "products": [
            "quantity": 2,
            "description": "Product 1",
            "tax-rate": 6,
            "price": 33.87
            "quantity": 4.1,
            "description": "Product 2",
            "tax-rate": 6,
            "price": 12.34
            "quantity": 4.5678,
            "description": "Product 3",
            "tax-rate": 21,
            "price": 6324.453456
    // The message you would like to display on the bottom of your invoice
    "bottom-notice": "Kindly pay your invoice within 15 days.",
    // Settings to customize your invoice
    "settings": {
        "currency": "USD", // See documentation 'Locales and Currency' for more info. Leave empty for no currency.
        // "locale": "nl-NL", // Defaults to en-US, used for number formatting (See documentation 'Locales and Currency')        
        // "margin-top": 25, // Defaults to '25'
        // "margin-right": 25, // Defaults to '25'
        // "margin-left": 25, // Defaults to '25'
        // "margin-bottom": 25, // Defaults to '25'
        // "format": "A4", // Defaults to A4, options: A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid
        // "height": "1000px", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px
        // "width": "500px", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px
        // "orientation": "landscape", // portrait or landscape, defaults to portrait
    // Translate your invoice to your preferred language
    "translate": {
        // "invoice": "FACTUUR",  // Default to 'INVOICE'
        // "number": "Nummer", // Defaults to 'Number'
        // "date": "Datum", // Default to 'Date'
        // "due-date": "Verloopdatum", // Defaults to 'Due Date'
        // "subtotal": "Subtotaal", // Defaults to 'Subtotal'
        // "products": "Producten", // Defaults to 'Products'
        // "quantity": "Aantal", // Default to 'Quantity'
        // "price": "Prijs", // Defaults to 'Price'
        // "product-total": "Totaal", // Defaults to 'Total'
        // "total": "Totaal", // Defaults to 'Total'
        // "vat": "btw" // Defaults to 'vat'

//Create your invoice! Easy!
easyinvoice.createInvoice(data, function (result) {
    //The response will contain a base64 encoded PDF file
    console.log('PDF base64 string: ', result.pdf);

Return values

Key Value Data Type
result.pdf The PDF file as base64 string String
result.calculations.products Array of objects reflecting the products used in creation Array
result.calculations.products[key].subtotal Rounded price without tax per product Number
result.calculations.products[key].tax Rounded tax per product Number
result.calculations.products[key].total Rounded price including tax per product Number
result.calculations.tax Object containing total calculated tax per unique tax rate Array
result.calculations.tax[rate] Total tax for all products with same tax rate Number
result.calculations.subtotal Rounded price without tax for all products Number
result.calculations.total Rounded price with tax for all products Number

Locales and Currency

Used for number formatting and the currency symbol:

//E.g. for Germany, prices would look like 123.456,78 €
const data = {settings: {locale: 'de-DE', currency: 'EUR'}};

//E.g. for US, prices would look like $123,456.78
const data = {settings: {locale: 'en-US', currency: 'USD'}};

Formatting and symbols are applied through the ECMAScript Internationalization API

Click here for a list of locale codes
Click here for a list of currency codes

Disclaimer: Not all locales and currency codes found in the above lists might be supported by the ECMAScript Internationalization API.

Logo and Background

The logo and background inputs accept either a URL or a base64 encoded file.

Supported file types:

  • Logo: image
  • Background: image, pdf


const data = {
    images: {
        logo: "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/logo_en_original.png",
        background: "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/watermark_draft.jpg",


const data = {
    //Note: Sample base64 string
    //Please use the link below to convert your image to base64
    images: {

Local File (NodeJS only)

//Import fs to be able to read from the local file system
var fs = require("fs");

//Use the code below to read your local file as a base64 string
const data = {
    images: {
        logo: fs.readFileSync('logo.png', 'base64'),
        background: fs.readFileSync('images/background.png', 'base64')

Click here for an online tool to convert an image to base64

Async/await support

// Import the library into your project
var easyinvoice = require('easyinvoice');

// Create your invoice! Easy!
var data = {};
const result = await easyinvoice.createInvoice(data);

// The response will contain a base64 encoded PDF file
console.log('PDF base64 string: ', result.pdf);

To store the file locally (NodeJS)

var fs = require('fs');

var data = {};
const result = await easyinvoice.createInvoice(data);
await fs.writeFileSync("invoice.pdf", result.pdf, 'base64');

Print your invoice (browser only)

Using callback

var data = {};
easyinvoice.createInvoice(data, function (result) {

Using async/await

var data = {};
const result = await easyinvoice.createInvoice(data);

Download your invoice (browser only)

Using callback

var data = {};
easyinvoice.createInvoice(data, function (result) {
    easyinvoice.download('myInvoice.pdf', result.pdf);
    //	you can download like this as well:
    //	easyinvoice.download();
    //	easyinvoice.download('myInvoice.pdf');   

Using async/await

var data = {};
const result = await easyinvoice.createInvoice(data);
easyinvoice.download('myInvoice.pdf', result.pdf);
//	you can download like this as well:
//	easyinvoice.download();
//	easyinvoice.download('myInvoice.pdf');

Render(view) your invoice (browser only)


<!-- Only include when rendering is required -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js"></script>

<!-- Include pdfjs version 2.3.200 for Internet Explorer compatibility, no worker required -->
<!-- <script src="https://unpkg.com/pdfjs-dist@2.3.200/build/pdf.min.js"></script> -->

<!-- The pdf will be rendered within this div -->
<div id="pdf"></div>

css (optional)

#pdf {
    text-align: center;

#pdf canvas {
    border: 1px solid black;
    width: 95%;

js: Using Callback

var data = {};
var elementId = 'pdf';
easyinvoice.createInvoice(data, function (result) {
    easyinvoice.render(elementId, result.pdf, function () {
        console.log('Invoice rendered!');

js: Using async/await

var data = {};
const elementId = 'pdf';
const result = await easyinvoice.createInvoice(data);
await easyinvoice.render(elementId, result.pdf);

Template customization

Download our default template (invoice-v2) here to have an example which you can customize.

Supported file types:

  • Base64
  • URL (soon)
// You are able to provide your own html template
var html = '<p>Hello world! This is invoice number %number%</p>';

const data = {
    customize: {
        // btoa === base64 encode
        template: btoa(html) // Your template must be base64 encoded
    information: {
        number: '2022.0001'

// This will return a pdf with the following content
// Hello world! This is invoice number 2022.0001

Variable placeholders

The following placeholders can be put into your template. They will be replaced by their corresponding value upon creation.

Placeholder Will be replaced by
%document-title% translate.invoice
%logo% images.logo
%company-from% sender.company
%address-from% sender.address
%zip-from% sender.zip
%city-from% sender.city
%country-from% sender.country
%sender-custom-1% sender.custom1
%sender-custom-2% sender.custom2
%sender-custom-3% sender.custom3
%company-to% client.company
%address-to% client.address
%zip-to% client.zip
%city-to% client.city
%country-to% client.country
%client-custom-1% client.custom1
%client-custom-2% client.custom2
%client-custom-3% client.custom3
%number-title% translate.number
%number% settings.number
%date-title% translate.date
%date% settings.date
%due-date-title% translate.due-date
%due-date% settings.due-date
%products-header-products% translate.products
%products-header-quantity% translate.quantity
%products-header-price% translate.price
%products-header-total% translate.product-total
A custom product row must be enclosed in products tags like:
    <!-- Product row html -->

Don't leave out the product tags or your custom product row won't be iterable by the template parser and you will end up with a single product row. Customize the html as you wish.









products[].quantity * products[].price (rounded)
%subtotal-title% translate.subtotal
%subtotal% Auto inserted:
Calculated total price excluding tax
A custom tax row must be enclosed in tax tags like:
    <!-- Tax row html -->

Don't leave out the tax tags or your custom tax row won't be iterable by the template parser and you will end up with a single tax row. Customize the html as you wish.





Auto inserted:
Distinct tax rate used in products


Auto inserted:
Calculated total tax for rate
%total% Auto inserted:
Calculated total price including tax

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  • abdullah.kurnaz