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0.0.4 • Public • Published


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A document generator that read the comments in the code and automatically generate MarkDown documents.

npm i -D @zx-libs/docgen
const { outputFile } = require('@zx-libs/docgen')
// import { outputFile } from '@zx-libs/docgen'

outputFile('./src', './outputDir/README.md', {})

see DEMO https://github.com/capricorncd/zx-libs/blob/main/node/docgen/scripts/docs.mjs



Output 😡 red color log in console

Param Types Required Description
args Array<string> yes -
  • @returns void

getCommentsData(input, needArray, options)

Get comments from the input file or directory. Supported keywords are type, document, method, code and more.

For example

A source file ./src/index.js, or a directory ./src.

 * @method someMethod(param)
 * someMethod description 1 ...
 * someMethod description 2 ...
 * @param param `any` param's description
 * @returns `object` return's description
 * @sort 192
function someMethod(param) {
  // do something ...
  return {...};

Get comments info form ./src or ./src/index.js

nodejs file ./scripts/create-docs.js.

const path = require('path')
const { getCommentsData } = require('@zx-libs/docgen')

const result = getCommentsData(path.resolve(__dirname, './src'));


  '/usr/.../src/index.js': {
    method_someMethod: {
      type: 'method',
      sort: 192,
      name: 'someMethod',
      fullName: 'someMethod(param)',
      desc: [
        'someMethod description 1 ...',
        'someMethod description 2 ...',
      params: [
          name: 'param',
          required: true,
          desc: ['param\'s description'],
          types: ['any'],
          raw: 'param `any` param\'s description',
      returns: [
          types: ['object'],
          desc: ['return\'s description'],
          raw: '`object` return\'s description',
      codes: [],
      private: false,
      path: '/usr/.../src/index.js',
    method_someMethod2: { ... },
    document_someDocument: { ... },
    type_someTypeName: { ... },

Parameter needArray is true, or const { data } = outputFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './src')), result/data:

    type: 'method',
    sort: 192,
    name: 'someMethod',
    fullName: 'someMethod(param)',
    desc: [
      'someMethod description 1 ...',
      'someMethod description 2 ...',
    params: [
        name: 'param',
        required: true,
        desc: ['param\'s description'],
        types: ['any'],
        raw: 'param `any` param\'s description',
    returns: [
        types: ['object'],
        desc: ['return\'s description'],
        raw: '`object` return\'s description',
    codes: [],
    private: false,
    path: '/usr/.../src/index.js',
Param Types Required Description
input string/string[] yes The target file or directory.
needArray boolean no It's true will be returned an array. default false.
options GetCommentsDataOptions no GetCommentsDataOptions, default {}
  • @returns Record<filePath, Record<commentTypeName, CommentInfoItem>> | CommentInfoItem[] It's an array if needArray is true. What's CommentInfoItem.


Get types from getCommentsData's returned data.

Param Types Required Description
data Record<filePath, Record<commentTypeName, CommentInfoItem>>/CommentInfoItem[] yes The data obtained using the getCommentsData method


is file like, *.ext.

Param Types Required Description
filePath string yes -
  • @returns boolean


Determine whether arr is an array and it has some elements.

Param Types Required Description
arr T[] no -
  • @generic T

  • @returns boolean


Output 😎 green color log in console

Param Types Required Description
args Array<string> yes -
  • @returns void


make a directory synchronously

Param Types Required Description
dir string yes directory path
  • @returns void

outputFile(input, outputDirOrFile, options)

Output the obtained annotation content as a document.

Param Types Required Description
input {[filePath]: {[key]: CommentInfoItem}}/CommentInfoItem[]/string yes Comment obtained from the source. When string it's a file path, and the getCommentsData will be called. What's CommentInfoItem.
outputDirOrFile string no Optional parameter. The file or directory where the output will be written. When outputDirOrFile is undefined, no file will be output.
options OutputFileOptions no OutputFileOptions


Convert data to a table in Markdown format.

Param Types Required Description
data ToTableLinesParamData yes see type ToTableLinesParamData.
  • @returns string[]


Output 😕 yellow color log in console

Param Types Required Description
args Array<string> yes -
  • @returns void

writeFileSync(outputFileName, outputLines)

Synchronized file write function.

Param Types Required Description
outputFileName string yes Output filename, absolute path.
outputLines string[]/NodeJS.ArrayBufferView/string yes The output file content, an array of strings.
  • @returns void



CommentInfoItem is the comment information read with the getCommentsData function.

Prop Types Required Description
type string yes method/type/class/document
name string yes @method name(...args)'s name
fullName string yes @method name(...args)'s name(...args)
desc string[] yes description
params CommentInfoItemParam[] yes method's params
returns CommentInfoItemReturn[] yes method's returns
codes string[] yes for example codes
private boolean yes Whether the member method of the class is private
path string yes file path
props CommentInfoItemProp[] no CommentInfoItemProp
sort number yes sort in the output file
generics string[] yes generic
Source Code
interface CommentInfoItem {
  // method/type/class/document
  type: string
  // @method name(...args)'s `name`
  name: string
  // @method name(...args)'s `name(...args)`
  fullName: string
  // description
  desc: string[]
  // method's params
  params: CommentInfoItemParam[]
  // method's returns
  returns: CommentInfoItemReturn[]
  // for example codes
  codes: string[]
  // Whether the member method of the class is private
  private: boolean
  // file path
  path: string
  // [CommentInfoItemProp](#CommentInfoItemProp)
  props?: CommentInfoItemProp[]
  // sort in the output file
  sort: number
  // generic
  generics: string[]


CommentInfoItem's params.

Prop Types Required Description
raw string yes unprocessed raw string
name string yes parameter name or property name
required boolean yes Whether the parameter is required, or the field must exist in the returned data.
desc string[] yes parameter or property's descriptions
types string[] yes parameter or property's types
Source Code
interface CommentInfoItemParam {
  // unprocessed raw string
  raw: string
  // parameter name or property name
  name: string
  // Whether the parameter is required, or the field must exist in the returned data.
  required: boolean
  // parameter or property's descriptions
  desc: string[]
  // parameter or property's types
  types: string[]


The properties of CommentInfoItem, only exists when the type is type or interface.

Prop Types Required Description
name string yes parameter name or property name
required boolean yes Whether the parameter is required, or the field must exist in the returned data.
desc string[] yes parameter or property's descriptions
types string[] yes parameter or property's types
raw string yes raw annotation string
Source Code
interface CommentInfoItemProp extends CommentInfoItemParam {
  raw: string // raw annotation string


CommentInfoItem's return.

Prop Types Required Description
desc string[] yes returned's descriptions.
types string[] yes returned's types
raw string yes raw annotation string
Source Code
interface CommentInfoItemReturn {
  // returned's descriptions.
  desc: string[]
  // returned's types
  types: string[]
  // raw annotation string
  raw: string


type DocTypes = 'document' | 'method' | 'type' | 'constant'


expend types handler of GetCommentsDataOptions

type ExpendTypesHandler = (data: CommentInfoItem, line: string) => void


Parameter options of function getCommentsData

Prop Types Required Description
fileType RegExp no Regular expression for the type of file to be read, defaults to /\.[mc]?[tj]sx?$/.
disableKeySorting boolean no Disables key sorting, defaults to false, and sorts alphabetically.
types CommentInfoItem[] no This types array is obtained from other files or directories for extends related processing.
expendTypes string[] no expend types of getCommentsData function.
expendTypesHandlers Record<string, ExpendTypesHandler> no handler of the expend types.
codeTypes string[] no Need to get source code of the type, default ['type', 'constant'].
isExtractCodeFromComments boolean no If true, the code in the comment will be added to the end of the @document or @method.
Source Code
interface GetCommentsDataOptions {
  // Regular expression for the type of file to be read, defaults to `/\.[mc]?[tj]sx?$/`.
  fileType?: RegExp
  // Disables key sorting, defaults to `false`, and sorts alphabetically.
  disableKeySorting?: boolean
  // This `types` array is obtained from other files or directories for `extends` related processing.
  types?: CommentInfoItem[]
  // expend types of getCommentsData function.
  expendTypes?: string[]
  // handler of the expend types.
  expendTypesHandlers?: Record<string, ExpendTypesHandler>
  // Need to get source code of the type, default `['type', 'constant']`.
  codeTypes?: string[]
  // If true, the code in the comment will be added to the end of the @document or @method.
  isExtractCodeFromComments?: boolean


A parameter input of function outputFile.

type OutputFileInput =
  | string
  | string[]
  | Record<string, Record<string, CommentInfoItem>>
  | CommentInfoItem[]


Prop Types Required Description
tableHead Record<string, string> no Alias of table head th inner text.
sourceCodeSummary string no Summary of details, <details><summary>Source Code</summary></details>'s summary, default Source Code.
requiredValues OutputFileOptionAliasRequiredValues no Required values
types Record<string, string> no Alias of the DocTypes name. types: { method: '方法/函数' }
Source Code
interface OutputFileOptionAlias {
  // Alias of table head th inner text.
  tableHead?: Record<string, string>
  // Summary of details, `<details><summary>Source Code</summary></details>`'s summary, default `Source Code`.
  sourceCodeSummary?: string
  // Required values
  requiredValues?: OutputFileOptionAliasRequiredValues
  // Alias of the DocTypes name. `types: { method: '方法/函数' }`
  types?: Record<string, string>


Required values of OutputFileOptionAlias. For example {requiredValues: {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}} or {requiredValues: {method: {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}}. And {requiredValues: ['no', 'yes']} or {requiredValues: {method: ['no', 'yes']}}

type OutputFileOptionAliasRequiredValues =
  | Record<string, string>
  | Record<string, Record<string, string>>


Custom type output handler.

Prop Types Required Description
arr CommentInfoItem[], yes -
options OutputFileOptions, yes -
lines string[] yes -
Source Code
type OutputFileOptionHandler = (
  arr: CommentInfoItem[],
  options: OutputFileOptions,
  lines: string[]
) => void


Prop Types Required Description
start string/string[] no The start that need to be added at the start.
end string/string[] no The 'end' that need to be added at the end, such as adding some license information. ['## License', 'BLANK_LINE', 'MIT License © 2018-Present [Capricorncd](https://github.com/capricorncd).'].
afterType Record<string, string | string[]> no It's will be appended to the [type], before the ## [other type]
afterTitle Record<string, string | string[]> no It's will be insert after type title line. For example, {method: ['some type description content']}, It's will to insert after method line, like this's ['## Methods', 'some type description content', '...']
Source Code
interface OutputFileOptionLines {
  // The `start` that need to be added at the start.
  start?: string | string[]
  // The 'end' that need to be added at the end, such as adding some license information. `['## License', 'BLANK_LINE', 'MIT License © 2018-Present [Capricorncd](https://github.com/capricorncd).']`.
  end?: string | string[]
  // It's will be appended to the `[type]`, before the `## [other type]`
  afterType?: Record<string, string | string[]>
  // It's will be insert after `type` title line.
  // For example, `{method: ['some type description content']}`,
  // It's will to insert after `method` line, like this's `['## Methods', 'some type description content', '...']`
  afterTitle?: Record<string, string | string[]>


Options of the function outputFile, extends GetCommentsDataOptions

Prop Types Required Description
fileType RegExp no Regular expression for the type of file to be read, defaults to /\.[mc]?[tj]sx?$/.
disableKeySorting boolean no Disables key sorting, defaults to false, and sorts alphabetically.
types CommentInfoItem[] no This types array is obtained from other files or directories for extends related processing.
expendTypes string[] no expend types of getCommentsData function.
expendTypesHandlers Record<string, ExpendTypesHandler> no handler of the expend types.
codeTypes string[] no Need to get source code of the type, default ['type', 'constant'].
isExtractCodeFromComments boolean no If true, the code in the comment will be added to the end of the @document or @method.
methodWithRaw boolean no Display methods using raw string, not table. default false
typeWithTable boolean no Display types using only table, not Source Code. default false
typeWithSourceCode boolean no Display types using only Source Code, not table. default false
typeWithAuto boolean no By default, table and <details><summary>Source Code</summary></details> are displayed, but sometimes table's data may not exist, only Source Code can be displayed and <details> not using.
lines OutputFileOptionLines no lines. OutputFileOptionLines
alias OutputFileOptionAlias no alias. OutputFileOptionAlias
outputDocTypesAndOrder string[] no Output types and their order, default ['document', 'method', 'type', 'constant']
handlers Record<string, OutputFileOptionHandler> no Custom type output handler. Note that the default handler function will not be executed when this parameter is set. For example {method: (arr, options, lines) => do something}.
tableAlign Record<string, 'left' | 'center' | 'right'> no Alignment of table columns, {Required: 'center'}. Default {[key]: 'left'}
Source Code
interface OutputFileOptions extends GetCommentsDataOptions {
  // Display `methods` using raw string, not table. default `false`
  methodWithRaw?: boolean
  // Display `types` using only table, not Source Code. default `false`
  typeWithTable?: boolean
  // Display `types` using only Source Code, not table. default `false`
  typeWithSourceCode?: boolean
  // By default, `table` and `<details><summary>Source Code</summary></details>` are displayed,
  // but sometimes `table`'s data may not exist, only `Source Code` can be displayed and `<details>` not using.
  typeWithAuto?: boolean
  // lines. [OutputFileOptionLines](#OutputFileOptionLines)
  lines?: OutputFileOptionLines
  // alias. [OutputFileOptionAlias](#OutputFileOptionAlias)
  alias?: OutputFileOptionAlias
  // Output types and their order, default `['document', 'method', 'type', 'constant']`
  outputDocTypesAndOrder?: string[]
  // Custom type output handler. Note that the default handler function will not be executed when this parameter is set. For example `{method: (arr, options, lines) => do something}`.
  handlers?: Record<string, OutputFileOptionHandler>
  // Alignment of table columns, {Required: 'center'}. Default `{[key]: 'left'}`
  tableAlign?: Record<string, 'left' | 'center' | 'right'>


Returned data of function outputFile.

Prop Types Required Description
outputFileName string/null yes outputted filename
lines string[] yes line array in the output file
data CommentInfoItem[] yes comments data read from code
Source Code
interface OutputFileReturns {
  // outputted filename
  outputFileName: string | null
  // line array in the output file
  lines: string[]
  // comments data read from code
  data: CommentInfoItem[]


Table head th inner text of the output file.

type TableHeadInnerText =
  | 'Name'
  | 'Param'
  | 'Prop'
  | 'Types'
  | 'Required'
  | 'Description'


The options type of function toTableLines.

Prop Types Required Description
align string[] yes Alignment of the table content, left, center or right, the default is left.
thead string[] no The table header displays a one-dimensional array of content. {thead: ['Name', 'Description']}.
tbody string[][] no The table body displays a two-dimensional array of contents. {tbody: [['someName1', 'someDescription1'],['someName2', 'someDescription2']]}.
Source Code
interface ToTableLinesParamData {
  // Alignment of the table content, `left`, `center` or `right`, the default is `left`.
  align: string[]
  // The table header displays a one-dimensional array of content.
  // `{thead: ['Name', 'Description']}`.
  thead?: string[]
  // The table body displays a two-dimensional array of contents.
  // `{tbody: [['someName1', 'someDescription1'],['someName2', 'someDescription2']]}`.
  tbody?: string[][]



blank line.

const BLANK_LINE = ''


Supported annotation types.

const DOC_TYPES = {
  method: 'method',
  type: 'type',
  document: 'document',
  constant: 'constant',
  property: 'property',


MIT License © 2022-Present Capricorncd.

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npm i @zx-libs/docgen

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  • capricorncd