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1.0.1 • Public • Published

The new BDSd

A unified way to manage multiple Minecraft java and Bedrock servers inside the container or locally.

What's is BDSd

BDSd is 'B'e'd'rock 'S'server 'd'aemon, but it not only manages Bedrock, also java and derivatives as it ended up becoming a global platform to manage Minecraft Servers

Install BDSd

  • npx: npx @the-bds-maneger/bdsd
  • Windows: npm install -g @the-bds-maneger/bdsd
  • MacOS/Linux: sudo npm install -g @the-bds-maneger/bdsd
  • Android/Termux: npm install -g @the-bds-maneger/bdsd

Migrate Container/bds-cli to new BDSd

I know that sudden changes are bad, but it always comes with improvements.

the Bds Cli folks can get pretty used to it as most commands will be preserved inside the local bdsd.

the Container folks will have to make a big change because they haven't been updated for more than two major Bds Maneger core updates, sorry but you'll have to manually migrate your container because I don't know which version you stopped!

you will have to migrate using bdsd server migrate <PATH> and if you use mount volumes it has a different PATH than /data because THIS PATH is DEFAULT from servers from BDSd to containers and attach a shell inside the container in order to run bdsd server migrate <PATH>.

Daemon API

A faster way to manage Minecraft servers without having to crash your main terminal or leave a window open¹ to keep running your server.


  1. You still need a way to leave the daemon service in the background as it is a service that exposes a Unix socket by default in the temporary system folder and can be changed with the BDSD_SOCKET ENV or the --socket option when starting the service.

  2. The Container folks will have to get used to the new API standard which is located in the /v2 (alias to /) and /v1 (deprecated use /v2) routes.




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  • sirherobrine23