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Microservice for fast and awesome image manipulation microservice.


Img microservice can be installed in different ways, through docker or with npm. Depending on your needs you find here your way.


You can install img globally with

npm install -g @siteone/img

and then run it with


Pass --help to discover the available options


Img microservice try to meet the most common needs, so when you start it you already have a fully working system. Nonetheless Img microservice is highly customizable.


If you are a developer or run Img microservice directly from the source, the default configuration file contains a lot of instructions. You can read it in config/default.js.

Cli / global installation

When you install img globally, the cli accepts various configuration parameters. You can read the inline help running img --help. Here a deeper look to the parameter

Server parameters

Img microservice listen to port 8565 by default. You can change it to the value you prefer:

> img --port 1234


Img microservice has different cache levels and any can be disabled and configured indipendently from the others

Output cache

This cache store the resulting image. If you make a second request to get the same image with the same transformations, this cache will hit and the cached result will be returned. The image won't be processed again. By default this cache is set to memory.

Input cache

If you change your transformation the original image will be downloaded again unless you activate the input cache. If this cache is activated the original image will be stored and therefore it won't be downloaded again. The image will be just re-processed to evaluate the new transformations to apply. This cache by default is disabled.

Cache configuration

Each cache can use a different method to save/retrieve cached resources. All of those methods applies to any kind of cache.

No cache

This special cache doesn't store anything. Each request will be re-processed by Img microservice.

  • Output cache:

    	# enable
    	> img --cache none
  • Input cache: bash # enable > img --inputcache none

Filesystem caching

The cached images will be stored on your local file system.

  • Output cache:

    	# enable
    	# note: The processed images will be saved on the operating system default temporary folder.
    	> img --cache file
    	# change cache path path
    	> img --cache file --cache-filepath "path/to/cache/folder/"
  • Input cache: bash # enable # note: The processed images will be saved on the operating system default temporary folder. > img --inputcache file # change path > img --inputcache file --inputcache-filepath "path/to/cache/folder/"


In this case the cache will be stored in memory. It will be delete when the service is restarted.

  • Output cache:

    	# enable
    	# note: The processed images will be saved on the operating system default temporary folder.
    	> img --cache file
    	# change cache size limit (in MB)
    	> img --cache file --cache-limit 250
    	# disable cache size limit
    	> img --inputcache file --inputcache-limit false
  • Input cache: bash # enable # note: The processed images will be saved on the operating system default temporary folder. > img --inputcache file # change cache size limit (in MB) > img --inputcache file --inputcache-limit 250 # disable cache size limit > img --inputcache file --inputcache-limit false

Domain whitelist

By default img transforms any image you feed him. If your service is publicly exposed you may want to restrict the list of domains from where the images can be taken. This can be a list of domains and it can contain wildcards.

> img --whitelist myapp.s3.amazon.com, *.myapp.com


Logger can be set to two levels.

## verbose logging
> img -v
## quiet
> img -q

Img microservice, by default, prints readable messages on stdout. You can, however, change output to JSON.

> img --json

Guess file type by extension

Img microservice reads the file metadata to retrieve information about the file type. It can be configured to use the file extensions instead.

> img --guess-type-by-extension

In case the file extension is missing, img will fallback to metadata. For some transformation, reading the metadata is mandatory.

Progressive images

For the image formats where this is applicable, Img microservice produces progressive images. This is the best choice on the web since the images can start to render before being entirely downloaded. This behavior can be disabled

> img --progressive false


Img microservice can report error in several format. By default the errors are reported in a json format to help machine parsing. The other accepted values are plain, for a simple text report, and html for a pretty formatted report.

> img --errors plain


Img microservice can compress the response through deflate/gzip if the requester (the browser usually), asks for it through Accept-encoding header. By default this option is turned off.

img --compress



  • $MICROSERVICE_URL - full URL of microservice (example instance runs on https://img.frontend.company)
  • $TRANSFORMS - documented below
  • $IMAGE_URL - full URL of image

Example: `https://img.frontend.company/rs_200x200/http://unsplash.it/2000/2000


Blur the image.

General syntax: blur_$VALUE

  • $VALUE can be 0.3 to 1000



Example URL: https://img.frontend.company/blur_100/https://picsum.photos/800/600/


Extract let you select an arbitrary portion of the input image specifying the coordinates and the size of the extraction.

General syntax: extract_$X_$Y_$W_$H

  • $X X coordinate
  • $Y Y coordinate
  • $W width
  • $H height

All values can be specified as pixel values or percentages.


Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/ex_95_35_0.5_100/https://picsum.photos/800/600/

Produces image with crop start at X 95px and Y 35px with width of 50% of original image and height 100px.


Fli the image horizontally or vertically.

General syntax: flip_$AXIS

  • $AXIS can be either - x for horizontal flipping - y for vertical flipping


Flip x

Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/flip_x/https://picsum.photos/800/600

Flip y

Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/flip_y/https://picsum.photos/800/600


Returns your image in another format. Supports transforming jpeg, png webp and tiff into jpeg or webp formats.

General syntax: o_$FORMAT

  • $FORMAT output image format - webp for WEBP - jpeg for JPEG



Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/o_jpeg/https://picsum.photos/800/600/


**Image URL: ** https://img.frontend.company/o_webp/https://picsum.photos/800/600/

Progressive images

Produce progressive images.

General syntax: progressive_$VALUE

  • $VALUE progressive option - true for progressive output - false for non-progressive output

Force progressive

Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/progressive_true/https://picsum.photos/800/600/

Force non progressive

Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/progressive_false/https://picsum.photos/800/600/


Resize can be a very complex task in Img microservice. There are plenty of ways of resizing, cropping and extract portion of your images.

General syntax: rs_$SIZE_$MODE_$MODE_PARAMS

  • $SIZE - is the new size (it can be expressed in several ways as explaned here).
  • $MODE - define how to resize. Maybe you want to stretch the image, or take just a portion;
  • $MODE_PARAMS - are the parameters accepted by the specific mode and can also be empty.

Resize methods


In scale mode the image will have the dimension of the size you specified. The aspect ratio is kept unless you pass iar (ignore aspect ratio) as additional parameter. Since scale is the default resize mode, you can avoid specifiying it.


Scale the image to 200x300 px keeping the aspect ratio

Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/rs_200x300/https://picsum.photos/800/600/?image=1

Scale the image to 200 px width keeping the aspect ratio. The height is calculated automatically

Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/rs_200/https://picsum.photos/800/600/?image=1

Scale the image to 200x300 px width ignoring the aspect ratio.

Image URL: https://img.frontend.company/rs_200x300_scale_iar/https://picsum.photos/800/600/?image=1


The image will take the maximum available space up to the specified size, keeping the aspect ratio. For example this will resize the image up to 300x300 pixels and all the image will be visible.

NOTE: both width and height must be passed. Nonetheless they can be expressed in percentage

Down fit

Like fit but only if the image is larger than the desired size (width or height), otherwise it will be left untouched.

NOTE: both width and height must be passed. Nonetheless they can be expressed in percentage

Up fit

Like fit but only if the image is smaller than the desired size (both the width and height must be smaller), otherwise it will be left untouched.

NOTE: both width and height must be passed. Nonetheless they can be expressed in percentage


Produce a new image of specified width and height. The original image is then filled inside those dimensions. The excess part will be excluded. You can specify a gravity to decide which part of the original image should be excluded. If nothing is specified the default gravity is center.

Fill also accept a special gravity parameter: auto. This let you automatically select a meaningfull region of the image.


Center gravity

North-east gravity

Gravity on center

Gravity auto

Down fill

Same as fill but only if the image is larger than the target size (width and height).


Center downfill

West downfill


This embeds the image in the specified dimensions. The entire image is taken and aspect ratio is kept. If the image doesn't fit well in the dimension the output will be padded with a color of your choice (or black by default).

Simple embedding

RGB color

RGBA color

HEX color and optional alpha (6 digit + alpha)



The size parameter can be specified in several format in each resize mode.


rs_200x300 is 200 x 300 px rs_200 is 200 px width, height auto rs_x300 is 200 px height, width auto


You can specify the width and height as percentage value of the input image

rs_0.2x0.3 is 20% of the width and 30% of the height rs_0.2 is 20% of the width rs_x0.3 is 30% of the height


Pixel and percentage can be mixed.

rs_200x0.3 is 200px of width and 30% of height


For those operations which support gravity, those value can be specified

center, north, northeast, northwest, east, west, south, southeast, southwest

and can be abbreviated in

c, n, ne, nw, e, w, s, se, sw.

Some operation, such as fill and downfill accept the auto gravity. This automatically focus on the most important region of the image. Look here for an example


The colors accepted by some operations can be expressed as:

RGB 120230007 in this case the rgb(120, 230, 7)

The three values of red, green and blue must be put together and each must be of three digits, so 7 becomes 007 and 45 becomes 045.

Hexadecimal FF00AB is in the hex format. The short notation (3 digits only) is not accepted yet and # at the beginning must be removed.

To specify the opacity you can add .3 at the end. So to set an opacity of 0.4 the previouses become 120230007.4 and FF00AB.4 Omitting the opacity means it is 1, full opaque, while .0 means full transparent.


This paramter let you rotate the image. Any angle multiple of 90° is accepted.


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