
0.0.2 • Public • Published

Banner representing Crypto Service

Codacy grade npm Maintained with Lerna License Made with Love FOSSA Status

Welcome to Crypto Service

Crypto Service is a powerful and intuitive suite of security tools that provides numerous Cryptographic JavaScript functions and standardized REST APIs to manage encryption keys, perform common cryptographic operations such as key generation, data encryption, digital signing, and signature verification.

Getting Started Download Crypto Service v0.0.2

Crypto Service code is safe by design, and runs lightning-fast. It is based on OpenPGP.js - a JavaScript implementation of the OpenPGP protocol. It implements RFC4880 and parts of RFC4880bis.

Crypto Service can help you ensure the following:

  • Authentication of communicating parties,
  • Integrity of data,
  • Message Level Encryption for encryption and non-repudiation.,
  • Privacy of data.

The suite consists of two products, Crypto Lib and Crypto Server part of the Crypto Service Applications.

Crypto Lib

Banner representing Crypto Lib

Crypto Lib is a powerful intuitive cryptographic JavaScript library that encapsulates common algorithms, functions and provides an interface for low-level cryptographic operations. Learn more>

Crypto Server

Banner representing Crypto Server

Crypto Server is a Fastify web server that exposes easy consumable REST APIs to perform low-level cryptographic operations. It is implemented using Node.js and relies on Crypto Lib. Learn more>

Getting Started

Crypto Service helps put you in control of your sensitive information. You’ll find below details on how to get started and how to configure Crypto Service and its products.


The first step to using Crypto Service is to download and install the application and other required components.

Install using NPM or YARN

Crypto Service is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 12.20.0 or higher is required.

Installation is done using either npm, yarn or pnpm package managers to use Crypto Service with Node.js or the Command Line Interface:

  • npm i @sebastienrousseau/crypto-service
  • yarn add @sebastienrousseau/crypto-service
  • pnpm add @sebastienrousseau/crypto-service

Install from GitHub

Clone the main repository to get all source files including build scripts: git clone https://github.com/sebastienrousseau/crypto-service.git

Crypto Service Releases

Update your apps to use new features, and test your apps against API changes.

Date Download Release Note
May 17, 2022 ⬇️ 0.0.1 📝 Crypto Service 0.0.1 Release Note
May 30, 2022 ⬇️ 0.0.2 📝 Crypto Service 0.0.2 Release Note

What's included

Within the download you'll find all the crypto service source files grouped into the dist folder.

You'll see something like this:

├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── Report.txt
├── index.js
├── package.json
└── src
    ├── bin
    │   └── crypto-service.js
    ├── data
    │   ├── decrypted.txt
    │   └── encrypted.txt
    ├── key
    │   ├── ecc.priv.pgp
    │   ├── ecc.pub.pgp
    │   ├── rsa.priv.pgp
    │   └── rsa.pub.pgp
    ├── lib
    │   ├── README.md
    │   ├── decrypt.js
    │   ├── encrypt.js
    │   ├── generate.js
    │   └── revoke-key.js
    └── server.js

5 directories, 20 files

🔐 Crypto Service options

Generating a new RSA key pair

RSA is a public-key algorithm for encrypting and signing messages.

To generate a Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) public key pair:

  • Open Terminal for Mac or Command Prompt for Windows,
  • Enter the following example command that will start the generation process.
yarn start --curve "" --email "jane@doe.com" --expiration 0 --format armored --name "Jane Doe" --passphrase 123456789abcdef --sign true --bits 4096 --type rsa

This starts generating a 2048-bit RSA key pair, encrypts them with the password provided and writes them to a file in the key directory with a pgp extension.

Generate a new Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) key pair

Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) is an alternative technique to RSA. It generates security between key pairs for public key encryption by using the mathematics of elliptic curves. Elliptic curve cryptography provides stronger security per bits of key, which allows for much faster operations.

Currently the following curves are supported:

Curve Encryption Signature NodeCrypto WebCrypto
curve25519 ECDH N/A No No
ed25519 N/A EdDSA No No
p256 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes
p384 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes
p521 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes
brainpoolP256r1 ECDH ECDSA Yes No
brainpoolP384r1 ECDH ECDSA Yes No
brainpoolP512r1 ECDH ECDSA Yes No
secp256k1 ECDH ECDSA Yes No

To generate an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) key pair:

  • Open Terminal for Mac or Command Prompt for Windows,
  • Enter the following example command that will start the generation process.

|```shell | undefined|---------|

yarn start --curve curve25519 --email "jane@doe.com" --expiration 0 --format armored --name "Jane Doe" --passphrase 123456789abcdef --sign true --bits null --type ecc

This starts generating an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) key pair, encrypts
them with the password provided and writes them to a file in the
[key](src/key/) directory with a pgp extension.

### Encrypt Data

Encryption is the transformation of data into a form in which it cannot be made
sense of without the use of some key. Such transformed data is referred to as

To encrypt a message:

- Open Terminal for Mac or Command Prompt for Windows,
- Enter the following example command that will start the encryption process.

node src/lib/encrypt.js --passphrase '123456789abcdef' --message 'Hello Crypto Service APIs!'

Decrypt Data

Decryption restores encrypted data to to its original (cleartext or plaintext) form.

To decrypt a message:

  • Open Terminal for Mac or Command Prompt for Windows,
  • Enter the following example command that will start the decryption process.
node src/lib/decrypt.js --passphrase '123456789abcdef' --message 'LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgTUVTU0FHRS0tLS0tCgp3Y0JNQTExMHlyM0drdWx5QVFmOENmbnVZZFk2RmliY1Q1Z094SjVFY2dUME50ZGt6K2dQT0tKTkVoRngKV3dzSHJoM08rTWlrcnBUOElyTjFkbDEwcUpCeDZkVXNkK3dtZ0twdFJrdElVSm5weVZ1Z3RJQkE5MEdBClgxNWdHNFZRQkl0cHUyYmdNRnlKRnJtSS85UUtlNHpDZkV0dSs5SjU0VkRLNWNRRk5KakxPSC9LaklIaAppU2NqQmFvbFlHN1p6Vyt5OXVxTEVkZytYSW9qYXVER3dyRHdIdVFvT0k2NGRmNnJWQVhiZi9mL01iajUKSXdqdmE2UGI2QXZ3YXhjRlczQjFWcHhYajY0a3kzZ2Rxd0FpOXFOUkVmMjE3SU43RHpCMTJzcDRLZlozCkZ4NTdwUk5lekY0VTZPdis5WWU0SkJRMnR4UG5sNmlnUXBDNmpRR2lXWUpHMGJJQ3lIN2NUSDRwZGN2VwphTkxBMEFIU3dpZEQzRnZJRWpxSnRmMlJlZzVLMmtSbHpFNWFCRXlaayt5a3VvZ2pYV0dkWkYxb20yV2gKM3kwTE9Kb2RYOUJNYW9zYlpSN24za2JOb0dXRkRCTElpYnRLUmdvNmlwdGs1b3Iyd0lwWC9wM1ovaWtJCkZieDhpVnpqWHViQ2xZSzhrZlB3Zm5uVFRRSmsxV1VsWTBDZm9YRURMY1ZIbG9rMy9ReHB2TmphWEg2NwpsU1hmSmtxdDNXdVJ6K0xIM3p0ald3THlpeHpmNXRPNUhsTnhudjlKUkVPR0pqendsL3liUi8xLzR2TkMKeDJ1WmdmQTBHSXZqNHBDRnBNRTI3ODhLaTdRckxtemVrUUtRQzBsMFl3aU9abXZueUNmdDliNG9yMDFmCjd2WU8xQzV5dExGZTBVUnpPQktnZGxjajRSU2sxWnJKc3RNTS9qSVNQR2lnZjBOWFp5c2NyQTVnZ0pzcwpOZ0JLd1Q2M3dzQ3MyV0lxcS9QZ2ZCUTRjOUl4eXNydDM1Skgra0E3c2hIQ0s0Rk1RcVRTa2d1VWcyQVcKL0c4a3lDcnRXR1RIMFpsNjBNNmJLUmhpdEMxS0Y3R29hcW5sUDFoNmFydXZXUUM4eTRtY2dtellNR2FjCkxEZzNlMGVLRWVVTEVockdXY3ViZWlDeVJlU0tybWhwTmN5ODFucURDZkVsVUg0UVd6eEFlMmVNZTljPQo9UEs4dAotLS0tLUVORCBQR1AgTUVTU0FHRS0tLS0tCg=='

🚥 Semantic Versioning Policy

For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, crypto-service follows semantic versioning and ESLint's Semantic Versioning Policy.


❤️ Contributing

Please read carefully through our Contributing Guidelines for further details on the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Development Tools

  • yarn build runs build.
  • yarn clean removes the coverage result of npm test command.
  • yarn coverage shows the coverage result of npm test command.
  • yarn lint run ESLint.
  • yarn lint-fix instructs ESLint to try to fix as many issues as possible..
  • yarn test runs tests and measures coverage.

📖 Rules

We are committed to preserving and fostering a diverse, welcoming community. Please read our Code of Conduct.

⭐️ Our Values

  • We believe perfection must consider everything.
  • We take our passion beyond code into our daily practices.
  • We are just obsessed about creating and delivering exceptional solutions.

⚖️ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🏢 Acknowledgements

Crypto Service is beautifully crafted by these people and a bunch of awesome contributors.

Sebastien Rousseau
Sebastien Rousseau




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npm i @sebastienrousseau/crypto-service

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  • sebastienrousseau