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HttpError class definition


Via npm

npm install @scuba-squad/http-error


HttpError(name: number | string)

Added in: v1.0.0

Factory method to get a HttpError class


  1. name: number | string

returns: HttpError

throws: TypeError

const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.HttpError(404);

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.HttpError('Not found');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.HttpError('notfound');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.HttpError('not-found');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.HttpError('not_found');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true

ClientError(name: number | string)

Added in: v1.0.0

Factory method to get a ClientError class


  1. name: number | string

returns: ClientError

throws: TypeError

const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.ClientError(404);

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.ClientError('Not found');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.ClientError('notfound');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.ClientError('not-found');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const notFound = errors.ClientError('not_found');

notFound instanceof Error; // true
notFound instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
notFound instanceof errors.ServerError; // false
notFound instanceof errors.NotFound; // true

ServerError(name: number | string)

Added in: v1.0.0

Factory method to get a ServerError class


  1. name: number | string

returns: ServerError

throws: TypeError

const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const internalServerError = errors.ServerError(500);

internalServerError instanceof Error; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.ClientError; // false
internalServerError instanceof errors.ServerError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.InternalServerError; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const internalServerError = errors.ServerError('Internal Server Error');

internalServerError instanceof Error; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.ClientError; // false
internalServerError instanceof errors.ServerError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.InternalServerError; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const internalServerError = errors.ServerError('internalservererror');

internalServerError instanceof Error; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.ClientError; // false
internalServerError instanceof errors.ServerError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.InternalServerError; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const internalServerError = errors.ServerError('internal-server-error');

internalServerError instanceof Error; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.ClientError; // false
internalServerError instanceof errors.ServerError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.InternalServerError; // true
const errors = require('@scuba-squad/http-error');
const internalServerError = errors.ServerError('internal_server_error');

internalServerError instanceof Error; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.HttpError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.ClientError; // false
internalServerError instanceof errors.ServerError; // true
internalServerError instanceof errors.InternalServerError; // true

BadRequest(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, correct your request and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

BadRequest class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, correct your request and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {BadRequest} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new BadRequest();

error instanceof BadRequest; // true
error.code; // 400
error.status; // Bad Request
error.message; // Please, correct your request and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {BadRequest} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = BadRequest();

error instanceof BadRequest; // true
error.code; // 400
error.status; // Bad Request
error.message; // Please, correct your request and try again.

Unauthorized(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, authenticate and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

Unauthorized class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, authenticate and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {Unauthorized} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new Unauthorized();

error instanceof Unauthorized; // true
error.code; // 401
error.status; // Unauthorized
error.message; // Please, authenticate and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {Unauthorized} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = Unauthorized();

error instanceof Unauthorized; // true
error.code; // 401
error.status; // Unauthorized
error.message; // Please, authenticate and try again.

PaymentRequired(opt?: {message?: string = 'Payment is required to use this service.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

PaymentRequired class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Payment is required to use this service.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {PaymentRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new PaymentRequired();

error instanceof PaymentRequired; // true
error.code; // 402
error.status; // Payment Required
error.message; // Payment is required to use this service.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {PaymentRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = PaymentRequired();

error instanceof PaymentRequired; // true
error.code; // 402
error.status; // Payment Required
error.message; // Payment is required to use this service.

Forbidden(opt?: {message?: string = 'You lack permission to preform this action.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

Forbidden class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'You lack permission to preform this action.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {Forbidden} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new Forbidden();

error instanceof Forbidden; // true
error.code; // 403
error.status; // Forbidden
error.message; // You lack permission to preform this action.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {Forbidden} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = Forbidden();

error instanceof Forbidden; // true
error.code; // 403
error.status; // Forbidden
error.message; // You lack permission to preform this action.

NotFound(opt?: {message?: string = 'The requested document was not found.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

NotFound class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'The requested document was not found.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {NotFound} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new NotFound();

error instanceof NotFound; // true
error.code; // 404
error.status; // Not Found
error.message; // The requested document was not found.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {NotFound} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = NotFound();

error instanceof NotFound; // true
error.code; // 404
error.status; // Not Found
error.message; // The requested document was not found.

MethodNotAllowed(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, check your request method and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

MethodNotAllowed class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, check your request method and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {MethodNotAllowed} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new MethodNotAllowed();

error instanceof MethodNotAllowed; // true
error.code; // 405
error.status; // Method Not Allowed
error.message; // Please, check your request method and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {MethodNotAllowed} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = MethodNotAllowed();

error instanceof MethodNotAllowed; // true
error.code; // 405
error.status; // Method Not Allowed
error.message; // Please, check your request method and try again.

NotAcceptable(opt?: {message?: string = 'The requested document format is not supported.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

NotAcceptable class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'The requested document format is not supported.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {NotAcceptable} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new NotAcceptable();

error instanceof NotAcceptable; // true
error.code; // 406
error.status; // Not Acceptable
error.message; // The requested document format is not supported.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {NotAcceptable} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = NotAcceptable();

error instanceof NotAcceptable; // true
error.code; // 406
error.status; // Not Acceptable
error.message; // The requested document format is not supported.

ProxyAuthenticationRequired(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, authenticate with the proxy server and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

ProxyAuthenticationRequired class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, authenticate with the proxy server and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {ProxyAuthenticationRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new ProxyAuthenticationRequired();

error instanceof ProxyAuthenticationRequired; // true
error.code; // 407
error.status; // Proxy Authentication Required
error.message; // Please, authenticate with the proxy server and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {ProxyAuthenticationRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = ProxyAuthenticationRequired();

error instanceof ProxyAuthenticationRequired; // true
error.code; // 407
error.status; // Proxy Authentication Required
error.message; // Please, authenticate with the proxy server and try again.

RequestTimeout(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears we are on break, please try again later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

RequestTimeout class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears we are on break, please try again later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {RequestTimeout} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new RequestTimeout();

error instanceof RequestTimeout; // true
error.code; // 408
error.status; // Request Timeout
error.message; // Sorry, it appears we are on break, please try again later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {RequestTimeout} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = RequestTimeout();

error instanceof RequestTimeout; // true
error.code; // 408
error.status; // Request Timeout
error.message; // Sorry, it appears we are on break, please try again later.

Conflict(opt?: {message?: string = 'Houston, we have a conflict, please reload the resource and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

Conflict class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Houston, we have a conflict, please reload the resource and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {Conflict} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new Conflict();

error instanceof Conflict; // true
error.code; // 409
error.status; // Conflict
error.message; // Houston, we have a conflict, please reload the resource and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {Conflict} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = Conflict();

error instanceof Conflict; // true
error.code; // 409
error.status; // Conflict
error.message; // Houston, we have a conflict, please reload the resource and try again.

Gone(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, but that resource has been removed.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

Gone class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, but that resource has been removed.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {Gone} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new Gone();

error instanceof Gone; // true
error.code; // 410
error.status; // Gone
error.message; // Sorry, but that resource has been removed.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {Gone} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = Gone();

error instanceof Gone; // true
error.code; // 410
error.status; // Gone
error.message; // Sorry, but that resource has been removed.

LengthRequired(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, correct the Length header and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

LengthRequired class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, correct the Length header and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {LengthRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new LengthRequired();

error instanceof LengthRequired; // true
error.code; // 411
error.status; // Length Required
error.message; // Please, correct the Length header and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {LengthRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = LengthRequired();

error instanceof LengthRequired; // true
error.code; // 411
error.status; // Length Required
error.message; // Please, correct the Length header and try again.

PreconditionFailed(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears 1 or more preconditions on the request have changed, please correct and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

PreconditionFailed class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears 1 or more preconditions on the request have changed, please correct and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {PreconditionFailed} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new PreconditionFailed();

error instanceof PreconditionFailed; // true
error.code; // 412
error.status; // Precondition Failed
error.message; // Sorry, it appears 1 or more preconditions on the request have changed, please correct and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {PreconditionFailed} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = PreconditionFailed();

error instanceof PreconditionFailed; // true
error.code; // 412
error.status; // Precondition Failed
error.message; // Sorry, it appears 1 or more preconditions on the request have changed, please correct and try again.

PayloadTooLarge(opt?: {message?: string = 'Request payload is too large and can not be processed.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

PayloadTooLarge class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Request payload is too large and can not be processed.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {PayloadTooLarge} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new PayloadTooLarge();

error instanceof PayloadTooLarge; // true
error.code; // 413
error.status; // Payload Too Large
error.message; // Request payload is too large and can not be processed.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {PayloadTooLarge} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = PayloadTooLarge();

error instanceof PayloadTooLarge; // true
error.code; // 413
error.status; // Payload Too Large
error.message; // Request payload is too large and can not be processed.

URITooLong(opt?: {message?: string = 'Request uri is too large and can not be processed.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

URITooLong class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Request uri is too large and can not be processed.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {URITooLong} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new URITooLong();

error instanceof URITooLong; // true
error.code; // 414
error.status; // URI Too Long
error.message; // Request uri is too large and can not be processed.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {URITooLong} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = URITooLong();

error instanceof URITooLong; // true
error.code; // 414
error.status; // URI Too Long
error.message; // Request uri is too large and can not be processed.

UnsupportedMediaType(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, try again with a different media format.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

UnsupportedMediaType class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, try again with a different media format.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {UnsupportedMediaType} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new UnsupportedMediaType();

error instanceof UnsupportedMediaType; // true
error.code; // 415
error.status; // Unsupported Media Type
error.message; // Please, try again with a different media format.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {UnsupportedMediaType} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = UnsupportedMediaType();

error instanceof UnsupportedMediaType; // true
error.code; // 415
error.status; // Unsupported Media Type
error.message; // Please, try again with a different media format.

RangeNotSatisfiable(opt?: {message?: string = 'Requested range is not satisfiable, please check Range and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

RangeNotSatisfiable class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Requested range is not satisfiable, please check Range and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {RangeNotSatisfiable} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new RangeNotSatisfiable();

error instanceof RangeNotSatisfiable; // true
error.code; // 416
error.status; // Range Not Satisfiable
error.message; // Requested range is not satisfiable, please check Range and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {RangeNotSatisfiable} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = RangeNotSatisfiable();

error instanceof RangeNotSatisfiable; // true
error.code; // 416
error.status; // Range Not Satisfiable
error.message; // Requested range is not satisfiable, please check Range and try again.

ExpectationFailed(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, your expectation can not be meet, please check Expect and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

ExpectationFailed class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, your expectation can not be meet, please check Expect and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {ExpectationFailed} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new ExpectationFailed();

error instanceof ExpectationFailed; // true
error.code; // 417
error.status; // Expectation Failed
error.message; // Sorry, your expectation can not be meet, please check Expect and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {ExpectationFailed} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = ExpectationFailed();

error instanceof ExpectationFailed; // true
error.code; // 417
error.status; // Expectation Failed
error.message; // Sorry, your expectation can not be meet, please check Expect and try again.

IMATeapot(opt?: {message?: string = 'Tip me over, and pour me out.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

IMATeapot class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Tip me over, and pour me out.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {IMATeapot} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new IMATeapot();

error instanceof IMATeapot; // true
error.code; // 418
error.status; // I\'m a teapot
error.message; // Tip me over, and pour me out.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {IMATeapot} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = IMATeapot();

error instanceof IMATeapot; // true
error.code; // 418
error.status; // I\'m a teapot
error.message; // Tip me over, and pour me out.

MisdirectedRequest(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, we got misdirected, please try again later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

MisdirectedRequest class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, we got misdirected, please try again later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {MisdirectedRequest} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new MisdirectedRequest();

error instanceof MisdirectedRequest; // true
error.code; // 421
error.status; // Misdirected Request
error.message; // Sorry, we got misdirected, please try again later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {MisdirectedRequest} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = MisdirectedRequest();

error instanceof MisdirectedRequest; // true
error.code; // 421
error.status; // Misdirected Request
error.message; // Sorry, we got misdirected, please try again later.

UnprocessableEntity(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears your document instructions are semantically erroneous.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

UnprocessableEntity class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears your document instructions are semantically erroneous.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {UnprocessableEntity} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new UnprocessableEntity();

error instanceof UnprocessableEntity; // true
error.code; // 422
error.status; // Unprocessable Entity
error.message; // Sorry, it appears your document instructions are semantically erroneous.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {UnprocessableEntity} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = UnprocessableEntity();

error instanceof UnprocessableEntity; // true
error.code; // 422
error.status; // Unprocessable Entity
error.message; // Sorry, it appears your document instructions are semantically erroneous.

Locked(opt?: {message?: string = 'Document is currently locked, please try again later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

Locked class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Document is currently locked, please try again later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {Locked} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new Locked();

error instanceof Locked; // true
error.code; // 423
error.status; // Locked
error.message; // Document is currently locked, please try again later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {Locked} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = Locked();

error instanceof Locked; // true
error.code; // 423
error.status; // Locked
error.message; // Document is currently locked, please try again later.

FailedDependency(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears a dependent request has failed please retry previous dependent request and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

FailedDependency class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears a dependent request has failed please retry previous dependent request and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {FailedDependency} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new FailedDependency();

error instanceof FailedDependency; // true
error.code; // 424
error.status; // Failed Dependency
error.message; // Sorry, it appears a dependent request has failed please retry previous dependent request and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {FailedDependency} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = FailedDependency();

error instanceof FailedDependency; // true
error.code; // 424
error.status; // Failed Dependency
error.message; // Sorry, it appears a dependent request has failed please retry previous dependent request and try again.

UpgradeRequired(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, upgrade and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

UpgradeRequired class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, upgrade and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {UpgradeRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new UpgradeRequired();

error instanceof UpgradeRequired; // true
error.code; // 426
error.status; // Upgrade Required
error.message; // Please, upgrade and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {UpgradeRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = UpgradeRequired();

error instanceof UpgradeRequired; // true
error.code; // 426
error.status; // Upgrade Required
error.message; // Please, upgrade and try again.

PreconditionRequired(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, add preconditions to your request and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

PreconditionRequired class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, add preconditions to your request and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {PreconditionRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new PreconditionRequired();

error instanceof PreconditionRequired; // true
error.code; // 428
error.status; // Precondition Required
error.message; // Please, add preconditions to your request and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {PreconditionRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = PreconditionRequired();

error instanceof PreconditionRequired; // true
error.code; // 428
error.status; // Precondition Required
error.message; // Please, add preconditions to your request and try again.

TooManyRequests(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, you have exceeded your rate limit, please try again later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

TooManyRequests class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, you have exceeded your rate limit, please try again later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {TooManyRequests} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new TooManyRequests();

error instanceof TooManyRequests; // true
error.code; // 429
error.status; // Too Many Requests
error.message; // Sorry, you have exceeded your rate limit, please try again later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {TooManyRequests} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = TooManyRequests();

error instanceof TooManyRequests; // true
error.code; // 429
error.status; // Too Many Requests
error.message; // Sorry, you have exceeded your rate limit, please try again later.

RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(opt?: {message?: string = 'Request header is too large and can not be processed.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Request header is too large and can not be processed.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge();

error instanceof RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge; // true
error.code; // 431
error.status; // Request Header Fields Too Large
error.message; // Request header is too large and can not be processed.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge();

error instanceof RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge; // true
error.code; // 431
error.status; // Request Header Fields Too Large
error.message; // Request header is too large and can not be processed.

UnavailableForLegalReasons(opt?: {message?: string = 'Due to legal reasons this resource has been removed.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

UnavailableForLegalReasons class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Due to legal reasons this resource has been removed.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {UnavailableForLegalReasons} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new UnavailableForLegalReasons();

error instanceof UnavailableForLegalReasons; // true
error.code; // 451
error.status; // Unavailable For Legal Reasons
error.message; // Due to legal reasons this resource has been removed.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {UnavailableForLegalReasons} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = UnavailableForLegalReasons();

error instanceof UnavailableForLegalReasons; // true
error.code; // 451
error.status; // Unavailable For Legal Reasons
error.message; // Due to legal reasons this resource has been removed.

InternalServerError(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears we had an unexpected error, please try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

InternalServerError class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears we had an unexpected error, please try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {InternalServerError} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new InternalServerError();

error instanceof InternalServerError; // true
error.code; // 500
error.status; // Internal Server Error
error.message; // Sorry, it appears we had an unexpected error, please try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {InternalServerError} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = InternalServerError();

error instanceof InternalServerError; // true
error.code; // 500
error.status; // Internal Server Error
error.message; // Sorry, it appears we had an unexpected error, please try again.

NotImplemented(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, this is not fully implemented, please try later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

NotImplemented class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, this is not fully implemented, please try later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {NotImplemented} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new NotImplemented();

error instanceof NotImplemented; // true
error.code; // 501
error.status; // Not Implemented
error.message; // Sorry, this is not fully implemented, please try later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {NotImplemented} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = NotImplemented();

error instanceof NotImplemented; // true
error.code; // 501
error.status; // Not Implemented
error.message; // Sorry, this is not fully implemented, please try later.

BadGateway(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, It appears we received an error from another service that is needed to fulfill your request, please try again later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

BadGateway class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, It appears we received an error from another service that is needed to fulfill your request, please try again later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {BadGateway} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new BadGateway();

error instanceof BadGateway; // true
error.code; // 502
error.status; // Bad Gateway
error.message; // Sorry, It appears we received an error from another service that is needed to fulfill your request, please try again later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {BadGateway} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = BadGateway();

error instanceof BadGateway; // true
error.code; // 502
error.status; // Bad Gateway
error.message; // Sorry, It appears we received an error from another service that is needed to fulfill your request, please try again later.

ServiceUnavailable(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, this service is currently unavailable, please try later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

ServiceUnavailable class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, this service is currently unavailable, please try later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {ServiceUnavailable} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new ServiceUnavailable();

error instanceof ServiceUnavailable; // true
error.code; // 503
error.status; // Service Unavailable
error.message; // Sorry, this service is currently unavailable, please try later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {ServiceUnavailable} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = ServiceUnavailable();

error instanceof ServiceUnavailable; // true
error.code; // 503
error.status; // Service Unavailable
error.message; // Sorry, this service is currently unavailable, please try later.

GatewayTimeout(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears another service is taking to long and we cannot wait any longer.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

GatewayTimeout class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears another service is taking to long and we cannot wait any longer.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {GatewayTimeout} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new GatewayTimeout();

error instanceof GatewayTimeout; // true
error.code; // 504
error.status; // Gateway Timeout
error.message; // Sorry, it appears another service is taking to long and we cannot wait any longer.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {GatewayTimeout} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = GatewayTimeout();

error instanceof GatewayTimeout; // true
error.code; // 504
error.status; // Gateway Timeout
error.message; // Sorry, it appears another service is taking to long and we cannot wait any longer.

HTTPVersionNotSupported(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, try a diffrent protocol version and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

HTTPVersionNotSupported class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, try a diffrent protocol version and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {HTTPVersionNotSupported} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new HTTPVersionNotSupported();

error instanceof HTTPVersionNotSupported; // true
error.code; // 505
error.status; // HTTP Version Not Supported
error.message; // Please, try a diffrent protocol version and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {HTTPVersionNotSupported} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = HTTPVersionNotSupported();

error instanceof HTTPVersionNotSupported; // true
error.code; // 505
error.status; // HTTP Version Not Supported
error.message; // Please, try a diffrent protocol version and try again.

VariantAlsoNegotiates(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears there is a misconfiguration on our end.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

VariantAlsoNegotiates class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears there is a misconfiguration on our end.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {VariantAlsoNegotiates} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new VariantAlsoNegotiates();

error instanceof VariantAlsoNegotiates; // true
error.code; // 506
error.status; // Variant Also Negotiates
error.message; // Sorry, it appears there is a misconfiguration on our end.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {VariantAlsoNegotiates} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = VariantAlsoNegotiates();

error instanceof VariantAlsoNegotiates; // true
error.code; // 506
error.status; // Variant Also Negotiates
error.message; // Sorry, it appears there is a misconfiguration on our end.

InsufficientStorage(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears we have no more room for storage.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

InsufficientStorage class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, it appears we have no more room for storage.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {InsufficientStorage} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new InsufficientStorage();

error instanceof InsufficientStorage; // true
error.code; // 507
error.status; // Insufficient Storage
error.message; // Sorry, it appears we have no more room for storage.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {InsufficientStorage} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = InsufficientStorage();

error instanceof InsufficientStorage; // true
error.code; // 507
error.status; // Insufficient Storage
error.message; // Sorry, it appears we have no more room for storage.

LoopDetected(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, We have detected an infintie loop and had to stop the request, please try again later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

LoopDetected class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, We have detected an infintie loop and had to stop the request, please try again later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {LoopDetected} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new LoopDetected();

error instanceof LoopDetected; // true
error.code; // 508
error.status; // Loop Detected
error.message; // Sorry, We have detected an infintie loop and had to stop the request, please try again later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {LoopDetected} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = LoopDetected();

error instanceof LoopDetected; // true
error.code; // 508
error.status; // Loop Detected
error.message; // Sorry, We have detected an infintie loop and had to stop the request, please try again later.

NotExtended(opt?: {message?: string = 'The policy for accessing this resource has not been met by this request.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

NotExtended class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'The policy for accessing this resource has not been met by this request.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {NotExtended} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new NotExtended();

error instanceof NotExtended; // true
error.code; // 510
error.status; // Not Extended
error.message; // The policy for accessing this resource has not been met by this request.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {NotExtended} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = NotExtended();

error instanceof NotExtended; // true
error.code; // 510
error.status; // Not Extended
error.message; // The policy for accessing this resource has not been met by this request.

NetworkAuthenticationRequired(opt?: {message?: string = 'Please, authenticate with the network and try again.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

NetworkAuthenticationRequired class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Please, authenticate with the network and try again.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {NetworkAuthenticationRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new NetworkAuthenticationRequired();

error instanceof NetworkAuthenticationRequired; // true
error.code; // 511
error.status; // Network Authentication Required
error.message; // Please, authenticate with the network and try again.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {NetworkAuthenticationRequired} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = NetworkAuthenticationRequired();

error instanceof NetworkAuthenticationRequired; // true
error.code; // 511
error.status; // Network Authentication Required
error.message; // Please, authenticate with the network and try again.

UnknownError(opt?: {message?: string = 'Sorry, an unexpected error has occured, please try again later.', debug?: any, cause?: any} = {})

Added in: v1.0.0

UnknownError class constructor


  1. opt: object = {}
  • message?: string = 'Sorry, an unexpected error has occured, please try again later.'
  • debug?: any
  • cause?: any

returns: BadRequest

const {UnknownError} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = new UnknownError();

error instanceof UnknownError; // true
error.code; // 520
error.status; // Unknown Error
error.message; // Sorry, an unexpected error has occured, please try again later.


  • you can create an instance without the new keyword
const {UnknownError} = require('@scuba-squad/http-errors');
const error = UnknownError();

error instanceof UnknownError; // true
error.code; // 520
error.status; // Unknown Error
error.message; // Sorry, an unexpected error has occured, please try again later.



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