
7.0.1 • Public • Published


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A yeoman generator for Schibsted User Interface (sui) ReactJS components. By using this generator, you can create components to work as a part of a complex application (atoms or mollecules) or stand-alone components, ready for production.. For more information about atomic design, read the following blog post: http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/.


The generator provides a basic structure to start developing a component, including coding standard rules, naming conventions and a unit testing suite.

  • A basic structure for your component, prepared for publishing in npm or deploying to production
  • Automatic installation of all npm dependencies
  • Linting rules for all js, jsx, s(c|a)ss and css files
  • Support for ES2015
  • Unit testing suite
  • A local development environment with webpack
  • A docs folder to generate the component's documentation and a deployment task to create a Github page.
  • A set of pre-commit rules for launching linting and tests before commiting changes in Github
  • Common editor config rules

Previous steps

The SUI Generator for React.JS components is a Yeoman generator, so make sure to have already installed Node.JS and Yeoman first:

You can install yeoman using npm:

$ npm install -g yo


To install the generator, just type in your terminal:

$ npm install -g @schibstedspain/generator-sui-react

To make sure it's installed correctly, type yo in your terminal. A list of options should appear, including the installation of the generator:

~ ❯ yo
? 'Allo [your-username]! What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys)
  Run a generator
❯ @schibstedspain/sui React 
  Update your generators 
  Install a generator 
  Find some help 
  Get me out of here! 

Create your first React.JS component

First of all, let's create a folder for your component in the desired path with:

$ mkdir your-component-name

Once created, enter the folder and aunch the generator by typing:

$ cd your-component-name
$ yo @schibstedspain/sui-react

You will be prompted about the component name, the prefix you want to use and the Github repository url (which you should be created already), and that's it!

Folder structure

The generator will generate the following structure:

├── README.md
├── docs
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── index.jsx
│   └── style.scss
├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── index.jsx
│   ├── index.scss
│   └── sui-test
│       ├── _sui-test.scss
│       └── index.jsx
├── test
│   └── sui-test-test.js
└── webpack.config.js


When you are ready to publish your component, a npm package will be generated, including the following folders: A lib folder with the same structure as the src folder, but with the js and jsx preprocessed with babel:

├── index.js
├── index.scss
└── component-name
    ├── _component-name.scss
    └── index.js

And a dist folder, with the js and css bundle.

├── index.css
└── index.js

Commands allowed

  • clean:lib: cleans the lib folder
  • clean:dist: cleans the dist folder
  • predist: executes the task npm run clean:dist
  • dist: creates a js and css bundle using webpack
  • prelib: executes the task npm run clean:lib
  • lib: executes both tasks npm run lib:scripts and npm run lib:styles
  • lib:scripts: transpiles the code in the src folder using babel and outputs the result in the lib folder
  • lib:styles: just copies the .scss files from the src folder to the lib folder
  • prepublish: executes both tasks npm run lib and npm run dist
  • lint: executes both tasks npm run lint:eslint and npm run lint:sass
  • lint:eslint: lints your javascript files using eslint
  • lint:sass: lints your sass style files using sass-lint
  • test: executes your tests using mocha
  • test:watch: executes the task npm run test in watch mode, watching for changes in your source files
  • start: executes both npm run start:open and npm run start:server
  • start:server: launches webpack-dev-server in http://localhost:8080 with your application running
  • start:open: opens a browser with http://localhost:8080
  • predoc: cleans your docs/dist folder
  • doc: executes npm run dist, npm run doc:copy and npm run doc:publish tasks
  • doc:copy: copies the files generated in the dist folder into your docs folder
  • doc:publish: publishes your documentation in your repository's Github page
  • phoenix: cleans your node_modules folder and launches npm install to restore all your dependencies

Package Sidebar


npm i @schibstedspain/generator-sui-react

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  • schibstedspain