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1.0.0-beta.1 • Public • Published


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An extensible form builder based on React JSON Schema Form.


To demonstrate verna capabilities, we developed several use case examples.


Verna is a React component to build forms that generates a JSON Schema description of the form as output. The form can then be rendered with the React JSON Schema Form library, which makes it fully extensible to fit your needs.

Quick preview

You can check examples available within the examples folder. Take a loot at the README.md file in each example then follow instructions to run it.


Install in our project

  yarn add -E @openfun/verna

Test or contribute to the project

  # -- Clone repository
  git clone https://github.com/openfun/verna.git
  cd verna
  # -- Install dependencies
  yarn install
  # -- Run dev server
  yarn dev

You should now be able to access the playground example from http://localhost:5173

Project structure (Yarn workspaces)

This repository is a monorepo based on Yarn workspace to organize code. Workspaces are located in two directories lib and examples. You can get info on all existing workspace through yarn workspaces info command. In lib, there is the @openfun/verna workspace that is the project itself which will be published on npm then the examples directory aims to contain all the examples to demonstrate feature of Verna.


Through Yarn workspace, you are able to launch main commands from the root of this repository. Here are the available commands:

  • yarn build: Build the @openfun/verna library for production.
  • yarn dev: Build and watch @openfun/verna library then start development server from the example workspace define through the environment variable VERNA_EXAMPLE (by default it uses verna-examples-playground, take a look at examples directory to see all examples available)
  • yarn lint: Lint the code of all workspaces.
  • yarn test: Run test suites from @openfun/verna workspace.


This project is intended to be community-driven, so please, do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any question related to our implementation or design decisions.

We try to raise our code quality standards and expect contributors to follow the recommandations from our handbook.


This work is released under the MIT License (see LICENSE).



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  • mbenadda
  • jmaupetit
  • lunika
  • dev.fun