
1.1.4 • Public • Published


Ready-to-use Slate-based RichText component for React.

Why? · Demo and examples · API · Style · Contributing


The RichText component provided by this package is not meant to be extensible (e.g. allowing to add a new formatting features/buttons via plugins, etc.), it is actually quite the opposite.

The goal is to provide an API that can be used as simply and quickly as possible. Slate is great and offers a clean framework to build RichText components but since it is a "framework", it is not ready to use out of the box. It will take you hours (or more likely days) to build even a simple production-ready RichText.

On the other hand, if your requirements are basic like bold, italic, ... (see full feature list below, in the toolbar prop), you can use ready-slate in minutes; all you need to do is:

npm install @oecd-pac/ready-slate

and then use the component:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { RichText, richTextEmptyValue } from '@oecd-pac/ready-slate';

const App = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(richTextEmptyValue);

  return (
      toolbar={['bold', 'italic', 'separator', 'link']}

export default App;



Props Description Type Required Default
initialValue Initial value. You do not need to know the internal format and can pass richTextEmptyValue if you do not have an existing value to provide array yes
setValue A function that will be called passing the current value func yes
toolbar Array of formatting options for the toolbar. Possible values: 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'sup', 'sub', 'heading1', 'heading2', 'bulleted-list', 'numbered-list', 'link', 'align-left', 'align-right', 'align-center', 'align-justify', 'indent', 'outdent', 'separator', array []
hoveringToolbar Array of formatting options for the hovering toolbar (same options than for toolbar) array []
placeholder RichText placeholder string ''
singleLine Prevent user from creating new paragraph by pressing Enter bool false
onBlur A custom onBlur function func null
editorFooterContent Custom footer content node or array of nodes null
disabled Disable the RichText bool false
className RichText custom css class (mainly useful to override default style) string ''
popperClassName Popper (hovering toolbar, link form) custom css class (mainly useful to override default style) string ''

On top of the RichText component, ready-slate exports a few useful helper functions and constants:


  • slateToHtmlString: serialize internal value to HTML
  • htmlStringToSlate: deserialize HTML to internal value
  • slateToString: serialize internal value to string


  • richTextEmptyValue: internal empty value (can be compared against to know if the RichText is "empty")


The RichText component comes with very neutral styling but if you wish to change certain details you can pass a custom className (or popperClassName) that will allow to have more precise css selectors. Then simply inspect the classes you want to override and declare your own classes.


Even though ready-slate is not directly "extensible", feel free to add new features to the code base and propose PRs.

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  • jfix
  • bertrand-riviere