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11.0.1 • Public • Published

Table Module

This module generates a table using the given data. The table can generate data using server-side Http requests or given direct data using the client-side feature.

Click here for demo


All public NPM packages of Logo Software is at https://www.npmjs.com/~logofe. To install Table Module:

$ npm set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/
$ npm install @logo-software/table -s

Just import it to your project of @NgModule import section.

 imports: [CommonModule, TableModule]
export class AppModule {

Table Component

Creates data grid table with many features. Add the below code to your code stack and give initializer parameters.



Then set data at app.component.ts file:


import {Component} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'lbs-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  tableDummyData: {
    columns: [
      { display: 'ID', variablePath: 'id', filterType: 'text', hidden: false },
      { display: 'zone.name', variablePath: 'zone.name', filterType: 'text', sortable: true },
      { display: 'count', variablePath: 'percentage', filterType: 'range', format: '1.1-3:"en-EN"', sortable: true },
      { display: 'date', variablePath: 'hour', filterType: 'date', format: 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm', sortable: true },
      { display: 'surname', variablePath: 'surname', filterType: 'custom' },
      { display: 'because', variablePath: 'because', filterType: 'number', format: '4.2-3', sortable: true },
        display: 'total',
        variableFunction: (row: any) => row.percentage === 34? row.percentage + ' added text adsasd asdasdasd asdsad ': 0,
        className: 'total',
        sortable: true,
        sortingKey: 'zone.name',
    rows: [
      { id: '1', zone: { name: 'Çorum' }, percentage: 19, hour: '2019-01-13', surname: 'konakcı', because: 2132131 },
      { id: '2', zone: { name: 'Adana' }, percentage: 6, hour: '2019-12-22', surname: 'meydancı', because: 1235 },
      { id: '3', zone: { name: 'İstanbul' }, percentage: 34, hour: '2018-03-13', surname: 'uyar', because: 54466 },
      { id: '4', zone: { name: 'Samsun' }, percentage: 55, hour: '2017-06-15', surname: 'güler', because: 65467 },
      { id: '1', zone: { name: 'Çorum' }, percentage: 19, hour: '2019-12-31', surname: 'sevim', because: 9876543 },
      { id: '2', zone: { name: 'Ceyhan' }, percentage: 6, hour: '2013-05-11', surname: 'çakmak', because: 4556132 },
      { id: '3', zone: { name: 'Şile' }, percentage: 34, hour: '2014-06-05', surname: 'duran', because: 543567 },
      { id: '4', zone: { name: 'Konya' }, percentage: 55, hour: '2019-05-23', surname: 'güleç', because: 743567 },
      { id: '1', zone: { name: 'Diyarbakır' }, percentage: 19, hour: '2019-07-05', surname: 'toraman', because: 98723567 },
      { id: '2', zone: { name: 'Malatya' }, percentage: 6, hour: '2019-03-15', surname: 'kandır', because: 43787654 },
      { id: '3', zone: { name: 'Kastamonu' }, percentage: 34, hour: '2019-08-13', surname: 'misafir', because: 123824 },
      { id: '4', zone: { name: 'Bitlis' }, percentage: 55, hour: '2019-02-03', surname: 'deneme', because: 234567 },
      { id: '1', zone: { name: 'Polatlı' }, percentage: 19, hour: '2019-09-21', surname: 'deneme', because: 23589 },
      { id: '2', zone: { name: 'Van' }, percentage: 6, hour: '2011-11-19', surname: 'deneme', because: 354353 },
      { id: '3', zone: { name: 'Bartın' }, percentage: 34, hour: '2011-03-23', surname: 'deneme', because: 34539 },
      { id: '4', zone: { name: 'Kadıköy' }, percentage: 55, hour: '2016-02-27', surname: 'deneme', because: 93922 },

For API details, please visit http://design.logo.com.tr/#/docs/components/components-overview

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