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The @corbado/react-sdk package is tailored for React applications that require more control over authentication flows, providing a flexible and robust solution for managing authentication states without prebuilt UI components.

🚀 Getting Started


  • React v18+
  • Node.js >=18.17.0 or later


npm install @corbado/react-sdk

Setting up the package

Initialize CorbadoProvider at the root of your application:

import { CorbadoProvider } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

function App() {
  return (
    <CorbadoProvider projectId='pro-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'>
      {/* Your routes and other components go here */}

export default App;

📌 Usage

Accessing Authentication State

If you want to know if the user is currently authenticated or not make use of the useCorbado hook. Use isAuthenticated and loading to check the authentication state.

import { useCorbado } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

const HomePage = () => {
  const { loading, isAuthenticated } = useCorbado();

  if (loading) {
    // Render loading state

  if (isAuthenticated) {
    // Render authenticated state

  // Additional implementation

export default HomePage;

If you need more information about the user (e.g. name, email, etc.) use the useCorbadoSession hook. It also gives you access to the user's shortSession which you can use to make authenticated requests to your backend.

import { useCorbadoSession } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

const HomePage = () => {
  const { loading, user } = useCorbadoSession();

  if (loading) {
    // Render loading state

  if (user) {
    // Render authenticated state

export default HomePage;

Remember to check loading state of the hook before using authentication states.

Implementing Custom Authentication Flows

The @corbado/react-sdk allows for the implementation of custom authentication flows, including login, signup, and conditional UI logic.

Signup with Passkey

For signing up users with a passkey, use the signUpWithPasskey method:

import { useCorbado } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

const SignupPage = () => {
  const { signUpWithPasskey } = useCorbado();

  const handleSignup = async (email: string, username: string) => {
    const result = await signUpWithPasskey(email, username);
    if (!result.err) {
      // Handle successful signup
    } else {
      // Handle signup error

  // Render your signup form here

Signup with Email OTP

For signing up users with a email OTP, use the initSignUpWithEmailOTP & completeSignUpWithEmailOTP method:

import { useCorbado } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

const CompleteEmailOtpSignup = () => {
  const { initSignUpWithEmailOTP, completeSignUpWithEmailOTP } = useCorbado();

  const handleInitSignup = async (email: string, username: string) => {
    const result = await initSignUpWithEmailOTP(email, username);
    //Handle init response, e.g. by rendering an input field where the user can enter the code he has just received.

  const handleCompleteSignup = async (otpCode: string) => {
    const result = await completeSignUpWithEmailOTP(otpCode);
    // Handle completion response

  // Render form to input OTP

Login with Passkey

To implement a login flow using a passkey, use the loginWithPasskey method:

import { useCorbado } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

const LoginPage = () => {
  const { loginWithPasskey } = useCorbado();

  const handleLogin = async (email: string) => {
    const result = await loginWithPasskey(email);
    if (!result.err) {
      // Handle successful login
    } else {
      // Handle login error

  // Render your login form here

Conditional UI Login

Conditional UI logic can be used to streamline the login process. For instance, you might want to automatically prompt the user to use a passkey if available. The loginWithConditionalUI method can be utilized for this purpose:

import { useCorbado, PasskeyChallengeCancelledError } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

const ConditionalLoginPage = () => {
  const { loginWithConditionalUI } = useCorbado();

  const handleConditionalLogin = async () => {
    const response = await loginWithConditionalUI();
    if (!response.err) {
      // Handle successful login
    } else if (response.val instanceof PasskeyChallengeCancelledError) {
      // Handle scenario where passkey challenge was cancelled
    } else {
      // Handle other errors

  // Render your login form here and call handleConditionalLogin in useEffect

Logging Out

Implement logout functionality easily with the logout method from the useCorbado hook:

import { useCorbado } from '@corbado/react-sdk';

const LogoutButton = () => {
  const { logout } = useCorbado();

  const handleLogout = () => {
    // Redirect or perform additional actions after logout

  // UI logic and styling for logout button

export default LogoutButton;

In each of these examples, you're calling different authentication methods provided by @corbado/react-sdk. These methods return a result object that indicates whether the operation was successful (err property) and provides additional details or error information (val property).

Remember to replace the example logic with real implementations that fit the specific needs of your application. The rendering of forms and the handling of form inputs are not covered here, as they can vary greatly depending on your UI library or custom components.

💡 Example Application

📄 Documentation & Support

For support and questions please visit our Slack channel. For more detailed information and advanced configuration options, please visit our Documentation Page.

🔒 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.




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