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2.0.10 • Public • Published


Iterate an array in an asynchronous manner with a progress callback function.


Iterating a large array can block the event loop if the block doesn't include asynchronous code. This can cause the user interface to become unresponsive.

This module provides a method for iterating an array in an asynchronous manner, which helps minimise the risk of blocking the event loop. It also provides a status callback to report the progress of the iteration. This can be useful for providing feedback to the user on the state of a process.

The function returns a Promise, which resolves to an array with the return values.


const results = await asyncEach(array, callbackFn, statusCallbackFn);


  • array
    • The array to iterate.
  • callbackFn
    • A function to execute on each element of the array. The function can return a promise, and the resolved value is aggregated into results. The function is called with the following arguments:
      • item - The current item being processed in the array.
      • index - The index of the item being processed in the array.
      • items - The array being processed.
  • statusCallbackFn
    • An optional callback function to execute on the completion of an iteration. The function takes one argument, which is an object containing the following properties:
      • progress - The total number of items that have been processed.
      • total - The length of the array being processed.
      • percent - The number of items processed, as a percentage of the total number of items to process. This is simply Math.floor((100 * progress) / total).
      • item - The item of the array that was just completed.
      • index - The index of the item of the array that was just completed.
      • result - The resolved return value of the callback function on the item.


The following example squares an array of integers.

import asyncEach from "@chriscdn/async-each";

const results = await asyncEach(
  [1, 2, 3],
  (item, index, items) => item * item,
  (status) => {
    // status can be used to show a progress indicator to the user

// [1, 4, 9];

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  • chriscdn