
0.4.1-alpha.2 • Public • Published


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A lightly-typescriptified API for creating parsers in JavaScript

Jison generates bottom-up parsers in JavaScript. Its API is similar to Bison's, hence the name. It supports many of Bison's major features, plus some of its own. If you are new to parser generators such as Bison, and Context-free Grammars in general, a good introduction is found in the Bison manual. If you already know Bison, Jison should be easy to pickup.

Briefly, Jison takes a JSON encoded grammar or Bison style grammar and outputs a JavaScript file capable of parsing the language described by that grammar. You can then use the generated script to parse inputs and accept, reject, or perform actions based on the input.

This is a fork of Zach Carter zach@carter.name's jison module tweaked to use just enough templates to make typescript compilers tollerate the generated parser. Additional work has gone into passing YY objects through both the parser constructor and the parse(text, yyobject) methods.


@ts-jison/parser-generator can be installed for Node using npm

Using npm:

npm install @ts-jison/parser-generator -g


This works (I'm using it in a few javascript and typescritp projects) and runs the original tests. If you want to geek about this, ping ericP on discord or ericprud on gitter.


  • parser-generator - A lightly-typescriptified version of jison
  • lexer-generator - A lightly-typescriptified version of jison-lex
  • parser - runtime library for parsers
  • lexer - runtime library for lexers
  • common - functions needed by parser and lexer

Jison file structure

By convention, a Jison grammar file has a .jison extension. Unlike Bison/Flex, a single file can hold both the parsing grammar and lexing rules. The grammar file includes:

  1. a section of verbatim input in %{...%} to include in the output file,
  2. lexer directives,
  3. a %% demarcation,
  4. lexer patterns,
  5. a /lex demarcation,
  6. parser precendents and directives,
  7. a %% demarcation,
  8. parser rules.

Calculator example

Every parser generator includes a calculator example. It's not a great example because it evaluates during parsing and most of the time, parser-generators are used to create a parse tree and which is later executed (e.g. parse and SQL query into an execution plan). That said, here's your imperfect calculator example.

Calculator grammar

This example parses and executes mathematical expressions. The example ts-calculator.jison file from the the examples directory.

%{      // 1
function hexlify (str:string): string { // elide TS types for js-compatibility
  return str.split('').map(ch => '0x' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).join(', ')

%lex    // 2
%no-break-if          (.*[^a-z] | '') 'return' ([^a-z].* | '') // elide trailing 'break;'

%%      // 3

\s+                   if (yy.trace) yy.trace(`skipping whitespace ${hexlify(yytext)}`)
[0-9]+("."[0-9]+)?\b  return 'NUMBER'
"-"                   return '-'
"+"                   return '+'
"("                   return '('
")"                   return ')'
<<EOF>>               return 'EOF'
.                     return 'INVALID'

/lex    // 5

%left '+' '-'
%left UMINUS
%start expr

%%      // 7

expr: e EOF                 { if (yy.trace)
                                yy.trace('returning', $1);
                              return $1; } ; // return e

e   : e '+' e               {$$ = $1+$3;}
    | e '-' e               {$$ = $1-$3;}
    | '-' e %prec UMINUS    {$$ = -$2;}
    | '(' e ')'             {$$ = $2;}
    | NUMBER                {$$ = Number(yytext);} ;

The js-calculator.jison example elides types:

%{      // 1
function hexlify (str) { // no parameter or retunr types in javascript

Below are several ways to build and run this demo using make, run scripts, or the command line.

make calculator demo

If you have make installed, you can take advantage of the Makefile in examples to build the typescript calculator:

make ts-calculator-demo

or the javascript calculator:

make js-calculator-demo

Setting the TRACE_CALC environment variable will make the lexer dump whitespace as seen in the \\s+ rule above.

TRACE_CALC=true make ts-calculator-demo

package.json run scripts

The package.json has run scripts called ts-calculator and js-calculator:

npm run ts-calculator

Calculator compilation:

Convert the .jison file to a TS file:

ts-jison -t typescript -n TsCalc -n TsCalc -o ts-calculator.ts ts-calculator.jison

Convert the .jison file to a JS file:

ts-jison -n TsCalc -n TsCalc -o js-calculator.js js-calculator.jison

The output files (js-calculator.js and ts-calculator.ts respectively) need not reflect the name of the input Jison file or the -n <parser class name> arguments.

See GeneratedParser for the structure of the generated parser.

Calculator invocation:

From Typescript, require the examples/ts-calculator.ts, (or ./ if you're already in the examples directory):

const ParserAndLexer = require('./ts-calculator');

  const txt = ``;
  const res = new ParserAndLexer.TsCalcParser().parse(txt);
  console.log(txt.trim(), '=', res);

or for JS:

const ParserAndLexer = require('./js-calculator');

Usage from the command line

You clone the github repository and compile the examples:

git clone git://github.com/ericprud/ts-jison.git
cd packages/parser-generator/examples

or if install ts-jison,:

npm install @ts-jison/parser-generator
cd node_modules/@ts-jison/packages/parser-generator/examples

Now you're ready to generate some parsers:

npx jison calculator.jison

This will generate calculator.js in your current working directory. This file can be used to parse an input file, like so:

echo "2^32 / 1024" > testcalc
node calculator.js testcalc

This will print out 4194304.

Full cli option list:

Usage: jison [file] [lexfile] [options]

file        file containing a grammar
lexfile     file containing a lexical grammar

   -j, --json                    force jison to expect a grammar in JSON format
   -o FILE, --outfile FILE       Filename and base module name of the generated parser
   -d, --debug                   Debug mode
   -m TYPE, --module-type TYPE   The type of module to generate (commonjs, amd, js)
   -p TYPE, --parser-type TYPE   The type of algorithm to use for the parser (lr0, slr, lalr, lr)
   -t, --template                Template directory to use for code generation, defaults to javascript
   -V, --version                 print version and exit

Command line ts-node

npx ts-node -e 'const p = require("./grammar").parser; console.log(p.parse("( ( (\n ) ) )\n"));

Usage from a CommonJS module

You can generate parsers programatically from JavaScript as well. Assuming Jison is in your commonjs environment's load path:

// mygenerator.js
var Parser = require("jison").Parser;

// a grammar in JSON
var grammar = {
    "lex": {
        "rules": [
           ["\\s+", "/* skip whitespace */"],
           ["[a-f0-9]+", "return 'HEX';"]

    "bnf": {
        "hex_strings" :[ "hex_strings HEX",
                         "HEX" ]

// `grammar` can also be a string that uses jison's grammar format
var parser = new Parser(grammar);

// generate source, ready to be written to disk
var parserSource = parser.generate();

// you can also use the parser directly from memory

// returns true
parser.parse("adfe34bc e82a");

// throws lexical error
parser.parse("adfe34bc zxg");

More Documentation

For more information on creating grammars and using the generated parsers, read the documentation.

How to contribute

See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines, how to run the tests, etc.

Projects using Jison

View them on the wiki, or add your own.



Special thanks to Jarred Ligatti, Manuel E. Bermúdez

Please see the license in this directory.

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  • ericprud