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1.0.10 • Public • Published

Trello Bug Reporter

A simple bug reporter for Trello which allows you to automatically create bug report cards in Trello.

The bug reporter will automatically attach a screenshot to the card and assign a priority to the card.

Table of Contents


  • [x] Automatically generate a bug report card in Trello
  • [x] Automatically attach a screenshot to the bug report card
  • [x] Assign a priority to the bug report card
  • [] Automatically attach a log file to the bug report card
  • [] Automatically attach a video to the bug report card


You will need to generate a Trello API key and secret. You can do so using Trello's New Power-Up or Integration form.

Your API credentials will be specific to your chosen workspace.

Once you have generated your key and secret pair. You will need to manually generate a token which can be done by clicking on the Token link as shown below.

Trello's power up form showing how to manually generate a token

Use the generated token and key to initialise the bug reporter.

Specify a Trello board and list

You will need to specify a board and list to which the bug reports will be sent. You can do so by creating a new board and list in Trello (or by using an existing board).

Board ID

You can then retrieve the board ID by appending .json to the end of the board URL. The board ID will be the value of the id property in the JSON response - this will be the first ID value at the very top-right of an unformatted JSON response.

URL example: where would be the typical URL to reach the board.

List ID

You can retrieve the list ID clicking on a card in the list and exporting the card as JSON, steps below:

  1. Open the card
  2. Click Share at the bottom
  3. Click Export JSON
  4. Search that file for "idList"

There may be multiple instances of "idList" in the JSON file - you are looking for the first instance.


npm i trello-bug-reporter


Once you have installed the package and you have your API key, token and Trello IDs, you can use the following code to create a bug reporter instance:

import BugTool from "trello-bug-reporter";

  token: "",
  key: "",
  boardId: "",
  listId: "",

Priority dropdown

The bug reporter will fetch and render a dropdown of Trello labels which are used to prioritise the bug ticket.

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npm i trello-bug-reporter

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  • kyebuff